Reviewing Delivered Report Types and Element Numbers

To set up report types, use the Define Report Type component (CAN_RPT_TYPE) and the Define Govt Element component (CAN_GOV_ELEM).

This section discusses how to:

  • Review delivered government report types.

  • Review delivered government elements.

Page Name

Definition Name



Report Type


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Define Report Type > Report Type

All (Delivered by Campus Solutions): Review report type values.

Government Element


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Define Govt Element > Government Element

All (Delivered by Campus Solutions): Review government element values.

Access the Report Type page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Define Report Type > Report Type).

Field or Control



The report type description.

Short Description

The report type short description.

Access the Government Element page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Definitions > Define Govt Element > Government Element).

Field or Control


Element Number

The element number specified in the government documentation.

Element Default

The element default value specified in the government documentation.