Viewing Student Groups by Student

To view a student group by student, use the View Student Groups by Student component (STDNT_GROUPS_INQS).

This section discusses how to view a student group by student.

Page Name

Definition Name



View Student Groups by Student


Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > View Student Groups by Student

Display student groups to which you have access, by student.

Access the View Student Groups by Student page (Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > View Student Groups by Student).

Field or Control


Select Effective Dates

Enter the type of effective dates to view. Values are:

All: Returns all student groups and displays all effective-dated rows for each group.

Most Current (Any Status): Returns all student groups and displays only the most current effective-dated row, regardless of status.

Most Current Active: Displays the most current active student group row.

Most Current Inactive: Displays the most current inactive status student group row.

Range Selection

Enter a range of student groups to view. Values are:

No Range Selection: Displays the ID From and ID To fields. Unhide the Last Name From and Last Name To fields. Entering a Last Name From 'A' and Last Name To 'D' will return records with last names beginning with A to C and exclude D.

Select Emplid Range: Displays the ID From and ID To fields. Enter 0001 in the ID From field and 0010 in the ID To field to view records with IDs from 0001 through 0010.

Select Last Name Range: Displays the Last Name From and Last Name To fields. If you enter A in the Last Name From field and D in the Last Name To field, the system will return records with last names beginning with A through C but excluding D.

Get Results

Click to display the list of students in the specified student group that matches the search criteria you entered.


Click to view additional details about the ID. You will be transferred to a student group page view in correction mode. You can make changes in this view. If you make changes and click the Apply button so the View Student Groups by Student page appears. You must refresh the View Student Groups by Student page to view your changes. You can also click the OK or Cancel button to display the View Student Groups by Student page.