Preparing for Generating Graduate Outcomes Return

This section provides an overview of processing Graduate Outcomes return and discusses how to:

  • Import the target population

  • Review and update imported survey data in staging table

  • Add, view, and update surveys

Page Name

Definition Name



Import Target Population


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > Graduate Outcomes > Import Target Population

Run the process to import the target population.

Survey Management


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > Graduate Outcomes > Survey Management

Allows users to retrieve existing records, update the record, navigate to further detailed page, or navigate to add a new survey.

Add a Survey


Click the Add Survey button on the Survey Management page.

Supplementary page to allow users to manually add a new survey record.

Survey Details


Click the Details button on the Survey Management page.

Supplementary page to view further details of a survey and to add or update coded values required for the HESA extract.

Access the Import Survey Target Population page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > Graduate Outcomes > Import Target Population).

Field or Control


Return Name

Select a return.


(Optional) For Graduate Outcomes, select any one of the following:

  • December Survey

  • March Survey

  • June Survey

  • September Survey

XML Path/File Name

Enter the file path and file name that you want the system to import.

Add Attachment

Click to browse to the XML file that HESA provides, and click Upload. You can browse your local drive and select a file.

Note: The upload process creates a files subdirectory to store and process the XML file. This subdirectory is created in the server directory location that is specified in the PS_SERVDIR system parameter in the Application Server/Process Scheduler configuration file psappsrv.cfg/psprcs.cfg. Ensure that PS_SERVDIR is set up with an appropriate value in the configuration file and that users have the correct permission to access the files subdirectory.

Create New Surveys

Select if you want the import process to create blank survey records for students in the population file who do not currently have a survey record.

For Graduate Outcomes return, this check box is selected by default.

Exclude Surveys

Select if you want the process, at the end of processing the incoming population file, to set the Survey Status to Excluded for any existing survey records where the student is not included in the population.

For Graduate Outcomes return, this check box is selected by default.

Overwrite Values

Select if you want the process to overwrite key values in the survey with the incoming values when the incoming student is matched to an existing survey record. These key values are HUSID, NUMHUS, COURSEID, MODE and TTCID.

For Graduate Outcomes return, this check box is selected by default.

Use the Student Override region to specify single or multiple students for whom the process imports the record and creates a survey.

Processing Steps

The import process can use the population file for the Graduate Outcomes Contact Details return.

The process clears existing staging table records, opens the XML file and imports records into the staging table.

If you provide the Student Override parameter value, then the process imports into the staging table only the records where the OWNSTU value matches one of the specified EMPLID (person ID) values.

If the Survey field is blank, all the records in the XML file are imported to the staging record. Otherwise, records where the CENSUS value matches the Survey parameter are imported into the staging record.

For each staging record, the process matches to a single HESA Instance record based upon the following values:

  • Academic Institution

  • EMPLID: from OWNSTU in the target list record.

  • Instance Identifier: from NUMHUS in the target list record.

If the process finds multiple HESA instance records, it selects the most recent effective dated record. For each HESA instance record, it selects the most recent effective dated record on or before the reporting period end date. If there is no existing survey for the combination of Institution, EMPLID, Academic Career, Student Career Number, Return Name and Survey, then the process creates a new record. The process then sets the Survey Source to P. If there is an existing survey, it updates the record. If any of the values for HUSID, NUMHUS, COURSEID, MODE and TTCID are different in the staging record from the existing survey record then if the Overwrite Values check box is selected, the process updates those values in the survey record.

Create New Surveys check box processing: If there is no existing survey for the combination of Institution, EMPLID, Academic Career, Student Career Number, Return Name and Survey, then the process creates a new survey record for the student using the values described in the following table:

Column Name



Academic institution from the HESA instance record.


EMPLID from imported OWNSTU value.


Academic Career from the HESA Instance record.


Student Career Number from the HESA Instance record.


HESA return name from the process parameter.


Imported CENSUS values are converted to translate field value by matching the translate short name:

  • Dec = A

  • Mar = B

  • Jun = C

  • Sep = D

If a translate does not match with a short translate value, the default value becomes X. If multiple translate values are set up with the same short translate value, one is randomly selected.


Set to N for new survey records.


Set to P for Import Survey Target Population process.


HUSID value from the import file.


NUMHUS value from the import file.


