Setting Up Financial Aid Processing

To set up financial aid processing, use the ISIR Data Load Parameters component (ISIR_INST_CONTROL), the Maintain ISIR Comment Codes component (ISIR_MESSAGES), the Maintain EDI Transactions component (FA_ECTRANS), and the Define Commit Levels component (PROCESS_COMMIT_TBL).

This section provides an overview of financial aid processing setup and discusses how to:

  • Define ISIR data load options 1.

  • Define ISIR data load options 2.

  • Define ISIR data load options 3.

  • Define ISIR institutional search match.

  • Set severity levels for ISIR reject reasons.

  • Set severity levels for ISIR comment codes.

  • Set up Financial Aid EDI transactions.

  • Set up commit levels for COBOL processes.

This section describes the setup for inbound and outbound ISIR file processing.

Inbound processes are used to load Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) Central Processing System (CPS)/FAFSA Processing System (FPS) and to evaluate and load error files. Not every inbound process requires a separate setup. In this section, you set up the data load parameters for loading ISIRs from the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) staging tables into the system database.

You can control the file information that appears on the ISIR Electronic Commerce (EC) Queue Review and Loan EC Queue Review pages. This information is populated by the system and does not require any additional setup unless you want to change the file information that appears on the EC Queue pages.

Processing ISIRs Out of Sequence

The load process ensures that the system processes ISIR files in the order that they are loaded into the ISIR staging tables. This is achieved by using the EC Queue instance number assigned to each ISIR file as the FA EC File Inbound processes it. As long as a school loads its ISIR files based on the creation date by the CPS/FPS, the load process addresses them in order. If schools use the Process ISIR run control page to restrict the types of files to be processed, the system processes those files in load order.

If the system cannot load ISIR files into the staging tables in the proper sequence, ISIR records with a lower ISIR transaction number than the current loaded ISIR can load. However, the Federal Methodology (FM) EFC/SAI and federal database match information from the older ISIR does not update the current information. You can view that information on the Packaging Status Summary panel group.

Using the EFC/SAI Override Option

You can override the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI) for a student. Because schools may not want to enforce an EFC/SAI override at the point a new ISIR is loaded, the ISIR Data Load Parms option of EFC/SAI Override Encountered controls how these records would be processed. The system enforces this option only when the Call INAS/SAI option is not used. Based on the setting of this option, the following occurs during the ISIR Load process:



Ignore EFC/SAI Override Values

The system processes the ISIR as if a prior EFC/SAI override never existed. The EFC/SAI values that are calculated during the ISIR load function normally. An EFC/SAI Status Message of EFC/SAI Override Ignored posts on the ISIR Inbound Summary nn/nn component.

Suspend Incoming Record

The system automatically suspends the ISIR record for manual review by the staff. A new suspend reason of EFC/SAI Override Found posts.

Use EFC/SAI Values

The system loads the ISIR, but uses established EFC/SAI override values instead of recalculating them from the ISIR information. The system posts an EFC/SAI Status Message of EFC/SAI Override Used on the ISIR Inbound Summary nn/nn component.

Updating NSLDS History from the ISIR

When an ISIR is loaded, the NSLDS data on the ISIR updates the NSLDS tables if the Transaction Process Date on the ISIR is greater than the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables. If the Transaction Process Date on the ISIR is equal to the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables, the process compares the NSLDS Transaction Numbers. NSLDS data on ISIRs that are suspended can be allowed to load by using the Load NSLDS Data option on the ISIR Load Options 1 page.

See Defining ISIR Data Load Options 1.

NSLDS sends system generated ISIRs to schools whenever a change occurs to the student's eligibility status within the National Student Loan Database System. It's important to load this information in a timely manner in order to have the most recent eligibility information on file. NSLDS data that is loaded can also be 'pushed' to the aggregate tables to allow the packaging routine access to the NSLDS data when evaluating aid eligibility. Use the NSLDS Data Push routine to push data into the aggregate tables.

See Using the NSLDS Data Push Process.

Determining the ISIR Type During the ISIR Load

The ISIR load process determines the type of ISIR record—applications, corrections, or system generated—by reviewing each individual ISIR. The system accomplishes this by reviewing the Transaction Data Source/Type field on the ISIR.

Note: For a complete description of the Transaction Data Source/Type field values, review the U.S. Department of Education's Technical Manual for Electronic Data Exchange (EDE).

For the 2023-2024 and prior Aid Years, this table indicates the Transaction Data Source/Type values that are selected for processing based on the ISIR Type selected on the ISIR Load Run Control page.

