Defining Requisite Conditions (Optional)

This section provides an overview of conditions for use in enrollment requisites and discusses how to define them.

When you want to create an enrollment requisite that contains a condition, you select a value from the list of delivered "standard" condition codes (Cumulative Grade Point Average, for example). For example, you might set up a course prerequisite whose condition is that the student's cumulative GPA is greater than 3.0.

Requisite conditions enable you to create conditions that are more complex and then use those as conditions in an enrollment requirement or requirement group. They enable you to use multiple standard conditions (student group equals athlete and academic standing is good, for example), user programmable conditions (a milestone, for example), or a combination thereof. For example, you might set up a requisite condition whereby academic level must be less than sophomore and that the SAT math score must be greater than or equal to 650.

A condition specification (requisite condition) is a condition that includes connector types, lines, process types, parameters, and controls. It can also be referenced by another requisite condition. Using Boolean logic, requisite conditions can be combined within a condition specification to create more complex requisite conditions. For example, you could create two requisite conditions, and then point to these from a third requisite condition. Requisite condition #1 equals academic level = freshman and cum GPA>=2.0. Requisite condition #2 equals sophomore and cum GPA>=2.5. Requisite condition #3 equals requisite condition #1 OR requisite condition #2.

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Requisite Conditions


Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Define Requisite Conditions > Define Requisite Conditions

Define the conditions for use in enrollment requirements or enrollment requirement groups.

Access the Define Requisite Conditions page (Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Define Requisite Conditions > Define Requisite Conditions).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Requisite Conditions page (in Add mode). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Requisite Conditions page (in Add mode)

Field or Control


Condition Specification

This is an arbitrary number that is unique for each condition specification. You can use this condition specification as a condition in an enrollment requirement or enrollment requirement group.


Enter a description for the condition specification that you want to establish. The description appears on the enrollment requisite (requirement group) summary, enrollment requirement summary, the enrollment advisement report, the requisite requirement report, and the reverse engineering report.

Short Description and Long Description

Enter descriptions for the condition specification that you want to establish. These descriptions are used for documentation purposes only.

Academic Institution

Select the academic institution. Each condition specification is associated with only one academic institution.

Connector Type

Select the main connector type for this condition specification. Values are: None, AND, and OR. (None converts to AND.) The connector type indicates the Boolean operator to be used in the equation that contains the condition lines.

Condition Line Sequence

This number indicates the order in which the condition lines are evaluated. The condition line sequence number is automatically assigned, but can be overridden by the user.

Condition Process Type

Select a condition process type. Values are:

Standard Condition: Indicates that the condition is one of the delivered, standard conditions. This is the default field value. If you use this type, then the condition code field is available.

User Programmable Condition: Indicates that the condition is a user programmable condition. If you select User Programmable Condition, the Condition Process Identifier field becomes available.

If you select the condition process type User Programmable Condition, and the condition process identifier of Milestone Check, then you are presented with additional fields. Use these to specify the details about the milestone for use in this dynamic condition.

Condition Code

If you select the Condition Process Type field value of Standard Condition, then select one of the following delivered translate values:

None: Indicates no field value.

Academic Level: Indicates the year of study. For example, valid values include freshman and sophomore. This value is evaluated against the student based on whatever As of Date field value is specified at run time.

Academic Plan: Indicates the area of study, for example, a major or minor within the academic program. Some plans are subdivided into sub-plans. Academic Plan and Primary Academic Plan reference the exact same plan when the student has one plan only.

Academic Plans: Indicates that all of a student's plans are part of the equation.

Academic Program: Indicates the program of study to which a student applies and is admitted. Academic Program and Primary Academic Program reference the exact same program when the student has one program only.

Academic Programs: Indicates that all of a student's academic programs are part of the equation.

Academic Standing: Indicates a student's standing at the institution. For example, values might include good standing, probation, and dismissal. You define values in the Academic Standing table. This value is evaluated against the student based on the as of date that you specify at run time.