COURSEID value from the import file.


MODE value from the import file.


TTCID value from the import file.


If the imported TTCID = 1, 8, or G, then set to Y, else set to N.


If Date of Death is populated for the EMPLID (PERSON.DT_OF_DEATH), the field is set to 01, else set to blank.


FNAMES value from the import file.


SURNAME value from the import file.


HOMEEUOS value from the import file. The value is used to identify overseas students in some of the field derivations.


Set to blank.

All other surveys fields

Set to blank or zero.

If the Create New Surveys check box isn't selected, then the process doesn't create a new survey and logs a survey not created message.

Exclude Surveys check box processing: For each survey record for the Academic Institution, Return Name and Survey where Source (SSR_HE_SOURCE) is I or M (Identify Target Population or manually added) and Survey Status is not E or D (excluded or duplicate) and EMPLID doesn't appear in the staging records for the institution/survey, the process updates the Survey status to E (excluded) and logs an excluded survey message.

For Graduate Outcomes, because the Survey parameter can be blank and the staging table can include records for different surveys, the exclude processing is done for each distinct survey value that appears at least once in the staging record. For example, if the staging records contain just surveys for “Dec” and APRJAN = A, then only existing surveys for APRJAN = A that don’t also appear in the staging record with APRJAN = A are excluded. Processing isn't done for existing survey records with any other APRJAN value. If the staging records contain surveys for “Mar” and “Jun,” then the exclude processing is done for existing survey records with APRJAN = B and C, but not for existing survey records for APRJAN = A or D and so on.

Note: The exclude survey processing ignores surveys that have already been created or updated by the Import Survey Target Population process where the source has been set to P and surveys that have been created by the Import Survey Data process where source has been set to H. The check on the EMPLID in the staging records is included to ensure surveys are not excluded where there is a pending staging record and the source has not yet been updated to P (for example, when the HESA Instance record is not found).

Access the Survey Management page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > Graduate Outcome > Survey Management).

The Survey Management page enables users to retrieve existing survey records and either update the record on the page, navigate to a further detailed survey update page, navigate to the self-service DLHE Survey pages, or navigate to add a new survey. You can also use this page to view records created from the Graduate Outcomes population file as well as excluding records from the extract by setting the field Survey Status to Excluded.

Field or Control


Survey Status

Select the current status value of the survey from the possible translate values defined as Coded, Duplicate, Excluded, New, Saved or Submitted.

Add Survey

Click to access the Add a Survey page where you can add a new survey record.


Click to access the Survey Details page where you can review further details of the survey and add codes where required.

You can use the Survey Management page to edit the surveys created by the Import Survey Target Population process or manually created.

Access the Add a Survey page (Click the Add Survey button on the Survey Management page).

Field or Control



Select the survey translate value for Graduate Outcomes:

  • December Survey

  • March Survey

  • June Survey

  • September Survey


Select person ID of the student for which the survey should be created.

Academic Career

Select the career for the selected person ID.

Mode of Study

Select an Instance.MODE code.

You can use this page to create a new survey rather than using the Import Survey Target Population process. The student must have an SID external system ID before you can add a survey. An SID ID type must be entered in the External System field of the HESA Configuration page.

Access the Survey Details page (Click the Details button on the Survey Management page).

You can use the Survey Details page to view further details of a particular survey record and to add or update coded values required for the HESA extract of survey data.

Field or Control


Survey Status

Select the current status value of the survey from the possible translate values defined as Coded, Duplicate, Excluded, New, Saved or Submitted.

Graduate Status

By default, this field is blank or set to 01. You can add or update the value for the extract. If a graduate doesn't have any email or phone records in Contact details, you can set this field to 02.


Click to delete the survey.

The system enables this button only if the Survey Status is New. If the status isn't New and you want to delete a survey record: change the status to New, save the record, return to the Survey Management page, click the Details button to access the same record, and then click the Delete button.

When you delete a survey, the Survey Management page appears with the search results. The deleted survey will remain in these search results until you click the Search Surveys button again.

Supplied Fields

This region displays the imported values from the Graduate Outcomes survey record. You can edit this region to add missing values for survey records that are manually added.

Contact Details

This region displays email addresses, telephone, and address records from the Graduate Outcomes survey record. Use this region to review data that may be extracted. This view is not filtered so all current records for the graduate appear.