ISIR Load Run Option

Transaction Data Source/Type


1A, 2A, 2B, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2R, 2T, 3A, 3E, 3G, 3R, 4A, 4B, 4J, 4K, 4R, 4U, 4V, 5S, 6A, 6B, 6E, 6F, 7G, 7H, 7R, 7T

System Generated

5D, 5L, 5M, 5N, 5P, 5W, 5X, 5Y


1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C

For the 2024-2025 and future Aid Years, ISIR transactions have a Transaction Type of "A" for "Application" or "C" for "Correction". System Generated ISIRs have a Transaction Type of "C" and Transaction Source of "5" for "FAFSA Processing System (FPS)".

Page Name

Definition Name



ISIR Load Options 1


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 1

Define how ISIR data from the CPS/FPS is loaded into the system.

ISIR Load Options 2


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 2

Define how ISIR data from the CPS/FPS is loaded into the system.

ISIR Load Options 3


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 3

Define how corrected ISIR data from the CPS/FPS is loaded into the system.

ISIR Inst SearchMatch


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Inst Search Match > ISIR Inst SearchMatch

Define how ISIR records are processed when identified by the Search Match process. You can avoid duplicate records and determine whether the ISIR records are loaded into the database as new records, are appended to existing records in the database, or are ignored.

ISIR Reject Reasons


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Reject Reasons

Review delivered ISIR reject reasons and set severity levels.

ISIR Comments


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Comments

Review delivered ISIR comment codes and set severity levels. Database Match Use setting can be adjusted to control treatment by the Packaging process. This page links the comment codes with the long description or text defined by ED.

Financial Aid EDI Transactions


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > Maintain EDI Transactions > Financial Aid EDI Transactions

Set up financial aid Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transactions. Control the EDI transactions that can be viewed in the ISIR File Review and Loan EC Queue Review pages.

Setup Commit Levels


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Define Commit Levels > Setup Commit Levels

Set up commit levels for COBOL processes. Control the commit levels for the ISIR Suspense Load (FAPSAR00) and ISIR Correction Build (FAPCOR00) COBOL processes.

Access the ISIR Load Options 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 1).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 1 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) Load Options 1 page

These load parameters are for processing all initial ISIR records and system-generated ISIRs.

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

ISIR Load Options

Field or Control


Use Current Date as Effdt (use current date as effective date)

Select to use the current date as the effective date of the ISIR information loaded into the ISIR Data Corrections component. If you do not select the check box, the system uses an effective date based on the CPS/FPS transaction processed date.

Call INAS/SAI (call Institutional Need Analysis System/Student Aid Index calculator)

Select to enable any ISIR that is loaded to immediately run the FM NAC program using the current Federal options. If you do not select this check box, the ISIR is queued for Mass EFC/SAI processing.

Load NSLDS Data (load National Student Loan Data System data)

Select this check box to direct the system to load new NSLDS data into the NSLDS tables when an ISIR is suspended or discarded—that is, skipped—and not loaded into the system.

NSLDS data is loaded for suspended ISIRs under these conditions:

  • Search Match must not be called by the ISIR load process; this occurs automatically if an ISIR has been previously loaded for the student (for any aid year).

  • A current year ISIR must be previously loaded for the student.

  • The Transaction Process Date on the ISIR must be greater than the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables. If these dates are the same, the process compares the NSLDS Transaction Numbers.

  • The NSLDS match flag cannot be 7 (match but no data provided) or 8 (record not sent to NSLDS).

Require FA Term

Select to require that at least one active FA Term record for the corresponding Aid Year exists in order for the record to be considered for addition to the ISIR Application tables.

Note: The option to use the CPS/FPS transaction processed date as the effective date for the loaded data is available only for initial ISIR records loaded for the aid year. When all corrected ISIRs are loaded, the system uses the current date as the effective date.

Update Address Options

Field or Control


Discard Incoming Address

Select to prevent a student's address information from being updated in personal data when an ISIR is loaded.

Add if blank - Do not update

Select if, when the ISIR is loaded, the student has no active address in personal data that matches the address usage criteria.

Always Update

Select to always update the appropriate address when the ISIR is loaded.

Override Address Type

Select to force the ISIR address to be loaded into a specific address type rather than use the ISIR address usage parameters set in the Process Demo Setup page.

Update Name Options

Field or Control



Select if, when the ISIR is loaded, the student has no active name in personal data that matches name usage criteria, to update the data with the ISIR name.

