Data Futures Return: Engagement Entity

Engagement is the equivalent of Instance. Entities are created for all Student Program/Plan records that are active where the corresponding HESA Instance record is set to Report To HESA = Y. Records will continue to be included until the Student Program/Plan is completed. The compare logic then determines if the entity needs to be reported to HESA either because some of the data has changed (as compared to the main records), or a child entity needs to be reported.

Note: Before running the extract, the Create Student Identifier and Create Instance processes should be run to create SIDs.

Engagement extract records are created only if the Include Student Entities check box has been selected.

If Student Override is selected, the selection is restricted based on the defined EMPLID values. For each distinct Student Career:

  • Select each HESA Instance record for the institution if Report To HESA = Y.

  • Select the most recent relevant effective-dated Student Program record (ACAD_PROG) for the Student Career matched on Academic Institution where the combination of program action and action reason does not appear in the Award Only Mapping for the return.

    Action Reason may be blank in Student Plan and Award Only Mapping. This record will be used for further selection and field derivation.

  • Select the Student Plan record associated with the selected Student Program record.

  • If Enable Sub-Plan Reporting is selected in Returns Setup, then select the Student Sub-Plan (from ACAD_SUBPLAN) associated with the Student Plan record selected.

Students starting in the reporting period are considered active if:

  • They are term-activated for a term that begins within the reporting period, and have at least one enrollment related to that term.

  • They have an FTE value of greater than zero for a period that overlaps the reporting period.

Continuing students are considered active if they have a Program Status defined as eligible for inclusion in Returns Setup.

An entity for the student is created if these conditions are met:

  • The student is in the HIN Population. The HIN Population Year value defined in the HESA Instance record matches the Record Year of the Reporting Period associated with the return, and Report to HESA flag of the HESA Instance record is 'Y'.

  • The new student is starting in the reporting period, and the HIN Population Only parameter isn't selected.

  • The continuing student started before the reporting period and hasn't left or completed as of the start of the reporting period, and the HIN Population Only parameter isn't selected.

  • If a sub-plan has been selected, the Sub-Plan is included in the related Course Extract or Course Master records (that is, previously reported).

  • If no sub-plan has been selected, the Plan is included in the related Course Extract or Course Master records (that is, previously reported).

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if Engagement.ENTRYRTE = 03 or 10.

If the Engagement is subsequently flagged as dormant, the derived value is updated to null and the derivation step is set to zero.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive value from HESA Instance Data.

  3. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive value from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive value from Program Instance HESA Data.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data

Start Date of Instance

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Value as ‘Start Date of Instance’ in the HESA Instance record, if a value has previously been calculated or manually determined and stored

  2. If there is a Research Candidate record for the instance, select the Begin Date (SSR_RS_BEGIN_DT) from the most recent active Consumption record where the effective date is on or before the reporting period end date. Derive as the Begin Date formatted to YYYY-MM-DD. Note: The Status and Consumption Indicator values are not considered.

    The Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) is matched to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR). If multiple records are found the record with the highest candidate number is selected.

    The consumption records (SSR_RS_CONSMPTN) are associated with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number.

    The calculated value is stored in HESA Instance Data.

    SSR_RS_CAND_HDR – PK is EMPLID, INSTITUTION, SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR – potentially there could be more than one header record for an EMPLID, INSTITUTION, CAREER and CAREER NUMBER


  3. Calculated as the earliest Class Start Date for enrolled classes related to the Instance being reported. This selection is similar to that done for StudentOnModule except that it is not restricted to classes overlapping the reporting period and considers enrollments for linked careers: • Select activated Terms for the Student Career of the Instance • For each activated term, select classes with: o Status = Enrolled o Units Taken is greater than zero o Grading Basis matches one of the values defined for Grading Basis Inclusion with the Extract check box selected in HESA Configuration o Repeat Code is not one of the value defined for Repeat Code Exclusion with the Extract check box selected in HESA Configuration • If the student has multiple careers with the same Academic Career value as the career being processed (i.e. same Career but different Career Number) then a further filter is applied to the enrollments. In that case a class is only considered if the program value of the enrollment record (PS_STDNT_ENRL) is null or matches one of the program values in the Student Program records for that career/career number. • If the Instance has been linked to a prior Student Career using the ‘Linked Career’ and ‘Linked Career Number’ fields in the HESA Instance record, then classes for the previous career are also considered • The earliest Class Start Date from all the selected classes is derived The calculated value is stored in HESA Instance Data.

  4. The earliest Effective Date of the HESA Instance Data records.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if all these conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Related Course.TTCIDC = 01


  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  3. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data


Student Program

Expected Graduation Term

Term Table — Attributes (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term/Session Table > Term Table)


HESA Returns Setup — Common Attributes

Common Attributes

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • Course.FULLYFLEX is not 01

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the HESA Instance page.

  2. Derived as the date attribute for the Expected Graduation Term in the most recent Student Program record converted to the YYYY-MM-DD format.