Academic Sub-Plan: Indicates a further specialization within the academic plan.

Academic Sub-Plans: Indicates that all of a student's sub-plans are part of the equation.

Cumulative Grade Point Average: A student's cumulative grade point average (derived from the students term history cumulative statistics, in conjunction with the processing as of date).

Dynamic Condition: Indicates a dynamic condition that has been previously created in the Define Dynamic Condition component.

Primary Academic Plan: Indicates a student's primary academic plan. The primary academic plan is designated by the lowest plan sequence number on the Student Plan page. For example, under a program of LAU, a student might have two plans, Psychology and Classics Minor. If Psychology has a plan sequence number of 10 and Classics Minor has a plan sequence number of 20, then Psychology is the primary academic plan. On the Student Plan page, student career number 0 is the primary career.

Important! The primary academic plan is designated by the lowest plan sequence number on the Student Plan page, and the primary academic program is designated by the lowest career sequence number on the Student Program page. However, when a student has multiple programs (containing multiple plans), the primary academic plan is not necessarily the lowest plan sequence number under a given program, but it is that plan with the lowest plan sequence number under the program with the lowest student career number. For example, under a program of Liberal Arts Undergraduate (attached to a student career number of 0), a student has a plan of Psychology with a plan sequence number of 10. The same student has a plan of Art with a plan sequence number of 10 under a program of Fine Arts Undergraduate (attached to a student career number of 1). Both plans have a plan sequence number of 10, but the plan under the program with the lowest career number is the primary plan. In this example, the primary plan is Psychology, which is tied to a student career number of 0 through the Liberal Arts Undergraduate program. Primary Academic Program: Indicates a student's primary academic program. The primary academic program is the program designated by the lowest career sequence number. On the Student Program page, student career number 0 is the primary career.

Student Group: Indicates a grouping of students. For example, values might include athlete and veteran. You define values in the Student Group table.

Student Groups: Indicates that all of the student groups containing a student are part of the equation.

Test Score: Select to use a test score as a condition. If you select this field value, the following additional fields appear: Test ID, Test Component, Condition Operator, Test Score, Months Valid, and Test Score Method.

Months Valid and Test Score Method are editable according to the setup on the Define Tests for Advisement page.

If you select User Programmable Condition, the Condition Process Identifier field becomes available. Select the appropriate value for the condition process. The delivered values are: 0001 (Milestone Check), 0002 (Internal Degree Check), and 0003 (External Degree Check). Milestone Check verifies whether a milestone is completed, in progress, or not completed. Internal Degree Check verifies whether a student has received a degree from the home institution. External Degree Check verifies whether a student has received a degree from another institution.

Note: You can create additional condition process identifier field values in the Condition Processes table. Delivered field values are numbered from 1 through 500. Client-added values should be numbered above 500.

Condition Operator

Values are: Equal, Greater Than, Greater or Equal, In, Less Than, Less or Equal, Not Equal, and Not In. None is the same as Equal.

The operators of In and Not In are for use with requisite entity groups and so are available only when you select the following condition codes: Academic Plan, Academic Plans, Primary Academic Plan, Academic Program, Academic Programs, Primary Academic Program, Academic Sub Plan, Academic Sub Plans, Student Group, and Student Groups.

If you select the operator In or Not In, the Condition Data field prompts on requisite entity groups that you set up using the Requisite Entity Groups component.

Note: A student with a null set of entities is always considered true for all plurals of that entity for both In and Not In because the null set is included in all entity groups and all entity group complements.

Operators are not used if the precondition is Dynamic Condition. If the precondition is Dynamic Condition, then select one of the dynamic conditions that you previously created in the Define Dynamic Condition component.

Condition Data

The system prompts you with values based on your selections in the Condition Code and Condition Operator fields.

Field or Control


Academic Institution

If applicable, enter the academic institution. Each condition line detail is associated with only one academic institution.

Academic Career

If applicable, enter the academic career that contains the academic program that is associated with this condition line detail.

