Data Futures Return: Module Instance Entity

Module Instance entities are created based on enrolled or dropped Student Enrollment records for activated terms for the career where the class section dates overlap the Student Course Session or reporting period.

An additional check includes enrollments where the Grade Date is in the reporting period.

  • The SCS start date is set to the derived SCSSTARTDATE if that has a date value (that is, not null or NULL ERROR). Otherwise, it's set to the reporting period start date.

  • The SCS end date is set to the derived SCSENDDATE if that has a date value (that is, not null). Otherwise, it's set to the reporting period end date.

Each Module Instance is linked to a Module by MODID and has a unique identifier, MODINSTID. For each Student Course Session entity in the extract:

  • For each activated term for the related Student Career, select classes from Student Enrollment (STDNT_ENRL) with:

    • One or more of the following based on Class Section dates from CLASS_TBL or from OEE dates are appropriate: Start Date in the SCS dates, or End Date in the SCS dates, or Start Date prior to the SCS start date and End Date after the SCS end date, or Grade In/Official has a value and Grade Date is in the reporting period.

    • Status (STDNT_ENRL_STATUS) = E (Enrolled), or D (Dropped) and the Drop Date is on or after the class Start Date.

    • Units Taken (UNT_TAKEN) is greater than zero or FTE is greater than zero for the associated HESA Module.

    • Grading Basis (GRADING_BASIS_ENRL) matches one of the values defined in the “Grading Basis Inclusion” region with the Extract check box selected in HESA Configuration, e.g. GRD (Graded).

    • Repeat Code (REPEAT_CODE) is blank or isn't defined in the Repeat Code Exclusion region with the Extract check box selected in HESA Configuration.

    • Enrollment Action Reason (ENRL_ACTN_RSN_LAST) is blank or isn't defined in Drop Reason Exclusion region with the Extract checkbox selected in HESA Configuration.

    • If the student has multiple careers with the same Academic Career value as the career being processed (i.e. the same career value with different career numbers) then a further filter is applied to the Class enrollments. In that case a Class is only included if the program (ACAD_PROG) of the enrollment record (in STDNT_ENRL) matches one of the programs in the Student Program records for that career/career number.

    • For each record, determine the MODID and validate.

      Determine MODID as concatenation of Course ID plus Course Offering Number from the related Course Offering record.

      Validate the MODID exists in the Module Extract record for the return or the Module submitted data record for the institution.

      If the MODID doesn't exist, the record is excluded and a message is logged.

    • For each valid record, entities are created using the key structure of the parent Student Course Session extract record along with the MODINSTID (see below) and MODID.

      MODINSTID is generated as the SCSESSIONID plus MODID.

  • If one or more Module Instance entities have been created (i.e. some class enrollments have been included) and either the derived PREDICTEDSTULOAD or derived STULOAD in the extract for Student Course Session is greater than zero, or there is a ReferencePeriodStudentLoad entity in the extract or submitted data with a derived RPSTULOAD greater than zero.

    • The combination of the student’s Plan and Year of Program (from the derived YEARPRG for the related Student Course Session) is used to form the MODID and this value is checked against the Module Extract and Module submitted data records to verify that the combination exists as a dummy module.

      If the student’s sub-plan is being reported the parent Plan is used to create a dummy record.

    • If the MODID exists and the “Always Include” check box is selected in HESA Dummy Module Detail, a single Module Instance entity is created using MODID. Otherwise, Year of Program wasn't determined, or the MODID doesn't exist, or “Always Include” isn't selected, an entity isn’t created.

  • If no Module Instance entities have been created and either the derived PREDICTEDSTULOAD or derived STULOAD in the extract for Student Course Session is greater than zero, or there is a ReferencePeriodStudentLoad entity in the extract, or submitted data with a derived RPSTULOAD greater than zero:

    • The combination of the student’s Plan and Year of Program is used to form the MODID and this value is checked against the Module Extract and Module submitted data records to verify that the combination exists as a dummy module. If the student’s sub-plan is being reported, the parent Plan is used to create a dummy record.

    • If the MODID exists, a single Module Instance entity is created using MODID. Otherwise, Year of Program wasn't determined or the MODID doesn't exist, an entity isn’t created.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student OEE Enrollment Data

Start Date/End Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes

Start Date/End Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as null for dummy modules.

