Data Futures Return: Curriculum Accreditation Entity

Curriculum accreditation extract records are created if the Include Course Entities on the Create Extract Data page is selected. An entity is created for each Accreditation defined at sub-plan, plan, or program level where Accreditation ID is defined. For each Course entity in the extract for the return with an active status:

  • If the Course.COURSEID is derived from a sub-plan, an entity is created for each eligible record when:

    • at least one eligible accreditation is defined for the sub-plan and has an accreditation ID code. The derivation step for ACCREDITATIONIDCA is set to 1.

    • at least one eligible accreditation is defined for the parent plan and has an accreditation ID code. The derivation step for ACCREDITATIONIDCA is set to 2.

    • the parent plan is associated with an academic program and at least one eligible accreditation exists for the program and has an accreditation ID. The derivation step for ACCREDITATIONIDCA is set to 3.

  • If the Course.COURSEID is derived from a plan, an entity is created for each eligible record when:

    • at least one eligible accreditation is defined for the plan and has an accreditation code. The derivation step for ACCREDITATIONIDCA is set to 2.

    • the parent plan is associated with an academic program and at least one eligible accreditation for the program and has an accreditation ID. The derivation step for ACCREDITATIONIDCA is set to 3.

  • If no entities have been created in the previous steps, and Country is Northern Ireland or Scotland, and Course.TTCIDC = 01 or 02, a single entity is created with ACCREDITATIONIDCA and VALIDFROM derived as NULL ERROR with derivation step 4.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Curriculum Accreditation

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data — Accreditation

Accreditation ID

Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Accreditation ID

Sub-Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Accreditation ID

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If Course entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA Data.

  2. Derive from Plan HESA Data.

  3. Derive from Program HESA Data.

  4. If Country = Northern Ireland or Scotland, and Course.TTCIDC = 01 or 02, derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Curriculum Accreditation

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid From

Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid From

Sub-Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid From

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If parent Course is based on a sub-plan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  2. Derive from Plan HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  3. Derive from Program HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  4. If Country is Northern Ireland or Scotland and Course.TTCID = 01 or 02, derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Curriculum Accreditation

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid To

Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid To

Sub-Plan HESA Data — Accreditation

Valid To

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If parent Course is based on a sub-plan, derive from the Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  2. Derive from Plan HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  3. Derive from Program HESA Data converted to YYYY-MM-DD format.

  4. Derive as null.