  3. Derive as the Term End Date for the Expected Graduation Term in the most recent Student Program record converted to the YYYY-MM-DD format.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan HESA Data.

  3. Derive from Plan HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Program HESA Data.

  5. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Residency Official 1 (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Identification (Student), Residency Data, Residency Official 1)


Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Plan Offering/Year HESA


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA


HESA Instance Data


Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Northern Ireland

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND isn't 03, 05, 11 or 12.

If the Engagement is subsequently flagged as dormant, the derived value is updated to null and the derivation step is set to zero.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA based on the Academic Load of the student instance.

  3. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Offering/Year HESA based the Academic Load of the student instance.

  5. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  6. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  7. Select the student’s official Residency value and map to a HESA Fee Eligibility code. Residency records are selected for the EMPLID, Institution, and Academic Career for the most recent Effective Term that starts on or before the end of the reporting period. If the mapping to a HESA code can’t be done, an error message is logged.

  8. Use default.

  9. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Residency Official 1 (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Identification (Student), Residency Data, Residency Official 1)


Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Plan Offering/Year HESA


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA


HESA Instance Data


HESA Instance

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND isn't 03, 05, 11 or 12.

If the Engagement is subsequently flagged as dormant, the derived value is updated to null and the derivation step is set to zero.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA based on the Academic Load of the student instance.

  3. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Offering/Year HESA based on the Academic Load of the student instance.

  5. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  6. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  7. Select the student’s official Residency value and map to a HESA Fee Status code. Residency records are selected for the EMPLID, Institution, and Academic Career for the most recent Effective Term that starts on or before the end of the reporting period. If the mapping to a HESA code can’t be done, an error message is logged.

  8. Use default.

  9. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Plan Offering/Year HESA


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA


HESA Instance Data


HESA Instance Data

Year of Program

HESA Instance Data

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

  • A related CourseInitiative.COURSEINITID is not 027.

  • There are no StudentInitiative entities for the Engagement in the extract with STUINITID of 027 or 030.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  3. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Offering/Year HESA for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  5. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  6. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  7. Use default.

  8. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include when these conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Engagement.ENTRYRTEE = 02, 03, or 10

If the Engagement is subsequently flagged a dormant, the derived value is updated to null and the derivation step is set to zero.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive value from HESA Instance.

  2. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  3. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive as default.

  6. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • At least one associated CurriculumAccreditation entity associated with the Course with CURACCID = 06919, 11107, or 99902

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND isn't 03, 05, 11 or 12.

If the Engagement is subsequently flagged as dormant, the derived value is updated to null and the derivation step is set to zero.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If entity is based on a subplan, derive from the Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  3. Derive from the Plan HESA Data.

  4. Derive from the Program HESA Data.

  5. Use default.

  6. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data

Own Engagement Identifier

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if all these conditions are met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland

  • Related Course.TTCIDC = 03

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  3. If entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Graduate Research Management > Candidate Management > Consumption and Submission > Additional Information

Attribute (RCSTDID)

HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Types > Common Attributes

Attribute (RCSTDID)

Record Context (SSR_RS_CONSMPTN)

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with D, E, L, or M (except M0002, M0016 and M0018)

  • Engagement.RCSTDNTE is not 9997

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If there is a Research Candidate record for the instance, select the value of the CAF attribute defined for RCSTDID in Returns Setup from the most recent active consumption record where the effective date is on or before the reporting period end date.

    The Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) is matched to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR).

    The consumption record (SSR_RS_CONSMPTN) is associated with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number. The CAF record (SSR_RS_CONSP_CA) is associated with the consumption record.

  2. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for RCSTDID in the HESA Return Setup record.

    The most recent effective dated record with Effective Date on or before the reporting period end date is used.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan HESA (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


HESA Instance Data


Graduate Research Management > Candidate Management > Consumption and Submission > Additional Information

Attribute (RCSTDNTE)

HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Types > Common Attributes

Attribute (RCSTDNTE)

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with D, E, L, or M (except M0002, M0016 and M0018)


  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the HESA Instance Data page.

  3. If there is a Research Candidate record for the instance, select the value of the CAF attribute defined for RCSTDNTE in Returns Setup from the most recent active consumption record where the effective date is on or before the reporting period end date.

    The Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) is matched to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR).

    The consumption record (SSR_RS_CONSMPTN) is associated with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number. The CAF record (SSR_RS_CONSP_CA) is associated with the consumption record.

  4. If Instance.COURSEID is based on a sub-plan, derive from the Sub-Plan HESA page.

  5. Derive from the Plan HESA Data page.

  6. Derive from the Program HESA Data page.

  7. Use default.

  8. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • The related Qualification.QUALCAT is L0000.

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Entry Profile page where the HESA Instance with the highest Registration Number (NUMREG) matches NUMHUS and Report to HESA = Y. The most recent non-future effective dated record is used.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Engagement

Page Used:


Page Element

Person Information (Student) > Identification (Student) > External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England

  • Related Course.TTCIDC = 01

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External System ID Type defined for TRN in the HESA Return Setup record.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.