Data Futures Return: Entry Qualification Subject Entity

For each Entry Qualification Award entity in the extract, up to five Subject entities are created based on either Entry Qualifications or External Degree records.

For records derived from Entry Qualifications, a single entity is created using the Subject value.

For records derived from External Degrees, up to five entities are created based on the HECOS1, HECOS2, HECOS3, HECOS4 and HECOS5 fields defined in Entry Profile. If no subjects are defined in Entry Profile a single entity is created with SUBJECTID derived as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Entry Qualification Subject

Page Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data – Entry Qualifications


Entry Profile HESA Data


Entry Profile HESA Data


Entry Profile HESA Data


Entry Profile HESA Data


Entry Profile HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is created from an Entry Qualification record, derive Subject from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. If the entity is created from an External Degree record, derive HECoS code from Entry Profile.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.