Defining Provincial Codes

To set up provincial codes, use the Prov Approval Codes component (CAN_PROV_APPR_TBL), Prov Course Funding Codes component (CAN_PROV_FNDCRS), Prov Funding by Citizen component (CAN_PROV_CITZ), Prov Major Field of Study component (CAN_PROV_MAJOR), Prov Program Codes component (CAN_PROV_PROG), and the Prov Prog Funding Codes component (CAN_PROV_FUND).

This section discusses how to:

  • Define program funding approval codes.

  • Define provincial course funding codes.

  • Define provincial citizen funding codes.

  • Define provincial major field of study codes.

  • Define provincial program codes.

  • Define provincial program funding codes.

  • Define provincial special initiative codes.

Page Name

Definition Name



Prov Approval Codes (provincial approval codes)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Approval Codes > Prov Approval Codes

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The Program and Plan Mapping tables prompt against the approval codes you define.

Prov Course Fund Code (provincial course funding code)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Course Funding Codes > Prov Course Fund Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The Cdn PSIS Course Data table prompts against the course funding codes you define.

Prov Citizenship Fund Class (provincial citizenship funding classification)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Funding by Citizen > Prov Citizenship Fund Class

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The PSIS Student Data table prompts against the classification funding codes you define.

Prov Major Code (provincial major code)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Major Field of Study > Prov Major Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the major codes you define.

Prov Program Code (provincial program code)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Program Codes > Prov Program Code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the program codes you define.

Prov Prog Funding Code (provincial program funding code)


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Prog Funding Codes > Prov Prog Funding code

PSIS: Populate this page if your institution reports this information to the Provincial Ministry. The program and plan mapping tables prompt against the province program funding code.

Access the Prov Approval Codes page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Approval Codes > Prov Approval Codes).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field to the value defined for your business unit.

Approval Code

Enter the provincial code that defines whether the student is approved for funding in the program.

Description and Short Description

Enter the descriptions for the code.

Access the Prov Course Fund Code page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Course Funding Codes > Prov Course Fund Code).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Crse Fund Cd (course funding code)

Enter the provincial code that defines the course funding code.

Access the Prov Citizenship Fund Class page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Funding by Citizen > Prov Citizenship Fund Class).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Funding Class by Citz (funding classification by citizen)

Enter the provincial code that classifies the student for grant purposes.

Access the Prov Major Code page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Major Field of Study > Prov Major Code.).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prov Major (province major)

Enter the provincial code that classifies students' major field of study.

Access the Prov Program Code page ((Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Program Codes > Prov Program Code).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prog Category (program category)

Enter the provincial code that defines the program category.

Access the Prov Prog Funding Code page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Prog Funding Codes > Prov Prog Funding code).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Prov Fund Cd (province funding code)

Enter the provincial code that classifies whether the student has been approved for funding in the program.

Access the Prov Special Initiative Code page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Prov Special Initiative Code).

Field or Control



The system populates the province field by default to the value defined for your business unit.

Special Init Cd (special initiative code page)

Enter the provincial special initiative code that associates with students in the program.