Update Bio/Demo Options

Field or Control



Select to update these bio/demo fields when the ISIR is loaded:

  • Date of Birth

  • Marital Status (and As of date)

  • Gender

  • Citizenship Status

  • Visa Number

Update Email Options

Field or Control



Select to prevent a student's email information from being updated in personal data when the system loads an ISIR.

Add if blank

Select if the student does not have an active email address in personal data that matches the defined usage criteria when the system loads an ISIR. The system creates an email address using the highest ranked email type defined in the usage criteria. If an existing matching address type exists, an update does not occur.

Always Update

Select to always update the appropriate email address when the system loads an ISIR. The system updates the highest ranked address and phone type defined in the usage criteria.

Update Phone Options

Field or Control



Select to prevent a student's phone information from being updated in personal data when the system loads an ISIR.

Add if blank

Select if the student does not have an active phone number in personal data that matches the defined usage criteria when the system loads an ISIR. The system creates a phone number using the highest ranked phone type defined in the usage criteria. If an existing matching phone type exists, an update does not occur.

Always Update

Select to always update the appropriate phone number when the system loads an ISIR. The system updates the highest ranked phone type defined in the usage criteria.

Update Drivers License Options

Field or Control



Select to prevent a student's driver's license information from being updated in personal data when the ISIR is loaded.

Add if blank

Select to enable the following to occur:

  • If driver's license information exists for the student in the Campus Community records, the system does not load the ISIR information.

  • If no driver's license information exists in the Campus Community records, the system loads the ISIR information.

Always Update

Select to always update the driver's license fields when the ISIR is loaded. The system checks for an exact match of the driver's license number and driver's license state.

If the system cannot locate an exact match, it deletes any entries for the student in the driver's license table where either the state or the license number match, and then inserts a new row with the driver's license number and state from the ISIR.

Access the ISIR Load Options 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 2).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 2 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) Load Options 2 page

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

These load parameters are for processing all initial ISIR records and system-generated ISIR's.

During the ISIR Load process, the program processes these Data Load Parameters in the following order:

  1. Inst. Review Status Completed

  2. Ed Verification Completed

  3. ISIR Rejects

  4. Add Admit Level/ Suspend Admit Level

  5. EFC/SAI Override Encountered

The incoming ISIR record must meet the criteria defined at each processing step in order to be eligible to load.

ISIR Routing Controls

Field or Control


Student Status Add Level

Select the minimum admit level that a student must have for the system to load the ISIR to the application tables. Values are:

0 - Load Everyone

1 - Recruits or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Student Status Suspend Level

Select the minimum admit level that a student must have for the system to suspend the ISIR. Values include:

0 - Anyone not loaded

1- Recruit or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Inst. Review Status Completed (institutional review status completed)

Select instructions for handling the ISIR if the institutional review status is complete. This status is maintained on the Packaging Status Summary page. Values are: Discard Incoming Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming Record.

Ed Verification Completed (educational verification completed)

Select the instructions for handling the ISIR if the educational verification is complete. This status is maintained on the Packaging Status Summary page. Values are: Discard Incoming Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming Record.

ISIR Rejects

Select the instructions for handling rejected ISIRs. Values are: Discard Incoming Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming Record.

System Generated Load Option

Field or Control


System Generated ISIR Action

Select the way in which system-generated ISIRs should be processed.

All system-generated ISIRs follow the same ISIR load options and routing control rules as regular, noncorrection ISIRs. Select from these values:

  • Discard Incoming Record: Does not load the record; sets ISIR load status to Skip.

  • Force Load Record Choosing this option bypasses the following Data Load Parameters when trying to load the ISIR record:

    • Inst. Review Status Completed

    • Ed Verification Completed

    • ISIR Rejects

    All other Data Load Parameters are still checked.

  • Load Record: Processes the record and loads it if the load parameters are met.

  • Suspend Incoming Record: Suspends ISIRs that are pending review and sets the ISIR load status to Suspended.

Note: Because these ISIRs can be generated for various reasons, you might suspend all records of this type and first review them in the Suspense Management page before loading them. The load process attempts to determine and assign the ID before the record is suspended.

EFC/SAI Override Option

Field or Control


EFC/SAI Override Encountered (expected family contribution/student aid index override)

Select one of the following: Ignore EFC/SAI Override Values, Suspend Incoming Record, or Use EFC/SAI Override Values.

