Working with Auto Verification

This section discusses how to:

  • Use auto verification.

  • Edit student level tolerances.

  • Edit verification status.

  • Compare verification results.

Page Name

Definition Name



Auto Verification


Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Auto Verification > Auto Verification

Perform comparison of source and target data. Compare income documents to financial aid applications or compare ISIR to Institutional data. View comparison results to determine whether to update the target table with source information.

Student Tolerance Setup – FED


Click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification page.

View or edit federal tolerance levels.

Student Tolerance Setup – INST


Click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification page.

View or edit institutional tolerance levels.

Edit Verification Status


Click the Edit Status button on the Auto Verification page.

View or change verification codes or statuses.

Verification Compare Results


Click the Field Comparison Detail link on the Auto Verification page.

View a summary of fields that were compared and for which the system indicated a variance.

Access the Auto Verification page (Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Auto Verification > Auto Verification).

Verification is the process of comparing source data to a target set of data. Use this page to set up verification parameters.

Field or Control


Verification Type

Select from:

Federal: Applies federal setup rules to this verification.

Institutional: Applies institutional setup rules to this verification.


This is a translate field and should not be adjusted. Values are:

Inst App: Data from the Institutional Application tables.

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Tax/Verif: Selected data from the Application Data Verification pages created from the Consolidate routine.


This is a translate field. Translate values should not be adjusted. Values include:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application tables.

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Application Type

Values are:

Inst App: Institutional application

Profile: PROFILE application

FT - CSL: Full-time Canadian student loan

PT - CSL: Part-time Canadian student loan

Set to Send ISIR Correction

Select this check box to set the Correction Status to Send on ISIR corrections when the Apply Changes button is selected.

Use Student Level Override

Select this check box to apply verification tolerance levels for this student. This selection overrides the tolerance levels set up at the global level. Select when you want to activate changes made in the Student Tolerance setup.

Verification Sequence

Displays the verification sequence number, which tracks multiple background processes. Row insertion is suggested for sequencing online iterations. Use it to track the results and accompanying verification setup performed for this student.

Perform Compare

Click this button to compare your target and source data and to activate the Field Comparison Detail link when variances are found.

Apply Changes

Click this button to move marked fields to the target tables when fields that you mark as Apply in Field Comparison Detail (see View Field Comparison Detail) are acceptable.

Student Tolerance Setup

Click this link to open a page to view or edit fields or the tolerance amount at the student level.


The system displays the results of the most recent verification setup. The fields include Date, Tolerance, Variance, Execution Type, FED Verification Status, INST Processing Status, and Pass or Fail.

Click the Edit Status link to access the Edit Verification Status page, where you can change the program-generated verification statuses for federal and institutional verification and processing.

Access the Student Tolerance Setup page (click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification page).

Use these pages to override Verification setup for individual students.

Field or Control


Total Tolerance Federal and Total Tolerance Institutional

Enter an number to override the Total Tolerance setup.

Field Tolerance

By field, check the Dependent and/or Independent box as needed to ignore the field in Tolerance calculations.

Access the Edit Verification Status page (click the Edit Status button on the Auto Verification page).

You can update the verification and processing status fields that reside on the Packaging Status Summary page. The compare process automatically updates the status to Pending if the comparison results exceed the tolerance. If the ISIR transaction number is 1 and the verification process passes, then the verification status changes to Accurate.

Note: The Field Comparison Detail link is active only after the Perform Compare is run.

Use the Field Comparison Detail link to view the field differences on the Verification Compare Results page. Only fields that have differences appear. To use the source data to update your target tables, select the Apply check box for the fields. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value remains the same as that in your target.

Access the Verification Compare Results page (click the Field Comparison Detail link on the Auto Verification page).

This page lists fields with differences. You can select to update all or only select fields for moving to ISIR or Institution tables.

Field or Control



Select this check box to use the source data to update your target tables. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value remains the same as that in your target.


Displays if the source data has been used to update your target tables.


Displays data from the source table, tax/verification, ISIR, or institutional application.


Displays data from the target table, ISIR, or institutional application.


Displays the difference between the source and target information.