Using Self-Service and Administrator Modes for Online CTM Transactions

When you create a CTM online user interface, you may want to create a self-service version (for example for your students to use) as well as an administrative version. The user interface for the latter can be designed for localized data entry requirements. The administrative version would allow an administrator to login and perform the transaction on behalf of a self-service user. In this case there will be no need to create a new User ID (performed through New User Registration) since the administrator will perform the transaction just as if a standard PeopleSoft Campus Solutions administrative component was used. However, you would take full advantage of the CTM utilities such as storing the data into staging tables, reviewing the staged data, and when ready promote the staged data to the production tables in accordance with the data update rule selected for the transaction. If the administrator did not know the ID for the self-service user, Search/Match could be automatically triggered to find a potential matching candidate.

There is no specific CTM setup to indicate if the transaction is being performed in self-service or in administrator mode. Instead, the logic is done directly from inside a user interface and in the web service request messages you create for a transaction. When administrator mode is used, the request message sent should include the <SCC_ADMIN_MODE> tag as well as any additional input parameters an administrator should populate, if any. When self-service mode is used, the tag should not be present. It is the user interface that dictates if the self-service or the administrator mode is used.

For examples of how this is done, see the request messages delivered with the following AAWS admission transaction service operations:







For example, the request message for SAD_CREATEAPPL service operation when administrator mode is used includes:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

In this case, INSTITUTION, ADM_APPL_CTR and EMPLID are input parameters passed when administrator mode is used.

Note: Specifying an EMPLID as part of the input parameters is optional when administrator mode is used. This is to cover the scenarios where the administrator may not know the ID for the person he or she is performing a transaction for. When no ID is passed, Search/Match attempts to identify or create an ID once the transaction is saved or submitted. If the administrator does specify the ID, Search/Match is not invoked and the ID is used to process the transaction.

Note: As part of the List of Values framework, the List of Values Setup page offers a way to set specific value when self-service mode is used and same for when administrator mode is used. The request message for the List of Values operation (SCC_LOV_REQ message) includes or does not include the <SCC_ADMIN_MODE> to differentiate the requests.

See Setting Up List of Values.

Note: The new user registration service operations (SCC_USERREG_CREATEACCT and SCC_USERREG_AUTHENTICATE) do not support the Administrator mode because only the self-service users can authenticate or create a user account for themselves.