Access the ISIR Load Options 3 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 3).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 3 page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) Load Options 3 page

Use these load parameters for processing all corrected ISIRs. To identify ISIRs corrected by the recipient school, the ISIR Electronic Transaction Indicator (ETI) field value is checked and only those records with a value of 0, 2, 4, or 6 are selected. This indicates that the recipient school initiated the correction record, and you can process the ISIR normally. You can suspend any other ISIR ETI value, except blank, as a non-school initiated correction using the Suspend Other School Initiated and Suspend Student Initiated ISIR load options.

Note: The process of loading corrected ISIRs is not the same as for initial ISIRs. See Processing Inbound Files for details.

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

ISIR Corrections Load Options

Field or Control


Suspend on EFC/SAI Mismatch (suspend on expected family contribution/student aid index mismatch)

Select to suspend the corrected ISIR if the primary EFC/SAI on the ISIR does not match the last calculated primary EFC/SAI for the student stored in PS_ISIR_COMPUTED.PRIMARY_EFC.

Suspend Other School Initiated

Select to suspend ISIRs that are initiated by another school or the CPS/FPS.

Suspend Student Initiated

Select to suspend ISIRs that are initiated by the student.

Note: A school-initiated correction is processed with the Suspend on EFC/SAI Mismatch load option set. If no previously loaded ISIR exists, the process treats the condition as an application ISIR and follows the application ISIR load parameter settings. This allows initially rejected ISIRs corrected by the school to load as initial application ISIRs.

Because a student has likely already been processed for financial aid when you receive the corrected ISIR, the system provides INAS options.

INAS/SAI Call Options

Field or Control


Always Call EFC/SAI Calc (always call Institutional Need Analysis System)

Select to run the FM NAC calculation as the ISIR is loaded into the application tables. This is similar to the Call INAS check box on the ISIR Load Options 1 page.

Store EFC Calc/SAI Calc Request (store Institutional Need Analysis System calculation request)

Select to store the ID and aid year of the record for later Mass EFC/SAI processing.

Call EFC/SAI Calc if EFC/SAI Change (call Institutional Need Analysis System if expected family contribution change)

Select to run an FM NAC calculation only if the primary EFC/SAI on the ISIR does not match the last calculated primary EFC/SAI.

Never Call EFC/SAI Calc (never call Institutional Need Analysis System)

Select to disable the system from calling the FM NAC when the ISIR is loaded. This feature doesn't support future Mass EFC/SAI calculation.

Access the ISIR Inst SearchMatch page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Inst SearchMatch).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inst SearchMatch page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) Inst (institutional) Search Match page

You determine how restrictive to make the Matching process. The system searches on the match that you select by reviewing personal data until it finds a match. When the search and match process runs, the program starts with the first order number and moves through the order numbers until it finds a match. If the system finds no matches at any level, then the option that you selected in the No Match Found group box takes effect. To load all students into the system regardless of match, override the No Match Found level.

Note: The search match options apply only to ISIRs where no prior year ISIR was loaded into the database.

The system displays the aid year and school code.

Field or Control


Search Parameter

A search parameter is a set of one or more search rules that you order sequentially with the lowest (or first) search order level as the most restrictive, and the highest (or last) search order level as the least restrictive. A search parameter must be created even if it contains only one search rule.

No Match Found

Field or Control



Select an option to indicate the action the system takes when the Search Match process does not find a matching record. Values are:

Add: The system adds the record to your database and generates a new ID for the ISIR.

Suspend: The record is put in suspense.

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped; the ISIR is not loaded and is ignored by the load process.

The Match(es) Found group box has one row for each search match criteria order defined by your institution. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the levels of search criteria.

Match(es) Found

Field or Control


Order Nbr (order number)

Displays a separate listing for each order number level of search criteria. The number of search match levels depends on the Search Parameter you selected to use for the ISIR load process.

One Match

For each order number, select an option to determine how the system processes the record. Values are:

Update: The system updates the existing record with the matching record.

Suspend: The system assigns a suspended load status to the matching record.

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped.

Multiple Matches

For each order number, select an option to determine what to do with the record. Values are:

Suspend: The system assigns a suspended load status to the matching record.

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped; the ISIR is not loaded and is ignored by the load process.

****Parameters Refreshed****

The system displays this message in red text when the ISIR Institutional Search Match parameters are not saved or the global Search Match parameters are not changed since you last updated this page. If you change parameters and do not save the changes or if you make a change since the last changes were made, the system displays this message.

You may want to create a Financial Aid-specific Search Parameter that can perform the ISIR search match function more efficiently than the provided PSCS_TRADTIONAL. For example, you may want to create a search parameter that contains a single search match order that does a last name, Social Security number, and student birth date match.

