Understanding Cashiering

This section lists common elements and provides an overview of cashiering.

Field or Control


View First Group icon

Click to view the first group of receipts.

View Previous Group icon

Click to view the previous group of receipts.

View Next Group icon

Click to view the next group of receipts.

View Last Group icon

Click to view the last group of receipts.

Ref Nbr (reference number)

Enter a reference number to help organize and track your transactions. This is not a required field.

On a daily basis, the cashiering office collects and tracks a large number of transactions when students and other customers pay tuition, library fines, and fees. With the Student Financials cashiering program, you can perform a variety of transactions quickly, securely, and accurately. The inquiry and report features of the system support your audit trails for maintaining integrity in the system. In addition, the system enables you to design how each transaction interacts with the general ledger.