Data Futures Return: Reference Period Student Load

For each Student Course Session entity in the extract, a single entity is created for each Student Course Session if Country = England or Northern Ireland.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Reference Period Student Load

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data - FTE

Reporting Period

HESA Instance Data - FTE

Calculated FTE

HESA Instance Data - FTE

Override FTE

HESA Instance Data - FTE

Report Zero

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. If there is an FTE record associated with the HESA Instance with a Reporting Period value that matches the Reporting Period of the return, and the Report Zero check box is selected, derive as zero.

  2. If there is an FTE record associated with the HESA Instance with a Reporting Period value that matches the Reporting Period of the return, and the Override FTE value is greater than zero, derive the value.

  3. If there is an FTE record associated with the HESA Instance with a Reporting Period value that matches the Reporting Period of the return, derive Calculate FTE.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Reference Period Student Load

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Returns Setup

Reporting Period

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps: Derive as 01.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Reference Period Student Load

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Returns Setup — Reporting Period

Reporting Period > Record Year

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps: Derive as the Record Year of the Reporting Period code for the return.