Access the ISIR Reject Reasons page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Reject Reasons).

The ISIR Message Tables component enables you to review delivered ISIR messages and assign a level of severity to each reject reason and comment code, to indicate the action required by financial aid staff.

Warning! ISIR reject reasons and ISIR comment codes are defined by ED and are delivered to your institution with each academic year release update. You can update the message tables if the CPS/FPS modifies the values after their initial release.

The system displays the aid year and institution. PSUNV is the default institution for the ISIR reject reasons. You do not need to create records for your institution values.

ISIR Reject Reasons

Field or Control



Displays information assigned to the ISIR reject reason by ED. These codes appear on a student's SAR and ISIR.


Displays the description, using the codes assigned to the ISIR reject reason by ED by default. The description and the accompanying code appear on a student's SAR and ISIR.

Severity Level

Indicates the level of importance of the reject reason and whether action is required. You can design local ISIR workflow processes using this field as criteria for ISIR review or communication with the student. Select from these values:

1 - Action Req: Requires action.

0 - Ignore: Requires no action.

Access the ISIR Comments page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Comments).

The system displays the aid year and institution. PSUNV is the default institution for the ISIR comment codes. You do not need to create records for your institution values.

The Campus Solutions system compares ISIR comments on the student's record to the ISIR Comment table to evaluate eligibility for federal aid. Each comment is associated with a severity level. The severity level associated with the DB Match Use field triggers how the system handles the database match during packaging. As an administrator, you can reset the predefined severity level value assigned to each ISIR comment.

ISIR Comment Codes

Field or Control



Displays codes from a table delivered by ED. These codes may appear in Part 1 of a student's SAR or ISIR.


Displays a description of the associated code from a table delivered by ED. The description may appear in Part 1 of a student's SAR or ISIR.

Severity Level

Indicates the level of importance that you want to attach to the comment code and whether action is required. You can design local ISIR workflow processes using this field as criteria for ISIR review or communication with the student. Select from these values:

0 - Ignore: Requires no action.

1- Action Required: DB Match problem requires action.

2 - Action required. SAR C Flag on file.

Based on these severity levels, if a student has an ISIR comment with a severity level 1 or 2 and the DB Match Use value is not blank, the system does not award the student federal aid until the errant condition, and therefore the corresponding ISIR comment, are resolved.

DB Match Use

The DB Match Use value corresponds to a ED database match.

Note: INAS Calc Type selection is restricted to IM for the latest available processing year until FM NAC is delivered.

Note: You can use the override option on the Database Matches page to override this functionality. For example, if the student has an ISIR comment with a severity level of 1 or 2, you can invoke the corresponding database match override to make the student eligible for federal aid.

See Reviewing the U.S.E.D. Database Match Process.

Access the Financial Aid EDI Transactions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > Maintain EDI Transactions > Financial Aid EDI Transactions).

Field or Control


EC Transaction ID (electronic commerce transaction ID)

Displays the electronic commerce name specified for the EDI file.


Displays whether the file is inbound (to be loaded into the database) or outbound (generated by the system to be sent to an external trading partner).


Displays the description of the EDI file.

FA Use (financial aid use)

Displays the financial aid business process that the EDI file supports. Values are: Blank, CommonLine, Direct Lending, ISIR, and Pell.

The system displays EDI transactions with FA Use value of ISIR in the ISIR EC Queue Review page and displays EDI transactions with FA Use value of CommonLine and Direct Lending on the Loan EC Queue Review page.

If you set the FA Use field to blank, the system does not display those EDI transactions review page. You might do this with prior year EDI transactions that you no longer want to appear.

Access the Setup Commit Levels page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Define Commit Levels > Setup Commit Levels).

Field or Control


Fin Aid Default Commit Level (financial aid default commit level)

Enter the default commit level, which indicates to the system when to save records while processing for any process that does not have a specific commit level assigned to it on this page. For example, if you enter 50, the system saves the processing after every 50 records that it processes. If you do not enter a value in this field, the default commit level is 0, which directs the system to save after each record is processed.

Process Name

Enter or select the process name for which you want to set commit levels. Insert additional rows for each process for which you want to set a commit level.

Commit Level

Enter a numeric value for the commit level for each process. The commit level instructs the system when to save records while it is running a process. For example, if you enter 50, the system saves the processing after every 50 records that it processes.

Note: The appropriate commit levels to use depend on your production environment, such as the type of database, size of database, and hardware. Commit levels should be set by knowledgeable technical staff only.