Printing the Schedule of Classes Report

Use the Schedule of Classes Report component to print the schedule of classes report for a term.

This section discusses how to:

  • Set Schedule of Classes Report parameters.

  • Set Schedule of Classes Report options.

Page Name

Definition Name



Print Class Schedule


Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule > Print Class Schedule

Specify reporting parameters for the Schedule of Classes.

Report Options


Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule > Report Options

Further specify your Schedule of Classes reporting options.

Access the Print Class Schedule page (Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule > Print Class Schedule).

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution for which you want to print the schedule of classes. The system populates the Academic Institution field by default from the User Defaults 1 page. You can change the value. This field is required.


Enter the term for which you want to print the schedule of classes. The system populates the Term field by default from the User Defaults 1 page. You can change the value. This field is required.

Academic Organization Node

Enter the academic organization node for which you want to print the schedule of classes. The report selects all classes whose academic organization (as assigned on the Schedule of Classes - Basic Data page) falls under the academic organization node that you enter here. You can view the hierarchy of academic organizations on the academic organization tree.

See PeopleTools: Tree Manager


Enter the session for which you want to print the schedule of classes. If you do not enter a specific session, the system prints the schedule for the term you specify. Session values are defined on the Session Table page.

Schedule Print

Enter the schedule print value. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Yes: All classes with the Schedule Print check box selected on the Basic Data page appear on the report.

No: All classes with the Schedule Print check box cleared on the Basic Data page appear on the report.

All: All classes appear on the report, regardless of the Schedule Print check box setting on the Basic Data page.

Print Instructor in Schedule

Enter a value to determine whether the instructor's name appears on the report. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Values are:

Yes: All instructors with the Print check box selected on the Meetings page appear on the report.

No: All instructors with the Print check box cleared on the Meetings page appear on the report.

All: All instructors appear on the report, regardless of the Print check box setting on the Meetings page.

Class Status

Use the Class Status group box indicate what status of classes to print on the schedule of classes. Values are Active, Cancelled, Stop Enrl, and Tentative.

Print By Campus and Campus

Select to print the schedule of classes based on campus rather than by class section number. Select the campus to specify a single campus.

Print By Location and Location Code

Select to print the schedule of classes based on location within campus, rather than by class section number. Select the location code to specify a single location.

Access the Report Options page (Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule > Report Options).

Field or Control


Report Options

Set the report options to print the information that you want to display on the schedule of classes report.

Report Only

Clear this check box to specify that you want to create a Schedule of Classes report and send the Schedule of Classes report to your file path location in csv format. Select this check box to create a Schedule of Classes report, without creating a csv file. If you select this check box, the File Path field becomes unavailable.

File Path

In addition to sending report output for this process to a file (through setting preferences in the PeopleSoft Process Monitor), you can also send any additional output files created by this process to a file directory. To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.