Aggregate Offshore Return: Provision Entity

The Create Extract process creates Provision entities for Offshore plans and Offshore subplans. That is, the process selects only those subplans for which the Offshore Sub-Plan check box is selected on the Sub-Plan HESA page. If you have selected the Enable Sub-Plan Reporting check box on the HESA Returns page, the process selects only those subplans for which you have selected the Report to HESA and Offshore Sub-Plan check boxes on the Sub-Plan HESA Data page. Also, the process selects only those plans for which the Offshore Plan check box is selected on the Plan HESA Data page. If you have not selected the Enable Sub-Plan Reporting check box, the process selects only those plans for which you have selected the Report to HESA and Offshore Plan check boxes on the Plan HESA Data page.

Return: Aggregate Offshore

Entity: Provision

Pages Used:


Page Element

Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Provision entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. If Provision entity is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Aggregate Offshore

Entity: Provision

Pages Used:


Page Element

Campus (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > Codes and Mappings > Code Mappings > Campus)

HESA Institutions Own Campus

Taxonomy/Campus (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Program Table > Taxonomy/Campus)


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Provision entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. If Provision entity is based on a subplan, select the associated program's campus from the Taxonomy/Campus page. Use the HESA Institutions Own Campus value mapped to the selected campus.

  3. If Provision entity is based on a plan, select the associated program's campus from the Taxonomy/Campus page. Use the HESA Institutions Own Campus value mapped to the selected campus.

  4. Use default.

  5. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Aggregate Offshore

Entity: Provision

Pages Used:


Page Element

Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Provision entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. If Provision entity is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Aggregate Offshore

Entity: Provision

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Provision entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive this value by performing a similar selection as for the existing Instance return but restricting the selection to the plan and subplan of each Provision entity. The return will contain just the count. However, in the log file list each student included in the count including their EMPLID, and plan or subplan.

  2. If students are not found, derive as 0.

In the first step, the process includes students who have a plan or subplan that overlap the reporting period and have been enrolled; that is, the student either has a status of Enrolled or has an associated enrolled classes that the student enrolled on or before reporting period end date

Note: If the process does not return a HEADCOUNT value for the plan or subplan, include the student in the extract but do not include the student in the XML file.

Return: Aggregate Offshore

Entity: Provision

Pages Used:


Page Element

Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Provision entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. If Provision entity is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.