Clearing the Resource Queue Table

This section provides an overview of the resource queue table and discusses how to clear the resource queue table.

For organizations that schedule classes with facility conflict checking activated, the resource queue table is a useful feature that prevents users from double booking facilities. When a user begins the class scheduling process, the system inserts a row in the resource queue table (via a COBOL program). This row signifies that someone within the organization is currently scheduling facilities. If another user attempts to reserve a facility, the system presents them with a message that resources are currently being allocated to another process and they must wait.

For example, "The resource you are trying to schedule is currently in use. Try your save again. If after 3 attempts you still cannot save, contact your system administrator."

When the scheduling process finishes, the row is removed from the Resource Queue table.

On occasion, system-wide or local client workstation errors may cause the row to remain in the table, thereby preventing the scheduling of classes. The Resource Queue Cleanup page was designed with this in mind. It is a powerful page, to be used by individuals at the system administrator level. The system administrator can click the Unlock Resource button on the Resource Queue Cleanup page, confirm their selection on the secondary page, and free up the resource.

Page Name

Definition Name



Resource Queue Cleanup


Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Resource Queue Cleanup > Resource Queue Cleanup

Unlock a facility resource.

Access the Resource Queue Cleanup page (Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Resource Queue Cleanup > Resource Queue Cleanup).

Field or Control


Unlock Resource

Click to unlock the resource.