Understanding the Difference Between Search Box Search and Search/Match

The difference between record search from search dialog pages and using Search/Match is this: You use search box pages to retrieve existing records using limited search criteria to view or update data, and you use Search/Match to use a larger set of search criteria that detect duplicate or multiple records in your database or to identify different records that contain duplicate data that should uniquely identify only one ID.

Maintaining the integrity of IDs and their associated data is important toward maximizing system features and functionality. Search/Match helps you to prevent the entry of duplicate or multiple records by determining whether a person (EMPLID) or an organization (EXT_ORG_ID) already exists in your database before creating (or recreating) the record.

You use Search/Match to define rules and search parameters that determine if duplicate or multiple records exist with the uniquely identifying data relevant to your business processes. You can configure which results fields to display with the returned matching IDs. You can also choose to fully display, mask, or partially mask result field values based on business processes and the level of security that your users need.

You can reinforce the evaluation of possible duplicates by setting up Search/Match to run automatically at save time when a user creates a new ID.