Data Futures Return: Supervisor Allocation Entity

For each Student Course Session entity in the extract, entities are derived if these conditions are true:

  • The associated Qualification.QUALCAT = D0003, L0000 or L0001.

  • Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE is null

  • Leaver.ENGENDDATE is null, or is more than 14 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE, or is less than 15 days after Engagement.ENGSTARTDATE and Leaver.RSNENGEND is not 03, 05, 11, or 12.

SUPALLID is derived as SCSESSIONID of the parent Student Course Session and Sequence Number defaulting to 1 for the first entity and incrementing for subsequent entities.

Deriving records from Instance (step 1)

If at least one HESA Research record exists in HESA Instance Data, Records ordered by percentage descending are used to create entities using the SCSESSIONID of the parent Student Course Session along with each Units of Assessment, Collaborating Provider and Percentage value. The extract record status is set to ACTIVE. The Derivation Step for each field is set to 1.

Deriving records from Research Supervisor/Advisor HESA Data (step 2)

  1. Research supervisors are selected from the most recent effective dated record (linked to the instance via the research candidate record) where the date is on or before the reporting period end date, and all the following conditions are met:

    • If the Primary Supervisor Only option is selected in HESA Returns Setup, the primary flag of the Research Supervisor record is set.

    • If the Primary Supervisor Only option is not selected in HESA Returns Setup, the Supervision Percentage value is greater than zero.

    • If at least one Supervisor Role is defined in HESA Returns Setup, the Supervisor Role matches one of the setup values. If no Supervisor Roles are setup for the return, all roles are considered.

    • The supervisor status matches one of the values defined in HESA Returns Setup.

    • The end date of the supervisor record is not prior to the reporting period start date.

    • The begin date of the supervisor record is not after the reporting period end date.

    • At least one Advisor HESA Data record exists for the supervisor. If no records are found a message is logged.

  2. For each selected advisor, the advisor percentage is adjusted to ensure that the total percentage for all selected advisors is 100.

  3. Advisor HESA Data records are selected for each supervisor to create entities:

    • For each Advisor HESA Data record, a weighted percentage is calculated based on the unit percentage and the supervisor’s adjusted supervision percentage.

    • If the same combination of REF Unit 2014, REF Unit 2021, and Collaborating Provider exists for more than one supervisor, the records are merged into a single entity and the weighted percentages added together.

    • If the total of all the percentage values does not equal exactly 100 because of rounding during the calculation of adjusted and weighted percentages, the largest value is adjusted to ensure the total is 100.

Deriving records from Student Advisor/Advisor HESA data (step 3)

  1. Student advisors are selected from the most recent effective dated record where the date is on or before the reporting period end date and all of the following conditions are met:

    • The Advisor Role defined matches one of the roles defined on the HESA Returns page.

    • The Academic Career and Academic Program match the career and program of the Instance being reported in Student Registration.

    • If the Primary Advisor Only option is selected in HESA Returns Setup, the advisor number is 1.

    • If the Primary Advisor Only option is NOT selected in HESA Returns Setup, the Percentage value is greater than zero.

    • At least one Advisor HESA Data record exists for the advisor. If no records are found a message is logged.

  2. If a single eligible advisor is selected, the percentage is set to 100.

  3. When there are multiple eligible advisors selected, for each advisor, the percentage is adjusted to ensure that the total for all selected advisors is 100.

  4. Advisor HESA Data records are selected for each advisor to create entities:

    • For each Advisor HESA Data record, a weighted percentage is calculated based on the unit percentage and the advisor’s adjusted percentage.

    • If the same combination of REF Unit 2014, REF Unit 2021, and Collaborating Provider exists for more than one advisor, the records are merged into a single entity and the weighted percentages added together.

    • If the total of all the percentage values does not equal exactly 100 because of rounding during the calculation of adjusted and weighted percentages, the largest value is adjusted to ensure the total is 100.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Supervisor Allocation

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data — Research Data

Collaborating Provider

Advisor HESA Data

Collaborating Provider

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from HESA Instance Data – Research Data and a Collaborating Provider is defined, derive that value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Research Supervisor/Advisor HESA Data and a Collaborating Provider is defined, derive that value.

    If multiple Advisor HESA Data records with the same REF Unit are being merged, then derive the first Collaborating Provider (ordered by code ascending).

  3. If the entity is derived from Student Advisor/Advisor HESA Data, derive as Collaborating Provider.

    If multiple Advisor HESA Data records with the same REF Unit are being merged, then derive the first Collaborating Provider (ordered by code ascending).

  4. Derive as null.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Supervisor Allocation

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data — Research Data

REF Unit 2021

Advisor HESA Data

REF Unit 2021

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from HESA Instance Data – Research Data, derive as REF 2021 Unit.

  2. If the entity is derived from Research Supervisor / Advisor HESA Data, derive as REF 2021 Unit.

  3. If the entity is derived from Student Advisor / Advisor HESA Data, derive as REF 2021 Unit.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Data Futures

Entity: Supervisor Allocation

Page Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance Data — Research Data


Advisor HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from HESA Instance Data – Research Data, derive as Percentage.

  2. If the entity is derived from Research Supervisor/Advisor HESA Data, derive as Percentage weighted for multiple supervisors.

  3. If the entity is derived from Student Advisor/Advisor HESA Data, derive as Percentage.