Data Futures Return: Student Course Session Entity

For each Engagement entity in the extract, a Student Course Session (SCS) is created if the student is deemed to be “active” for the reporting period.

For new students (those starting in the reporting period), Engagement entities are created only if the student is deemed to be active, that is, their term is activated with enrollment or with FTE. A Student Course Session is created for each student starting in the reporting period, that is, Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE is in the reporting period.

For continuing students (those with ENGSTARTDATE prior to the reporting period), a Student Course Session entity is created if any of the following conditions is met:

  • The student has been term-activated for a term that overlaps the reporting period and has at least one enrolled class related to that term.

  • For activated terms for the related Student Career, at least one class exists in Student Enrollment (STDNT_ENRL) where Grade In/Official has a value and Grade Date is in the reporting period.

  • The student has an FTE value of greater than zero for the reporting period of the return, or for a reporting period that has dates that overlap the reporting period of the return.

  • The student hasn’t already been reported as interrupted, dormant, or writing up. This occurs if the following conditions are met:

    • There is no StudentCourseSession entity related to the Engagement in submitted data, or the most recent StudentCourseSession entity in submitted data (by latest effective date and then latest SCSSTARTDATE) has a RSNSCSEND value other than 02 (interrupted).

    • There is no SessionStatus entity related to the Engagement in submitted data, or the most recent SessionStatus entity in submitted data (based on latest effective date and then latest STATUSVALIDFROM date) has a STATUSCHANGEDTO value that isn't 02 (dormant) or 04 (writing up).

The Student Course Session ID is created based on the Engagement, Year of Program from HESA Instance, and a sequence number. The child entities that have a unique identifier (Supervisor Allocation and Module Instance) will use the SCSESSIONID plus their own sequence number.

Processing Previous Student Course Session (SCS)

Earlier Student Course Sessions may not have been reported as completed in the previous reporting period. For example, for students who enrolled from February to January, the previous SCS will overlap and finish within the current reporting period.

To create extract entities for previous Student Course Sessions, these conditions must be met:

  • Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE is before the reporting period start date (that is, it's a continuing student).

  • A current Student Course Session entity has been created in the extract (that is, the student is active, or needs to be reported as dormant).

  • The effective date of the Instance row that's used to create the current SCS entity (stored in the Engagement extract record) is after the reporting period start date.

  • The latest Instance row prior to the reporting period start date (if one exists) has a Year of Program value that's different from the value of the Instance used to create the current first SCS and an Actual Session End value within the reporting period dates.

The SCS extract record is created with Previous SCS = Y, Instance Date = effective date of the preceding Instance record

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Pages Used:


Page Element

Academic Plan


Academic Sub-Plan


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If Course Level for Engagement is Sub-Plan, derive Sub-Plan code.

  2. Derive Plan code.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Fees are reported in SCSFEEAMOUNT and are not reported at Module Instance level in Module Outcome, so FEEMETHOD will be derived as null. The related ModuleOutcome.MIFEEAMOUNT FEEMETHOD field will also be derived as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Graduate Research Management > Thesis Management > Thesis Submission

Graduate Research Management > Candidate Management > Research Topic

Thesis Title

HESA Instance – Thesis Details

Intended Thesis Title

Field Derivation Rule: If all the following conditions are met, derive a value:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT = D0003 for the QUALID associated with the Course of the SCS reported in COURSEID

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If there is a Research Candidate record for the related instance, derive Thesis Title from the latest Thesis Management record.

  3. If there is a Research Candidate record for the related instance, derive Thesis Title from the latest Research Topic record for the record with the highest sequence (SSR_RS_TOPIC_SEQ).

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data (Program Instance HESA Data)


Plan HESA Data (Plan Instance HESA Data)


Plan Offering/Year HESA


Sub-Plan HESA Data (Sub-plan Instance HESA Data)


Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA


HESA Instance Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) does not have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11, or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If the Course Session is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA based on the COURSESESSIONID.

  3. If the Course Session is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive from Plan Offering/Year HESA based on the COURSESESSIONID.

  5. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  6. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  7. Use default.

