Prerequisites for Using FERPA Web Services

Before using FERPA web services, review these assumptions:

  • Campus Solutions is considered the system of record for FERPA restrictions.

  • FERPA does not regulate whether you can move data from one system to another. It is about the public exposure of the FERPA-controlled data.

  • Before you can apply and manage FERPA privacy control, you must establish FERPA privacy control fields.

  • Before you can allow students to identify publications for which they release FERPA privacy restrictions, you must set up your institution's publications.

  • The value of the FERPA flag (Y/N) value is exposed in both the FERPA service and the Constituent Web Service (CWS).

    The default value is set to (N), no restrictions set. If any FERPA restriction record fields are specified the FERPA flag is set to (Y). The CWS does not expose WHAT record/fields are restricted.

  • Customers need to build the privacy controls/filters in their integrated systems to manage publication of FERPA data to avoid exposing FERPA data to 3rd parties.

In addition, before using FERPA web services, your application server must be configured such that the publish/subscribe servers are running, and domains and gateways are configured. In addition, in order to use the PERSON_DATA queue for web services, configure the Queue Definitions page so that the PERSON_DATA Queue Status is set to Run. You must also configure the integration gateway using Integration Broker.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker