ITT Return: Previous Qualification

A Previous Qualification entity is created if any one of the following conditions is true:

  • Student.QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032

  • Student.TTCID = 1 or Student.TTCID = 01 and Student.ITTAIM = 201

The most recent External Education Degree record that is associated with the current reporting period and whose status is Complete is used in the derivation.

When deriving fields, the values from the Apply Qualification record (SAD_UC_AQUAL) is considered. If an applicant has applied to the institution more than once, there may be multiple records, so the most recent application record is used. If an applicant has more than one degree record for the most recent application, the most recently completed degree is used.

Note: While five entities are allowed by the schema, only a single entry is created because only one value can be recorded for FIRSTDEG, PGCECLSS, and PGCESBJ in HESA Entry Profile.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Previous Qualification entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the Entry Profile page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data


HESA Data (Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data)

Degree Country (SAD_UC_DEGCTRY from SAD_UC_AQUAL)

External Organization Location (Campus Community > Organization > Create/Maintain Organizations > Organization Locations > Location Details > Location History)


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if Student.DEGEST does not exist.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  3. Derive from the External Organization Location page.

    Select the most recent External Education Organization record with a Degree status of complete associated with the current reporting period. Select the most recent effective dated location record, if there are multiple records.

    It is possible for the Ext Org to have multiple Location records with the same effective date. In this case, select the record with the lowest Location ID to determine the country.

    Use the mapping on the Nationality page to derive as the mapped HESA Nationality code. Otherwise, derive as the COUNTRY_2CHAR value if the mapping does not exist.

  4. Use default.

  5. If QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032, derive as NULL ERROR.

  6. Derive as NULL.

The normal two-character GB code is not valid for DEGCTRY. If the value ’GB’ is derived, the system changes GB to the valid code XK (United Kingdom, not otherwise specified).

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data


HESA Data (Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data)


Courses and Degrees (Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees)

Degree Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Previous Qualification entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from EntryProfile HESA Data.

  2. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  3. Select the most recent External Education Degree record with a Degree status of complete that is associated with the current reporting period. Derive from the Courses and Degrees page for the selected record.

  4. Use default.

  5. If QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032, derive as NULL ERROR.

  6. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data


HESA Data (Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data)

Degree Establishment (SAD_UC_DEGEST from SAD_UC_AQUAL)

Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees

Ext Org ID

Region (Campus Community > Organization >  Create/Maintain Organizations >  Organization Table > Region

HESA Degree Establishment

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  3. Select the most recent External Education Organization record associated with the current reporting period. Derive from the Region page for the selected record. Convert using the two-character code (COUNTRY_2CHAR) from the Country table (PS_COUNTRY_TBL).

  4. Use default.

  5. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications > Application Program Data

At the bottom of the page, Transfer to Education, then click Go.

From Date

Degree Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Previous Qualification entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select the most recent External Education Degree record with a Degree status of complete that is associated with the current reporting period. Derive as Degree Date minus From Date from the selected record. The number of days is converted to years and rounded to the nearest year.

  2. Use default.

  3. If COMDATE is in the reporting period and and QLAIM = 020, 021, or 031, derive as NULL ERROR.

  4. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Data (Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data)

Degree Subject (SAD_UC_DEGSBJ from SAD_UC_AQUAL)

Entry Profile




Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant to derive a single DEGSBJ field.

  2. Derive values from Entry Profile page.

  3. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  4. Use default to derive a single DEGSBJ field.

  5. If QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032, derive as a single DEGSBJ field as NULL ERROR.

  6. Derive as NULL.

Note: The system can derive up to three values. Each of the values is included as a separate DEGSBJ field in the XML file.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications > Application Program Data

At the bottom of the page, Transfer to Education, then click Go.

From Date

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Previous Qualification entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select the most recent External Education Degree record with a Degree status of complete that is associated with the current reporting period. Derive from the Education page for the selected record.

  2. Use default.

  3. If COMDATE is in the reporting period and and QLAIM = 020, 021, or 031, derive as NULL ERROR.

  4. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile HESA Data


Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data


Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees


Setup SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Degree Table

HESA Degree Type

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from Entry Profile HESA Data.

  2. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  3. Derive the Previous Degree Type by mapping the most recent External Education Degree record with a Degree status of complete from the External degree region to the Degree Type value from the Degree Table.

  4. Use default.

  5. If QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032, derive as NULL ERROR.

  6. Derive as NULL.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used: None


Page Element

Entry Profile


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Previous Qualification entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive value from the Entry Profile page.

  2. If DEGTYPE is in the range 001 to 098, or is 400 or 402, derive as 01.

  3. Derive as 02.

Return: ITT

Entity: Previous Qualification

Pages Used:


Page Element

Entry Profile


Student Admissions > UCAS Processing > Apply Applications > Qualifications > Degree > HESA Data


Note: This value is included as DEGCLSS in the XML file.

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive value from Entry Profile page.

  3. Derive from Apply Application - Qualifications. The most recent application for the most recent cycle is used. If there are multiple degree records, the record with the most recent end date is used.

  4. Use default.

  5. If QLAIM = 020, 021, 031, or 032, derive as NULL ERROR.

  6. Derive as null.