Generating the Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports

The Entity Group Table report and Condition Table report display all the information about the appropriate data defined in the tables for the particular institution and the as of date.

To generate an Entity Group Table or Condition Table report:

  1. Select the as of date and institution on the Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports page for which you want to report conditions.

  2. Click the Run button.

  3. Select either the Condition Table Report or the Entity Group Table Report process to specify the report type.

  4. Click the OK button to process the report.

Page Name

Definition Name



Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports


Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Miscellaneous Requisite Report > Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports

Process one or both enrollment requirement administrative reports: the Entity Group Table report and the Condition Table report.

The Entity Group Table report lists all the entity groups for the institution based on the as of date that you enter.

The Condition Table report lists all the dynamic conditions for the institution based on the as of date that you enter.

Access the Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports page (Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Miscellaneous Requisite Report > Entity Group Table and Condition Table Reports).

Field or Control


As of Date

The report accurately reflects the retrieved information as of this date. This field is automatically populated with the current date, but you can modify it. A value is required in this field.