Purging Drop Enrollment Records

Class drops are kept in the student's academic record if a student drops from a course while the drop retain record date is defined on the academic calendar for the session in which the student was enrolled.

At some point, your institution might decide to purge the system of these retained drop enrollment records. The drop purge process affords you this functionality. Run the purge process on past terms only when information about a student's drop enrollment record is no longer pertinent.

Important! Running this process may have a financial impact on the student's account. It's highly recommended to consult with the bursar's office before using this process.

Page Name

Definition Name



Drop Purge Process


Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Drop Purge > Drop Purge Process

Run the Drop Purge SQR process (SRDRPURG) to delete drop enrollment records from your system based on the parameters you specify.

Access the Drop Purge Process page (Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Drop Purge > Drop Purge Process).

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Select the academic institution for which you want to purge drop enrollment records.


Select the term for which you want to purge drop enrollment records.

Sequence Number

The system displays a default sequence number. It is for internal processing purposes only.

Note: This field and the remaining fields on this page are optional. They provide the means of purging drop enrollment records by various parameters.

Academic Career

If you want to purge drop enrollment records within a specific academic career, select a value.


If you want to purge drop enrollment records within a specific session, select a value.

From Date

If you want to purge student enrollment records with a class start date (as defined on the CLASS_TBL) greater than or equal to a specific date, enter the date.

To Date

If you want to purge student enrollment records with a class start date (as defined on the CLASS_TBL) less than or equal to a specific date, enter the date.

Subject Area

If you want to purge drop enrollment records for a specific class subject area, select a value.

Class Nbr (class number)

If you want to purge drop enrollment records for a specific class, select a value.


If you want to purge drop enrollment records at a specific campus, select a value.

Enrollment Status Reason

If you want to purge only the drop enrollment records that have a specific enrollment status reason attached to them, select the enrollment status reason. For example, you can purge drops that have an enrollment status reason of Drop Wait and that meet your other criteria. Enrollment status reasons appear in the Status/Reason field on pages within enrollment components.