Data Futures Return: Qualification Awarded Entity

For each Engagement entity in the extract, entities are created based on either Qualification Awarded records defined in HESA Instance or Student Degree records.

Entities are created if these conditions are met:

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null.

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11, or 12.

  • Select HESA Qualification Awarded records for the HESA Instance record for the Student Registration, or

  • Select Student Degree records related to either the Student Plan or the Sub-Plan being reported. If the Sub-Plan is being reported all Degree records associated with the parent Student Plan record are considered.

    • The Student Plan is determined with respect to the most recent non-future effdt record in ACAD_PLAN. Note: For Qualification Awarded the selection includes consideration of rows where the action/reason combination is defined under Award Only Mapping.

    • Degrees are considered if the Degree Status is Awarded and either one of these is true:

      — A QUALAWARDDATE attribute setup for the return is defined for the Student Degree, with a date that falls within the reporting period.

      — There is no QUALAWARDDATE attribute defined in Student Degree and the Confer Date falls within the reporting period.

    Note: If the attribute is set up in the return and a value is defined for the Student Degree but the date does not fall within the reporting period, the record won’t be included.

For Qualification Awarded (from HESA Instance), the QUALID is selected directly from the record.

For Student Degrees the QUALID is derived as the combination of Degree and Degree Plan record with lowest Plan Sequence. If a sub-plan is being reported (SSR_HE_LEVEL_FLAG = S), the Degree Sub-Plan with the lowest Sub-Plan Sequence (if defined) is included after the degree plan, or if a plan is being reported (SSR_HE_LEVEL_FLAG = P), the Degree Plan record with next lowest Plan Sequence after the Primary Plan (if defined) is included after the primary degree plan.

The QUALAWARDID is derived as the same value as QUALID (unique identifier for qualification) and is also derived as NULL ERROR if the QUALID doesn’t exist in the extract or MST records.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Qualification Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data – Qualification Awarded


Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees > Degree Honors

Honors Type/Honors Code

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if any one of these conditions is met:

  • Country = England

  • Country = Scotland or Northern Ireland, and Qualification.QUALCAT = M0002, H0003, H0004, H0005, H0009, or I0001 for the QUALID from the current Qualification extract records, or the most recent Qualification submitted data (MST) record.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from Instance HESA Data – Qualifications Awards, derive as the Result value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees, derive as the Degree Honors Type (DH) and Honors Code mapped to a Result using the HESA Classification mapping. If there are multiple Degree Honors records, the record with the lowest Honors Number is used.

  3. Use default, e.g. 9999 Not applicable

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Qualification Award

Page Used:


Page Element

Graduate Research Management > Thesis Management > Thesis Submission

Thesis Title

Graduate Research Management > Candidate Management > Research Topic

Thesis Title

HESA Instance – Thesis Details

Intended Thesis Title

HESA Instance – Qualification Awarded

Thesis Title

Field Derivation Rule: If the following conditions are met a value is derived:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT = D0003 for the QUALID from the current Qualification extract records, or the most recent Qualification submitted data (MST) record.

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE does not exist.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from Instance HESA Data – Qualification Awarded, derive as Thesis Title from Qualification Awarded.

  2. If the entity is derived from Instance HESA Data – Qualification Awarded, derive as Intended Thesis Title from Thesis Details.

  3. If there is a Research Candidate record for the related Instance, derive the Thesis Title from the latest (by EFFDT and EFFSEQ) Thesis Management record.

    Note: The Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) is matched to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR).

    The thesis records (SSR_RS_THESIS) are associated with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number.

  4. If there is a Research Candidate record for the related instance, derive the Thesis Title from the latest (by EFFDT and EFFSEQ) Research Topic record for the record with the highest sequence (SSR_RS_TOPIC_SEQ).

    Note: The Research Candidate record (SSR_RS_CAND_HDR) is matched to the instance on EMPLID, Institution, Career and Career Number to find the Research Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR).

    The topic records (SSR_RS_TOPIC) are associated with the Research Candidate record by EMPLID, Institution and Research Candidate Number.

  5. Derive as null.