Creating Course Equivalency Groups

Course equivalency groups link different course ID numbers as equivalent for requisite checking purposes. The courses themselves can possess different components, requisites, topics, and so on. Equivalent course groups are for different course IDs and are, therefore, different from multiple-offering courses.

Complete these steps to create a course equivalency group:

  1. Define an equivalent course group on the Course Equivalencies page.

  2. Add courses to the equivalency group on the Catalog Data page.

  3. Return to the Course Equivalencies page and click the Fetch Equivalencies button to review the group of equivalent courses.

Page Name

Definition Name



Course Equivalencies


Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Equivalencies > Course Equivalencies

Define the course equivalency group.

Access the Course Equivalencies page (Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Equivalencies > Course Equivalencies).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Course Equivalencies page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course Equivalencies page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter an effective date for this equivalent course group. The effective date defines when the status you select is valid. Use a new effective date each time you make a change to an equivalent course group. Insert new rows as needed, and modify the record to track historical equivalent course changes.


Enter a status for this equivalent course group. Select Active when adding a new equivalent course group. The Inactive option should only be used if your institution no longer wants to use this equivalent course group.

Note: If you want to inactivate an equivalent course group, you need to delete that equivalent course group number from each course to which it is attached on the Catalog Data page, and change the status to Inactive on the Course Equivalencies page.

Field or Control


Description and Short Description

Enter the descriptions of the equivalent course group.

Fetch Course Equivalencies

After you attach courses to this equivalent course group on the Catalog Data page, click this button to view all courses linked to the equivalent course group.

This example illustrates how to assign courses to a new equivalent course group.

Assigning Courses to a New Equivalent Course Group (CRSE_EQUIV)

The system displays an effective date and equivalent course group for every course. To determine when data for an effective-dated row is superseded, look at the next row. In the example, the system shows that course ID 001011 was part of Equivalent Course Group 05001 until 09/16/2004. As of 09/16/2004, course ID 001011 became associated with Equivalent Course Group 05102.

Click the Equivalent Course Group link to view other equivalent course groups for a specific course.