  8. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value using the following sets of conditions:

  • England undergraduates

    • Country = England

    • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C or is M0002, M0016 or M0018

    • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

    • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

    • The related Course.TTCIDC is not 06

    • Student.SSN is null

    • A Student Initiatives entity does not exist for the Engagement with STUINITID = 004

    • A Course Initiative entity does not exist for the related Course with COURSEINITID = 004

    • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

  • England postgraduates

    • Country = England

    • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with E or M excluding M0002, M0016 or M0018

    • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

    • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

    • The related Course.TTCIDC is not 06

    • A Student Initiatives entity does not exist for the Engagement with STUINITID = 004

    • A Course Initiative entity does not exist for the related Course with COURSEINITID = 004

    • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

  • Country = Northern Ireland:

    • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C or is M0002, M0016 or M0018 or the related Course.PREREQUISITE = 02 and A CurriculumAccreditation entity exists for the Course with CURACCID = 00103

    • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

    • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

    • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

    • Student.SSN is null

    • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

  • Country = Scotland

    • Qualification.QUALCAT = M0002, M0016, M0018, H0003, H0004, H0005, H0009, I0001, J0002, J0003, C0000 or C0001

    • Engagement.FEESTATUS = 02

    • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

    • A CollaborativeProvision entity does not exist for the Engagement with COLPROVTYPEID = 01 or 02

    • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11, or 12.

    • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. If StudentCourseSession.SCSFEEAMOUNT is not null or NULL ERROR, derive as the same value.

  3. Derive as zero.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null.

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE.

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. Derive as default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering HESA Data


Plan Year HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data


Sub-Plan Year HESA Data


HESA Instance


Year of Program

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if all conditions are met:

  • Country is Northern Ireland or Scotland.

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with D or L.

  • StudentCourseSession.SCSENDDATE has a value.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  3. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance

  4. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive value from Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  6. Derive value from Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  7. Derive value from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  8. Derive value from Program Instance HESA Data.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering HESA Data


Plan Year HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data


Sub-Plan Year HESA Data


HESA Instance


Year of Program

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if StudentCourseSession.PGRLANGID is not null.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  3. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance

  4. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive value from Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  6. Derive value from Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  7. Derive value from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  8. Derive value from Program Instance HESA Data.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Program Action and Reason

Graduate Research Management > Thesis Management > Thesis Submission

Actual Submission Date

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: If all the following conditions are met, derive a value:

  • Qualification.QUALCAT = D0003 for the QUALID associated with the Course of the SCS reported in COURSEID.

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null.

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If there is a Research Candidate record for the instance, select the earliest Thesis record where Actual Submission Date has a value and the effective date is on or before the reporting period end date. Derive as the Actual Submission Date formatted to YYYY-MM-DD.

  3. Select the earliest effective-dated record in the Student Program/Plan stack that has a Program Action and Reason defined in HESA Return Setup – PhD Submission Action Reason Mapping and an effective date on or before the reporting period end date. Derive as the Effective Date of the record formatted to YYYY-MM-DD.

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering HESA Data


Plan Year HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data


Sub-Plan Year HESA Data


HESA Instance


Year of Program

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  3. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance

  4. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive value from Plan Offering Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  6. Derive value from Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  7. Derive value from Plan HESA Data.

  8. Derive value from Program HESA Data.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Calculated FTE

Override FTE

Report Zero

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • StudentCourseSession.STULOAD is null

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as zero if the Report Zero check box is selected in the HESA Instance.

  2. If the value is greater than zero, override the FTE recorded in HESA Instance Data.

  3. Derive calculated FTE in HESA Instance Data.

  4. Derive as zero.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  3. Derive value from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  4. Derive value from Program Instance HESA Data.

  5. Use default.

  6. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Program Action/Action Reason

HESA Instance


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if SCSENDDATE has a value.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the latest non-future row in Student Program/Plan has a program action/reason combination that is mapped to a RSNSCSEND value, derive the mapped value.

  3. If the most recent SessionStatus entity in the extract or submitted data has STATUSCHANGEDTO = 02 (dormant), derive as 02 (Interrupted).

