Defining Repeat Schemes and Repeat Codes

To set up repeat schemes and codes, use the Repeat Scheme Table (REPEAT_SCHEME_TBL) component.

This section discusses how to create repeat schemes and codes.

Page Name

Definition Name



Repeat Scheme Table


Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Repeat Scheme Table > Repeat Scheme Table

Create repeat schemes and the repeat codes within each scheme.

Access the Repeat Scheme Table page (Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Repeat Scheme Table > Repeat Scheme Table).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Repeat Scheme Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Repeat Scheme Table page

The purpose of repeat codes is to adjust students' academic statistics appropriately when students repeat courses, rather than having the system calculate statistics by using the grading scheme.

Field or Control


Repeat Code

Enter a repeat code for this repeat scheme. If assigned, this code appears on a student's enrollment record. You can view codes that are assigned to a student's enrollment records on the Enrollment Request page or the Quick Enrollment page.

Earn Credit

Select to indicate that a student with this repeat code on a class enrollment record can earn credit for the class. To prevent a repeated course from counting toward a student's academic level, clear this check box.

Include in GPA (include in grade point average)

Select to indicate that a student with this repeat code on a class enrollment record can have the class included in the GPA calculation. To prevent a repeated course from being calculated in the student's GPA, clear this check box.

Print Repeat Description

Select to have the system print the formal description of this repeat code on the student's transcript when applicable.

Print Repeat Date

Select to print the date that the student completed the repeated course on the student's transcript.

Units Attempted

From the following choices, enter a value to indicate how the units attempted from a repeated course count towards a student's academic statistics when this repeat code is assigned to the student's class enrollment record. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require substantial programming.

Yes: Indicates that a student with this repeat code on a class enrollment record can have the class included in units attempted.

No: Prevents the units from a repeated course from counting toward a student's academic statistics.

In Progress: Units in progress is used for courses coded with this repeat code.

Display in AA Reports (display in Academic Advisement reports)

Select to allow the system to display the repeat code and its description in the advisement report.

When this code exists in student data

Field or Control


Count and Process Option

Select an option to indicate whether a class with this repeat code should be counted as a repeat candidate and whether the class should be processed by the Repeat Checking process. Values are:

1) Count = Y Process = Y: If you select this option, any class with this repeat code is counted in the pool of repeat attempts and is selected and processed when the Repeat Checking process is run.

2) Count = Y Process = N: If you select this option, any class with this repeat code is counted in the pool of repeat attempts, but is not selected and processed when the Repeat Checking process is run.

3) Count = N Process = Y: If you select this option, any class with this repeat code is not counted in the pool of repeat attempts, but is selected and processed when the Repeat Checking process is run.

4) Count = N Process = N: If you select this option, any class with this repeat code is not counted in the pool of repeat attempts, nor is it selected and processed when the Repeat Checking process is run.

Note: The Repeat Checking process analyzes the value in the Repeat Checking Option field on the Grading Scheme Table page before it analyzes the value in the Count and Process Option field on this page.

See Understanding Repeat Checking Functionality.

Allow to be overlaid

Select this check box to allow the Repeat Checking process to overlay this repeat code in subsequent process runs. Clear the check box if this repeat code should never be replaced.

Bypass processing if it is on Current Attempt

Select this check box if the current attempt already has this code assigned and the class should not be picked up by the Repeat Checking process.