Data Futures Return: Entry Qualification Award Entity

For each Entry Profile entity in the extract, one or more entities are created when one of the following conditions is true:

Country = England:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C, or is M0002.

  • EntryProfile.HIGHESTQOE begins with P (except for P0013), or is X0000 or X0001.

  • The student has an Engagement entity where HIGHESTQUALOE begins with P (except for P0013), is X0000 or X0001.

  • EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM.

  • There it at least one Entry Qualification record with Report to HESA = Y in the HESA Instance related to the Engagement entity for the student in the extract.

Undergraduate UCAS entrants from all countries:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C, or is M0002.

  • EntryProfile.UCASSCHEMECODE is not null.

  • There it at least one Entry Qualification record with Report to HESA = Y in the HESA Instance related to the Engagement entity for the student in the extract.

PGCE/PGDE students where country = Northern Ireland:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT = M0016, M0018 or H0013 for the qualification associated with the parent Engagement entity.

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE = null.

  • When either one of these conditions is true:

    • The student has an External Degree record with Degree Status of Complete and a Degree Date that falls on or before the reporting period end date.

    • There is no External Degree record and at least one Entry Qualification record with Report to HESA = Y and Type = H0000, H0001, H0002, I0000, or I0001 in the HESA Instance related to the Engagement entity for the student in the extract.

    If both an External Degree and Entry Qualification record are found, only the External Degree is derived.

For entities created from HESA Instance – Entry Qualification, an entity is created for each record where Report to HESA = Y and the QUALTYPEID code has been imported from HESA (based on the imported flag in SSR_HE_CODES). For the PGCE/PGDE coverage, only records with a first degree QUALTYPEID are included.

For entities created from External Degrees, a single entity is created based on the record with the latest Degree Date on or before the reporting period end date where the Degree is mapped to a QUALTYPEID in the Qualification mapping. If no records exist with a mapped QUALTYPEID, a single entity is created based on the latest Degree Date and the QUALTYPEID field will be derived as NULL ERROR.

ENTRYQUALAWARID is created based on the SID and a sequence number.

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Entity: Entry Qualification Award

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications


Entry Profile HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record, derive Result from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive ENTRYQUALAWARDRESULT from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

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Entity: Entry Qualification Award

Because there's no identifier for qualifications other than the ID generated for ENTRYQUALAWARID, this field will be derived as null for all entities.

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Entity: Entry Qualification Award

Page Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications


Entry Profile HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record, derive Result from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive QUALRESULTEQA from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

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Entity: Entry Qualification Award

Page Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications


Entry Profile HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record, derive Type value from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive QUALTYPEID defined in Entry Profile.

  3. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive Degree mapped to Type in the Qualification mapping.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

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Entity: Entry Qualification Award

Page Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications

Award Date

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications


Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees

Degree Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record and Award Date has a value, derived the year element.

  2. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record and Year has a value, derive the value.

  3. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive the year element of Degree Date.

  4. Derive as null.