  4. Derive as default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Pages Used:


Page Element

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan

Program Action/Action Reason

HESA Instance

Actual Session End

Session Years

End Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. For current SCS: Derive Actual Session End if it's on or before the related Session Year End Date (based on the derived SESSIONYEARID).

    For previous SCS: Derive Actual Session End if it's on or before the related Session Year End Date (based on the derived SESSIONYEARID). Otherwise, derive Session Year End Date. If a SESSIONYEARID hasn't been derived, any Actual Session End date value is derived.

    Dates are derived in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  2. If the latest non-future row in Student Program/Plan (that is, the effective date on or before the reporting period end date) has a program action/reason combination that is mapped to a Session Reason (RSNSCSEND) value other than 02 (Interrupted), the effective date of the record is derived in YYYY-MM-DD format if the date is on or before the reporting period end date.

    If there is an associated Session Year derived for SESSIONYEARID, derive the date only if it is on or before the end date of the Session Year.

  3. If SESSIONYEARID has been derived, derive the end date for that Session Year if the date falls within the reporting period

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Details

Current Session Year

HESA Instance Details

Expected Session End

Session Years

End Date

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if all conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • StudentCourseSession.SCSENDDATE is null

Derivation Steps:

  1. Expected Session End from HESA Instance is derived in YYYY-MM-DD format. If there is an associated Session Year derived for SESSIONYEARID, the date is only derived if it is on or before the end date of the Session Year

  2. If SESSIONYEARID has been derived, the end date for the Session Year is derived.

  3. Use default value.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


Student Financials > Tuition and Fees > Review Fees After Calculation


Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering HESA Data


Plan Year HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data


Sub-Plan Year HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following sets of conditions is met.



England Undergraduate

  • Country = England

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C, or is M0002, M0016, or M0018

  • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • The related Course.TTCID is not 06

  • Student.SSN is null

  • A Student Initiatives entity does not exist for the Engagement with STUINITID = 004

  • A Course Initiative entity does not exist for the related Course with COURSEINITID = 004

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

England Postgraduate

  • Country = England

  • Qualification.QUALCAT starts with E or M excluding M0002, M0016, or M0018

  • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • The related Course.TTCID is not 06

  • A Student Initiatives entity does not exist for the Engagement with STUINITID = 004

  • A Course Initiative entity does not exist for the related Course with COURSEINITID = 004

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

Northern Ireland

  • Country = Northern Ireland

  • Either Qualification.QUALCAT starts with H, I, J or C or is M0002, M0016 or M0018, or the related Course.PREREQUISITE = 02 and a CurriculumAccreditation entity exists for the Course with CURACCID = 00103.

  • Engagement.FEEELIGE = 01 or 03

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • Student.SSN is null

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE


  • Country = Scotland

  • Qualification.QUALCAT = M0002, M0016, M0018, H0003, H0004, H0005, H0009, I0001, J0002, J0003, C0000 or C0001

  • Engagement.FEESTATUS = 02

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • A CollaborativeProvision entity does not exist for the Engagement with COLPROVTYPEID = 01 or 02

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) doesn't have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance Data.

  2. Derive the total of all the tuition fee charges for the Student Career for terms that start within the reporting period. Fee records where the Item Type Code is ‘Charge’ and the Account Type is one of those defined with the Tuition check box selected in HESA Returns Setup. The derived value is rounded to the nearest pound.

  3. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  4. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  5. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  6. If the entity is based on a Plan, derive from Plan Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  7. If the entity is based on a Plan, derive from Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  8. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  9. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  10. Use default.

  11. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance


HESA Instance

Instance Load

Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student > Student Session (STDNT_SESSION)

Approved Academic Load (ACAD_APPR_LOAD)

Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student > Enrollment Limit (STDNT_CAR_TERM)

Approved Academic Load (ACAD_APPR_LOAD)

Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan (ACAD_PROG)

Academic Load (ACAD_APPR_LOAD)

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive SCSMODE values from HESA Instance.

