Processing Enrollment Cancellation

The Enrollment Cancellation process selects students for enrollment cancellation when they are past due on their fee payments. You can set up the system to cancel individual classes within a term, individual classes within a session, the entire term, or the entire session for students who meet the past due requirements that you define. You can apply enrollment cancellation criteria to all students in your institution or only to students in specific tuition groups or academic programs. You have the flexibility to define enrollment cancellation rules that meet the specific needs of your institution.

The Enrollment Cancellation process in the Student Financials application selects only students for cancellation. The actual cancellation process is completed in PeopleSoft Student Records using the Student Records Term Withdrawal process (SRPCWDPR).

Page Name

Definition Name



Enrollment Cancellation 1


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Cancel Enrollment > Enrollment Cancellation 1

Define student selection criteria for enrollment cancellation.

Enrollment Cancellation 2


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Cancel Enrollment > Enrollment Cancellation 2

Define charges, offset payments, cancellation options, and service indicators for enrollment cancellation.

Enrollment Cancellation


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Review Enrollment Cancellation > Enrollment Cancellation

Review results of the Enrollment Cancellation process.

Enrollment Cancellation Messages


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Review Cancellation Messages

Review messages generated by the Enrollment Cancellation process.

Access the Enrollment Cancellation 1 page (Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Cancel Enrollment > Enrollment Cancellation 1).

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select the business unit for the students that you are reviewing.

Report Only

Select to view which students are eligible for cancellation without completing the process. The results of the report are available when you click the Display Cancellation link.

Display Cancellation

Click to view cancellation results. It does not matter whether the Report Only check box is selected. The system displays results for the Class Cancellation process you have run.

Display Cancellation Messages

Click to view enrollment cancellation warning and error messages.

Cancellation Type

Define which enrollments are canceled by running the process. The cancellation type works in conjunction with the Cancel Completed Classes and Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes on the Enrollment Cancellation 2 page to determine what type of request the Enrollment Cancellation process generates for a student.

Field or Control


Term Cancellation

Select to cancel all the classes that a student is taking for a term.

If you select this option and you also select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a term cancellation request for each selected student.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop, instead of a term cancellation request, for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a term cancellation request.

Session Cancellation

Select to cancel all the classes that a student is taking for a session.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a session cancellation request for each selected student.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop, instead of a session cancellation request, for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates a session cancellation request.

Class by Class Within Term

Select to cancel individual classes within a term.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class in the term, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount that you specify. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a term cancellation request.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a term cancellation request.

Class by Class Within Session

Select to cancel individual classes within a session.

If you select this option and you select the Cancel Completed Classes check box, the Cancel Classes With Grades check box, or both, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class in the session, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount that you specify. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a session cancellation request.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and a student has either completed a class or has a graded class, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop for the student's uncompleted and ungraded classes. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount.

If you select this option, you do not select the Cancel Completed Classes or the Cancel Classes With Grades check boxes, and the student has no completed or graded classes, then the Enrollment Cancellation process generates an enrollment request with an action of drop. The system drops each class, one by one, until the past due amount is less than the Subsequent Amount. If the request results in all classes being dropped for a student, then the process generates a session cancellation request.


Enter the term for which you are canceling enrollments. This field is required.


Enter the session for which you are canceling enrollments if you are using either session option.

Selection Criteria

Select which students you want to review for enrollment cancellation processing.

Field or Control



Select to review all students in the business unit who meet the criteria that you specify. If you select this option, the Tuition Group and Academic Program fields are not available.

Tuition Group

Select n to review students within a specific tuition group.

Academic Program

Select to review students within a specific academic program.

Aging Criteria

Field or Control


By Date

Select and enter a date to indicate that any student with a past due amount on the specified payment date should be selected for enrollment cancellation.

By Days

Select and enter the number of days to indicate that any student with a past due amount for the number of days specified should be selected for enrollment cancellation.

Past Due

Field or Control


Initial Amount

Enter the initial past due amount that places a student in the enrollment cancellation process. Students with past due amounts that are lower than the initial amount are not selected.

Subsequent Amount

This field is available only when the Class by Class Within Term or Class by Class Within Session option is selected. The system uses this information to automatically cancel classes one by one until the past due amount is less than the subsequent amount.

Example of the Class by Class Cancellation Process with Subsequent Amount

A student enrolls in four classes at a cost of 300 USD per class, but pays only 300 USD. For enrollment cancellation purposes, the initial amount is 600 USD and the subsequent amount is 350 USD. The system selects the student as eligible for enrollment cancellation because the past due amount is 900 USD, which exceeds the specified initial amount. The first class that is cancelled lowers the past due amount to 600 USD. Because this figure is still higher than the subsequent amount (350 USD), the system cancels a second class, which brings the past due amount to 300 USD. Because this figure is lower than the subsequent amount specified, no more classes are cancelled.

Access the Enrollment Cancellation 2 page (Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Cancellation > Cancel Enrollment > Enrollment Cancellation 2).

Field or Control


Display Cancellation

Click to access the Enrollment Cancellation page, where you can review details about students with cancelled enrollment.

Display Cancellation Messages

Click to access the Enrollment Canc Messages page, where you can review cancellation messages.

Item Group Selection

Field or Control


Item Group

Select the appropriate item group to indicate the specific charges to be included in the past due amount.

From/To Term

Enter the From/To Term range for picking up the charges.

Unapplied Payments, Unapplied Financial Aid, Anticipated Aid

To reduce charges by certain types of unapplied payments, unapplied financial aid, or anticipated aid, select the option and then enter the appropriate item group and the from/to term range for picking up these credits.


Field or Control


Cancel Completed Classes

Select this option to cancel classes that have been completed but not graded. The system does not cancel any classes for which the student has received grades.

Cancel Classes With Grades

If grades have been entered, and you want to include graded classes in the cancellation process, select this option to cancel classes with grades.

Eligible to Enroll

If you select this check box, the Enrollment Cancellation process selects the Eligible to Enroll check box on the Term Activation page for students selected by the process. If you do not select this check box, the Enrollment Cancellation process clears the Eligible to Enroll check box on the Term Activation page for students that were selected by the process.

Service Impact

Field or Control


Service Impact

Enter a service impact to exclude students from the enrollment cancellation process. Those students with the service impact are not selected for the enrollment cancellation process.

A positive service impact should be setup up as date and term specific in Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Impact Table. For more information, see Defining Service Impact Codes.

The term on a service indicator is not an "effective term" and must be reset every term unless the generic term 0000 term is designated on the service indicator. Your positive service indicator should be setup with Default start term and default start date enabled in Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Service Indicators > Service Indicator table.

For more information on creating service indicators, see Creating Service Indicator Codes.

Note: Service indicators are institution specific. A service indicator set at one institution is not respected by another institution.