Understanding the Shopping Cart Framework

Note: Technical developers, consultants and, implementers should use the information in this section to identify the skills that are required for implementing the framework and to determine the scope of data that the shopping cart web service operations can exchange between a self-service user interface (that the academic institution builds) and the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. The framework uses the Campus Community Entity Registry feature to perform the data exchange and PeopleTools Integration Broker for the web services. Business and functional analysts should use this documentation to understand how the generic Shopping Cart framework functions.

The Shopping Cart framework provides the generic SCC_SHOPPING_CART service. You can use this service to implement a shopping cart for any Campus Solutions feature.

Like the other Campus Community frameworks, such as List of Values and Entity Registry, the Shopping Cart framework can be used by all Campus Solutions applications. Therefore, the Campus Solutions system maintains the framework code separately as Campus Community shared components. Examples of Campus Solutions applications include Campus Community, Financial Aid, Student Records, Recruiting and Admissions, and Student Financials.

The benefits of using the Shopping Cart framework include:

  • Your effort in building a shopping cart for a Campus Solutions application or a feature is greatly reduced.

    The Shopping Cart framework supports the functionality common to all shopping carts, such as adding items, checking out items, and so on. With the framework already supporting the common functionality, your technical staff can focus their efforts in implementing user interfaces that use this framework.

  • You can improve the code maintenance.

    For example, multiple shopping carts for various Campus Solutions applications or features can use the same Shopping Cart framework code. Therefore, with this framework, you are not repeating the code that is common to all shopping carts.

  • A Campus Solutions application or feature can store the shopping cart data in its own tables, and add, delete, or modify this data.

  • A shopping cart specific to an application or feature can have its own business logic.

    For example, you could add your own logic to validate whether the items, which the user wants to add to a shopping cart, satisfy certain conditions.

The following table lists the service operations for the SCC_SHOPPING_CART service.

Service Operation

Operation Description

Request Message

Response Message


Add an item to the cart




Clears the cart




Get cart request.




Get an item from the cart.




Remove an item from the cart.




Save the cart.




Validate cart item.




Check out from the cart.



Note: The service operations listed in the preceding table are synchronous. These service operations use the SCC_FAULT_RESP message to return the error messages to the online user interface. The SCC_FAULT_RESP message is not part of the Shopping Cart framework, but is a common fault response message owned by Campus Community which any service operation could use to define fault response.

Developers working on the implementation of shopping cart should have strong skills in:

  • A tool or technology to build and deploy a user interface, especially if you want to create the user interface outside of the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system using a language different than PeopleTools.

  • PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

  • PeopleCode.

  • Web services concepts mainly XML, SOAP, and WSDL.

  • Campus Community Entity Registry functionality.