Understanding CRM for Higher Ed

Note: CRM for Higher Ed is an extensive feature. To fully understand the functionality, it is important to read the identified CRM documentation sections and the related Developer's Guide.

The PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education 9.1 release deeply integrates with Campus Solutions for best practice recruitment and retention business process flows, and shares and transfers data between the two systems. This new feature extends the ability to utilize Campus Solutions (CS) and PeopleSoft CRM together to improve institution goals in recruiting and retention. CRM for Higher Ed functionality primarily impacts three areas within CS:

  • Prospective student recruiting, including test score processing.

    See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education, "Recruiting Students"

    See Understanding External Test Score Data Processing

  • Retention

    See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education, "Retaining Students"

    See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education, "Service Center for Higher Education"

  • The 360-degree view of constituent records and constituent support services.

    See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education, "Working with the 360-Degree View"

CRM uses CS Search/Match functionality to look for suspect and prospect records, so that your institution can identify and resolve any potential duplicate records. CRM then updates the records as applicants. CRM also respects CS user security; if a user ID is the same in both CRM and CS, then access is the same in both systems.

Some CS setup is required, to enable interaction with CRM for Higher Ed, on the Student Admin Installation and Configure Integrations components. Additional PeopleTools setup and configuration is also required in Integration Broker to define the services and messaging that facilitate information sharing between the two systems. The CS and CRM systems must be connected and synchronized to enable CRM for Higher Ed to function properly. The CRM for Higher Education Developer's Guide contains detailed information on setting up Integration Broker.

Important! Your system must have PeopleTools release 8.5 installed to properly use CRM for Higher Ed functionality.