  2. For OEE enrollments, if the OEE Start Date is before the SCSSTARTDATE and the OEE End Date is on or after the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  3. For standard enrollments, if the Start Date of the Class Section is before the SCSSTARTDATE and the End Date for the Class Section is on or after the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Pages Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student OEE Enrollment Data

End Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes

End Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes > Associated Class Attributes

CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE

Returns Setup > Common Attributes

Common Attributes (CLASS_ASSOC)

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment

Drop Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as null for dummy modules.

  2. For OEE enrollments, if the OEE End Date is before the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  3. For dropped enrollments, if the Drop Date is before the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  4. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE is defined for the Class Section with a date before the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  5. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE isn't defined for the Class Section, and the End Date of the Class Section is before the SCSSTARTDATE, derive as 01.

  6. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Module Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the Module related to the Module Instance is not MODLANGID = null.

Derivation Steps: Derive as 100.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Currently, fees are reported in Student Course Session Fee Amount (SCSFEEAMOUNT) and not reported at Module Instance level, so MIFEEAMOUNT will be derived as null. The related StudentCourseSession.FEEMETHOD field will also be derived as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. For class enrollments, derive the concatenation of Course ID plus Course Offering Number from the related Course Offering record.

  2. For dummy modules, derive Plan code and Year of Program.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

Maintain Schedule of Classes

End Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes > Associated Class Attributes

CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE

Returns Setup > Common Attributes

Common Attributes (CLASS_ASSOC)

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment

Drop Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. For dummy modules, derive a value if the SCSENDDATE is within the reporting period.

  2. If INACTIVEMOD = 01, derive as SCSSTARTDATE.

  3. For OEE enrollments, if the OEE End Date is within the reporting period and on or before the SCSENDDATE, derive in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  4. For dropped enrollments, if the Drop Date is on or before the reporting period end date and is on or before the SCSENDDATE, derive in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  5. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE is defined for the Class Section with a date within the reporting period and on or before the SCSENDDATE, derive in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  6. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE is not defined for the Class Section, and the End Date for the Class Section is within the reporting period and on or before the SCSENDDATE, derive in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  7. Derive a value if SCSENDDATE is in the reporting period.

  8. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student OEE Enrollment Data

Start Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes

Start Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. For dummy modules, derive as the SCSSTARTDATE.

  2. For OEE enrollments, the OEE Start Date is derived in YYYY-MM-DD format if the date is on or after the SCSSTARTDATE.

  3. For standard enrollments, the Start Date for the Class Section is derived in YYYY-MM-DD format if the date is on or after the SCSSTARTDATE.

  4. Derive as SCSSTARTDATE.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment

Grading Basis / Grade In/Official

Maintain Schedule of Classes

End Date

Maintain Schedule of Classes > Associated Class Attributes

CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE

Returns Setup > Common Attributes

Common Attributes (CLASS_ASSOC)

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment

Drop Date

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if MODINSTENDDATE is not null.

Derivation Steps:

  1. For dummy modules, derive as 96 (not coded).

  2. For enrollments where a Grade is recorded and is mapped to an Outcome code, derive the mapped outcome code.

    To map the outcome, the Grading Scheme is determined either from the Academic Program of the student (if a Grading Scheme is defined), otherwise from the Academic Career of the student.

  3. If the Enrollment Status is Dropped, derive as 03 (not completed).

  4. For OEE enrollments, if the OEE End Date is after the SCSENDDATE, derive as 06.

  5. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE is defined for the Class Section with a date after SCSENDDATE, derive as 06.

  6. For standard enrollments, if a CAF date attribute for MODINSTENDDATE is not defined for the Class Section, and the End Date for the Class Section is after the SCSENDDATE, derive as 06.

  7. Use default.

  8. If Country = Northern Ireland or Scotland, derive as NULL ERROR.

  9. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Module Instance

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment

Grading Basis / Grade In/Official

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Country = Northern Ireland

  • ModuleInstance.MODULEOUTCOME = 01

  • Either CourseInitiative.COURSEINITID = 004 or StudentInitiatives.STUINITID = 004

Derivation Steps:

  1. For enrollments where a Grade is recorded and is mapped to a Result code, derive the mapped result code.

    The grade mapping is as per MODOUTCOME but mapped to Module Result rather than Module Outcome.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.