Academic Program

If applicable, enter the academic program that is associated with this condition line detail.

Academic Plan

If applicable, enter the academic plan that is associated with this condition line detail.


Enter the milestone that must be achieved to satisfy this condition line detail. For example, a milestone could be an audition, qualifying exam, or thesis. You define milestones in the Milestone table.

Milestone Complete

Select the appropriate milestone. Values are:

None: Indicates that the field is not applicable.

Completed: Indicates that the student must complete this milestone to satisfy the condition line detail.

In Progress: Indicates that the student must be working towards completing the milestone to satisfy the condition line detail.

Not Completed: Indicates that the student must not have completed this milestone to satisfy the condition line detail.

Milestone Level

Enter the minimum level for this milestone. Some examples of milestone levels are honors, undergraduate, or graduate.

Minimum Grade Points

Enter the minimum grade points that are acceptable to complete this condition line detail.

Milestone Title

Enter a descriptive phase as the milestone title. Use this field for documentation purposes only.

If the condition process type is User Programmable Condition and the condition process identifier selected is External Degree Check or Internal Degree Check, the user then must select a degree.

Field or Control



Enter the degree that must be obtained to satisfy the condition line.

If you select the condition process type of standard condition and the condition code of Test Score, the appearance of the page changes.

Field or Control


Test ID

Select a Test ID from those defined on the Define Advisement Tests page.

Test Component

The selection options are based on the Test ID selected.

Condition Operator

Identifies what type of comparison is to be applied to the condition data. Possible condition operators include: None, Less or Equal, Greater or Equal, Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, and Not Equal. Make sure that you use an operator that makes sense in the equation. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Test Score

Enter a score required for the test component and condition operator selected.

Months Valid

The value indicates the number of months for which a test score is valid. This field is available for editing based on the setup on the Define Tests for Advisement page.

Test Score Method

Values are:

Average of All Scores Taken: Select to have the advisement engine average scores when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

First Test Taken: Select to have the advisement engine use the test score with the earliest date when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Highest Score: Select to have the advisement engine use the highest score for a given test when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Last Test Taken: Select to have the advisement engine use the score from the date of the last test taken when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Lowest Score: Select to have the advisement engine use the lowest score for a given test when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

When you select the Calculate Test Score check box, other fields become available so that you can define the details of the calculation to be performed when the dynamic condition is used in an enrollment requirement or enrollment requirement group.

Field or Control


Test Component Taken Option

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. Valid values are: Tests Taken on Different Dates and Tests Taken on Same Date.

Test ID

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. These prompt from the Test IDs defined on the Define Advisement Tests page.

Condition Operator

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected.

Identifies what type of comparison is to be applied to the condition data. Possible condition operators include: None, Less or Equal, Greater or Equal, Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, and Not Equal. Make sure that you use an operator that makes sense in the equation. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Calculation Method

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. Valid values are: Average of the Components and Sum of the Components.

Score Required

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. Enter a valid score required as it relates to the values selected in the preceding fields.

Months Valid

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. This field is available for editing based on the setup on the Define Tests for Advisement page. The value indicates the number of months for which a test score is valid.

Test Score Method

This field appears in the Condition Details group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. Values are:

Average of All Scores Taken: Select to have the advisement engine average scores when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

First Test Taken: Select to have the advisement engine use the test score with the earliest date when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Highest Score: Select to have the advisement engine use the highest score for a given test when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Last Test Taken: Select to have the advisement engine use the score from the date of the last test taken when it processes the tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group.

Lowest Score: Select to use the lowest score for a given test when tests for a condition in an enrollment requirement or requirement group are processed.

Condition Line Sequence

Appears by default, starting with the number 1. Each condition line must have a unique condition line sequence value.

Test Component

This field appears in the Condition Lines group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. The selection options are based on the Test ID selected.

Minimum Score

This field appears in the Condition Lines group box only when the Calculate Test Score check box is selected. Enter the minimum acceptable score for the test component identified for the condition line sequence.