Graduate Outcomes Return: Provider Entity

If Retain Data from Previous Run is:

  • selected, initially any existing inactive extract records are deleted and any existing active records are set to inactive for all the extract records before new entities are created.

  • not selected, then initially all the existing extract records for the return are deleted before new entities are created. This applies to all the extract records.

Entity selection and field derivation is as per INSTITUTION in DLHE return.

A single active Provider entity is created in the Institution Extract Data record (SSR_HE_INST_EXT) for a Graduate Outcomes return based on the HESA Returns Setup record.

The SSR_HE_INSTAPP value is saved as blank as this field is not required for GRADOUT returns.


Entity: Provider

Pages Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

Derive as the short translate name for the selected survey parameter:

  • A = Dec

  • B = Mar

  • C = Jun

  • D = Sep


Entity: Provider

Pages Used:


Page Element

Reporting Periods (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, HESA Returns Setup, Reporting Periods)

Record Year

Returns (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, HESA Returns Setup, Returns)

Record ID

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Institution entities

Derivation Step: Derive as YYNNN, where YY is the final two digits of the Record Year (for example, 17 for 2017) and NNN is the three-digit Record ID for the seeded return (071 for GRADOUT).


Entity: Provider

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Configuration


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Institution entities.

Derivation Step: Derive from the HESA Configuration page.