Printing Batch Enrollment Requirement Rosters

This section discusses how to print enrollment requirement rosters in batch.

Page Name

Definition Name



Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters


Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Post Enrollment Req Checking > Print Enrollment Req Roster > Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters

In batch mode, print enrollment requirement rosters for multiple classes.

Access the Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters page (Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Post Enrollment Req Checking > Print Enrollment Req Roster > Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Print Enrollment Requirement Rosters page

Field or Control


Select Display Option

Select Summary View to display the enrollment and post requirement status of the students in the class. Select Detail View to display detailed information about how a student has or has not met the enrollment requirements for the class. Select Combined View, to display first the summary view, followed by the detail view for each class.

Sort Option

Select the sort option to be used to display students within each class.

Note: The sort is always within a class, not across classes.

  • 1- Name: Sort students in a class by name order.

  • 2 - Enrollment Status, Name: Sort students in a class by their enrollment status and then in name order within enrollment status.

  • 3 - Enrollment Status, Status Group, Name: Sort students in a class by their enrollment status, then by their status group (non-compliant versus other students) within the enrollment status, and then by student name within the status group.

    Note: Status Group is non-compliant students versus other students.

  • 4 - Enrollment Status, Status Group, Requirement Status, Name: Sort students in a class by their enrollment status, then by their status group (non-compliant versus other students) within the enrollment status, then by requirement status within each status group, and lastly by student name within each requirement status.

  • 5 - Status Group, Requirement Status, Name: Sort students in a class by their status group (non-compliant versus other students), then by their requirement status within their status group, and then by student name within each requirement status.

For documentation about the Select students with the following status, Population Selection, and Manual Entry by Class group boxes, refer to similar documentation in an earlier section: Running Batch Post Enrollment Requirement Checking for Multiple Classes.