Data Futures Return: Student Accreditation Aim Entity

For each Engagement entity in the extract, a single entity is created when any one of these conditions is true:

  • Country = England and Course.TTCIDC = 01 or 02 for the Course entity related via COURSEID for the parent Engagement entity (stored in Engagement extract but reported as part of Student Course Session).

  • The related Course for the Engagement has at least one Curriculum Accreditation entity in the extract or submitted data (CURACCID in the range 05802 to 05809, or in the range 06901 to 06920, or in the range 11101 to 11108).

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Accreditation Aim

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


HESA Instance


Note: This field is included as ITTPHSC in the XML file.

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Step:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. Derive from Sub-Plan HESA Data.

  3. Derive from Plan HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Program HESA Data.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.