  2. If the Instance Load value from the most recent HESA Instance Data record is mapped to a Session Mode in the HESA Mode of Study mapping, derive the value.

  3. Derive the most recent Student Program/Plan record that has an Effective Date on or before the reporting period end date, and a Program Action and Reason that's mapped to a Session Mode in the Change of Mode Mapping. Unmapped rows are not considered.

  4. Map the Approved Academic Load from the most recent Student Session record by session begin date for sessions that overlaps the reporting period to a Session Mode using the HESA Mode of Study mapping.

    A session is considered to overlap if either the begin date or end date falls within the reporting period, or the begin date is before the reporting period being date and the end date is after the reporting period end date.

  5. Map the Approved Academic Load from the most recent activated Student Term record by term begin date for terms that overlaps the reporting period to a Session Mode using the HESA Mode of Study mapping.

    For new and continuing students term activation is required for a Student Course Session to be included so this step will only be skipped if the Load value is not mapped.

  6. Map the Academic Load for the most recent effective dated record in Student Program that has an Effective Date on or before the reporting period end date to a Session Mode using the HESA Mode of Study Mapping.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Session Start Date

Session Years

Start Date

Session Years

End Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive Session Start Date from HESA Instance in YYYY-MM-DD format. If there is an associated Session Year derived for SESSIONYEARID, derive the date only if it is on or after the start date of the Session Year and is on or before the end date of the Session Year.

  2. If SESSIONYEARID has been derived, derive the start date for the Session Year.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Details

Current Session Year

HESA Instance Details

Current Term

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if all conditions are met:

  • Course.FULLYFLEX is not 01 for the associated Course.

  • Qualification.QUALCAT is not C0008, D0003, D0004, E0003, H0018, I0012, J0001, L0000, L0001, L0002, or M0022 for the QUALID associated with the Course.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If Current Session Year is defined in the current HESA Instance record, derive that value.

  2. Use the following values to determine which Session Year the student is associated with and determine the SESSIONYEARID for the related Session Year:

    • Institution: Derive value from HESA Instance.

    • Academic Career: Derive value from HESA Instance.

    • Term: If defined, derive Current Term in HESA Instance. Otherwise, derive the most recent activated term (by term begin date) from Student Career Term (STDNT_CAR_TERM) for the Institution and Career where the term begin date is on or before the reporting period end date.

    • Session: If defined for the most recent activated term from Student Career Term for the Institution and Career, derive the earliest Session Code from Student Session (STDNT_SESSION). Otherwise, derive the earliest Session Code based on SESS_BEGIN_DT from SESSION_TBL for the most recent activated term from Student Career Term for Institution and Career.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

Program HESA Data


Plan HESA Data


Plan Offering HESA Data


Plan Year HESA Data


Sub-Plan HESA Data


Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data


Sub-Plan Year HESA Data


HESA Instance


Year of Program

Instance Load

Student Program

Academic Load

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from HESA Instance.

  2. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Year HESA Data for the Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  3. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  4. If the entity is based on a sub-plan, derive from Sub-Plan Instance HESA Data.

  5. Derive from Plan Year HESA Data for the combination of Academic Load and Year of Program of the student instance.

  6. Derive from Plan Offering HESA Data for the Academic Load of the student instance.

  7. Derive from Plan Instance HESA Data.

  8. Derive from Program Instance HESA Data.

  9. Use default.

  10. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Calculated FTE

Override FTE

Report Zero

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country is Scotland

  • SCSENDDATE has a value

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive as zero if the Report Zero check box is selected on the HESA Instance FTE record.

  2. Override FTE recorded in HESA Instance if the value is greater than zero

  3. Calculate FTE in HESA Instance.

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Student Course Session

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Year of Program

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if these conditions are met:

  • Course.FULLYFLEX isn't 01

  • The most recent Session Status entity (based on STATUSVALIDFROM date) does not have STATUSCHANGED = 02 (dormant) and a STATUSVALIDFROM on or before the StudentCourseSession.SCSSTARTDATE

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11 or 12.

Derivation Steps: Derive from HESA Instance.