Purging Transcripts

Important! The COBOL transcript process is a deprecated product. It is strongly recommended that you use the Application Engine transcript process instead. For more information on the Application Engine transcript process, see Understanding Transcript-Related Processes.

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to purge transcript reports.

To purge transcripts, use the Purge Transcript Reports component.

Note: The Transcript Purge (RUNCTL_SRTRPURG) component still exists in the system.

Use this component to purge COBOL based transcripts.

Before you can purge transcript requests and transcripts, you must create transcript requests.

Page Name

Definition Name



Purge Transcript Reports


Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > Purge Transcript Reports > Purge Transcript Reports

Purge transcript requests, including transcript results, if any. The system purges all transcript reports within the parameters that you specify.

Access the Purge Transcript Reports page (Records and Enrollment > Transcripts > Purge Transcript Reports > Purge Transcript Reports).

Note: You can enter any or all of the parameters on the page to select the appropriate transcript reports to purge.

Field or Control


Purge All Results

Select this option to purge all results.

Warning! Selecting the Purge All Results option will override the Freeze Record flag set on the report request record and will delete all data from the results tables.

If you also select the Purge Report Requests and Logs option, all associated request records will also be purged, even if the Freeze Record flag is set.

Select Results to Purge

Select this option to purge by transcript type parameter, date range, or user ID selection.

Purge Report Requests and Logs

When this option is selected, the transcript requests that all information associated with the request will be deleted. Requests will not appear on the Transcript Request Inquiry after the process runs.

Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you want to purge transcripts. This value determines the availability of transcript types in the Transcript Type field.

Transcript Type

Enter the transcript type for which you want to purge transcripts.

Request Date From and Request Date To

Enter values that specify purge parameters. The system purges transcript requests created on and including these dates. The request date is the date that the transcript request number is created.

Request Print Date From and Request Print Date To

Enter values that specify purge parameters. The system purges transcript requests printed on and including these dates. The request print date is not a literal definition. The request print date refers to the date on which the transcript is generated and available for printing. For online transcript requests, this value is provided by the value in the Print Date field on the Transcript Request Header page. For batch transcript requests, this date is the date that the transcript is generated.

Request User ID

Select an ID from your user ID list. The system purges transcript requests and print requests initiated by this user.

Click Run to run this request. PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the Purge Transcript Reports process at user-defined intervals.