Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Homepages

Oracle’s PeopleSoft has two user interfaces:

  • PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface is a responsive interface that dynamically adapts according to the size of the browser window on various devices (smartphone, desktop, laptop, or tablet).

    Oracle delivers Fluid pages for a variety of Campus Solutions self-service transactions. With PeopleTools 8.55, PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface is set as the default interface.

    Fluid mode is enabled in web profiles. If Fluid mode is disabled, Fluid pages and content references throughout the system are disabled. Users can still access the Classic versions of pages that have both Classic and Fluid versions, but transactions that exist only as Fluid components are not accessible. If Fluid mode is enabled, an additional web profile setting controls whether Fluid mode is available on desktop devices as well as mobile devices. On desktop devices, Fluid pages appear only if the browser supports the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface. Users with older browsers see only Classic pages even if Fluid mode is enabled for desktop devices.

  • PeopleSoft Classic User Interface is designed to be used on a laptop and desktop.

    This interface was previously known as PIA (PeopleSoft Internet Architecture).

PeopleTools documentation regarding the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface includes:

  • PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, Working With PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

  • PeopleTools: Fluid User Interface Developer’s Guide

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, Administering Homepages and Dashboard Pages

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, Creating and Managing Tiles

  • PeopleTools: Portal Technology, Working with Navigation Pages and Navigation Collections

Fluid Homepages

Homepages are collections of tiles that users select to access transactions. A homepage can display different tiles on different form factors.

Users can have multiple homepages. The main Fluid Home provides access to all of these homepages. Fluid Home appears when users sign into the system in Fluid mode (that is, when users sign in from a mobile device or, if Fluid is enabled for desktop devices, from a browser that supports Fluid pages). Users can additionally access the Fluid Home by selecting Fluid Home from the Classic menu.

Fluid Home initially displays the user’s default homepage. To access a different homepage, users select the homepage title and then select a different homepage from the list that appears. Selecting a tile on a homepage opens the corresponding transaction. Most of the delivered tiles open Fluid pages, but a few open Classic pages.

Homepage tiles can also display dynamic information. Depending on how the homepage and tiles are set up, users can choose which tiles appear on each homepage.

Campus Solutions delivers the following homepages, which are described in these topics:

Navigation Collections

To facilitate navigation to other components that use the Classic interface, Campus Solutions delivers sample navigation collections on the Campus Solutions Administrator Home page. Navigation collections provide an alternative to menu navigation and allow generic users to create their navigation collections and tiles.

For more information, see Working With Navigation Collections.

A standard banner appears at the top of every Fluid page. The banner includes the page title and these standard buttons:



Recently Visited(Recently Visited)

Select to view the list of pages you recently accessed.


Select to see a list of pages you tagged as a favorite.


Select to see access accessibility-related functions like screen reader or keyboard shortcuts.

Search icon(Search)

Select to access Global Search functionality.

Note: Related actions from Global Search results are not supported on phones, but they are supported when viewed on laptops and tablets.

Home icon(Home)

Select to return to the main PeopleSoft Homepage.

Notifications icon(Notifications)

Select to view actions and alerts in a notifications window.

Actions List icon(Actions List)

Select to see a list of available actions for the current window. The Sign Out command is always available under this menu, as are context-appropriate personalization options.

Navigation Bar icon(Navigation Bar)

Select to use the Navigation Bar (NavBar). The NavBar provides handy navigation options such as Recent Places, My Favorites, Navigator (which expands to show the Classic menu hierarchy), and Classic Home. Users can also add and remove Fluid tiles from the NavBar using personalization options.

Depending on the homepage setup, you may be able to personalize your homepage. For information on personalizing homepages, see “Working With Fluid Homepages” in PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, Working With PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.