Managing Aggregate Aid

To ensure that a student does not exceed annual and lifetime limits for certain award programs, it is critical that the system maintain and assess a complete history when determining aid eligibility. Financial Aid provides several options and methods to maintain aggregate aid to ensure that Packaging adheres to eligibility requirements and award limits.

NSLDS data can be used to update aggregate aid system tables. For more information,

See Setting Up Aggregate Aid.

See Using NSLDS Data and Processes.

This section discusses how to:

  • Update aggregate aid.

  • Assign aggregate sources.

Page Name

Definition Name



Aggregate Aid Data


Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Update Incoming Aggregates > Aggregate Aid Data

View or update lifetime total amounts for each aggregate area.

Aggregate Source


Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Assign Aggregate Source > Aggregate Source

Set the aggregate source to assess a student's lifetime aggregate aid history during the Awarding and Packaging process.

Access the Aggregate Aid Data page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Update Incoming Aggregates > Aggregate Aid Data).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Aid Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Aggregate Aid Data page

This page displays the student's aggregate aid data by Aggregate Area and allows the entry of data by Aggregate Area and Aid Year. In addition to manual update, the data displayed on this page can be updated by the internal NSLDS Push process. The Packaging Aggregate Source and type of aggregate area determine how the elements that appear on this page are used in the packaging process.

Two major award limit checks are performed during the packaging process:

  • The Lifetime limit check uses the total fields that the Packaging Aggregate Source Indicator designates:

    • If the Packaging Source is NSLDS, then the NSLDS Total amounts are used to identify the amount of lifetime limit expended.

    • If the Packaging Source is PS (PeopleSoft), then the Undergrad and Graduate Lifetime Total Used amounts are used to identify the amount of lifetime limit expended.

  • The Annual limit check, regardless of Packaging Source, always assesses any aggregate level detail entered for the aid year being packaged.

Field or Control



Displays the aggregate total that has been loaded and pushed from NSLDS tables. You can override this value to enter lifetime totals that are applicable to the context aid year.

Note: As of Aid Year 2010, NSLDS Total is not used in the calculation of Pell awards.

NSLDS Undergrad Total

Applicable only for the aggregate area defined as a federal TEACH grant. NSLDS Undergrad Total is calculated during the aggregate push routine, by summing applicable NSLDS transactions by TEACH program and academic levels 0 – 5. You can override this value to enter lifetime totals that are applicable to the context year.

NSLDS Grad Total

Applicable only for the aggregate area defined as a federal TEACH grant. NSLDS Grad Total is calculated during the aggregate push routine, by summing applicable NSLDS transactions by TEACH program and academic levels 6 – 7. You can override this value to enter lifetime totals that are applicable to the context aid year.

Override (override for NSLDS Total)

Select this check box to override the NSLDS Total field value. If an override is performed, the date/time stamp and operator ID is captured.


Click this link to view detailed NSLDS data that has been loaded to the student's record. A link appears for aggregate areas that have a valid NSLDS aggregate cross-reference.

Percent Scheduled Used

Displays the percentage of a student's Pell Grant Maximum (Max) Scheduled Award used at prior institutions from NSLDS or, if overridden, manually populated by the user. Valid values are 000.0 to 200.0. The field can exceed 100.0 when a student has received the Max Scheduled Award for first Pell Grant (Pell1) plus a partial or Max Scheduled Award for second Pell Grant (Pell2) at prior institutions. Packaging always uses the Percent Scheduled Used as part of its Pell eligibility determination regardless of the designated Aggregate Source (NSLDS or PS).

Override(override for Percent Scheduled Used)

Select this check box to manually override the Percent Scheduled Used field value.

Total % Used

Displays the sum of Percent Scheduled Used and the percent of Pell Grant awards already packaged by the system for the aid year. Valid values are 000.0 to 200.0.

Note: The system uses these internal fields (not displayed on any pages) to calculate Total % Used: Max Scheduled Award (full-time, full-year Pell Grant award based on Pell COA and EFC), and student's remaining Pell Grant eligibility (Max Scheduled Award minus Percent Scheduled Used).

Lifetime Eligibility Used

Displays the student's Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used as a percentage.

Valid values are 0000.0000 to 9999.9999. This field is populated by the Aggregate Push routine and can be manually overridden by the user.

Override(override for Lifetime Eligibility Used)

Select this check box to manually override the Lifetime Eligibility Used field value.

Undergraduate Lifetime Total

View lifetime totals from all undergraduate grade levels. The amount is updated as a result of the Awarding and Packaging process. It includes any external award amounts entered on this page for the corresponding aid year. Used when Packaging Aggregate Source = PS.

Graduate Lifetime Total

View lifetime totals from all graduate grade levels. The amount is updated as a result of Awarding and Packaging process. It includes any external award amounts entered on this page for the corresponding aid year. The student's undergraduate total may also be included, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits. Used when Packaging Aggregate Source = PS.

Cumulative: The student's undergraduate amount of this aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit. For example, if the student's undergraduate amount is 20,000 USD and the graduate amount is 40,000 USD, then the student cannot receive more than 40,000 USD for this aggregate area.

Distinct: The undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked separately. For example, if the student's undergraduate amount is 20,000 USD and the graduate amount is 40,000 USD, then the student can receive up to 60,000 USD for this aggregate area.

Aggregate Level

Select an aggregate level that corresponds with the external award data entered for the student.

School Code

Select a school code that corresponds with the external award data entered for the student.

Award Amount

Enter the amount of the expected award that corresponds with the external award data entered for the student.


Click to access the Aggregate Loan Data page and enter loan and lender information for CommonLine loans.

Access the Aggregate Source page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Assign Aggregate Source > Aggregate Source).

To assess a student's lifetime aggregate aid history, Aggregate Source directs the Awarding and Packaging processes to use either the NSLDS aggregate totals or system generated undergraduate lifetime and graduate lifetime totals. You can set the aggregate source at the financial aid installation default level and on the Packaging Status Summary page, in addition to each of the award page components. This option permits you to assign the aggregate source value in batch for an individual student, all students, or a subset of students. The batch assignment process updates the aggregate source value on the student's Packaging Status Summary page.

Field or Control



Select the institution for which you want to create a request file.

Population Selection

Field or Control


All Students

Select to request that the aggregate source value established on FA Installation Defaults be used for all students for the selected aid year.

Students in List

If you select this option, a grid displays that permits you to enter a list of student IDs.

Use Query

If you select this option, a Select Query button appears. When you click the button, the system displays a standard Select Query lookup page. You should enter the full or partial name of the query as a search key because the prompt goes through the entire list of available queries in the database. Because the Batch Inform File requires certain fields in a particular order, you can only use queries that return the required fields. A baseline query (SFA_AGGR_SOURCE) is delivered that you can use to create a population of students. Minor changes to the query may be required to suit your institutional needs. You can also define your own query using PeopleSoft Query Manager. We recommend that you use SFA_AGGR_SOURCE as a model or template.

Aggregate Source

Field or Control


FA Installation Default

Select to assign a value of Default to the Aggregate Source on the Packaging Status Summary page.


Select to assign a value of NSLDS to the Aggregate Source on the Packaging Status Summary page.

PS Aggregates

Select to assign a value of PeopleSoft to the Aggregate Source on the Packaging Status Summary page.