Running NZQA Reports

Run the NZQARPTS SQR process to generate one of the three required NZQA reports.

This section discusses how to run the NZQA reports.

Page Name

Definition Name



NZQA Reports


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > NZQA Reports NZL > NZQA Reports

Select and run one of the NZQA reports.

Access the NZQA Reports page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > NZQA Reports NZL > NZQA Reports).

Field or Control



If running the NZDipBus report, enter the term for which you are running the report.

NZDipBus Exam Item Type

If running the NZDipBus report, enter the item type used for the NZDipBus exam fee at your institution.

Fee Code

If running the Hook-On Request report, enter the fee code used for the Hook-On fee at your institution.

Address Usage

Select the address usage that the process should follow. The process uses this to determine which address to use for students included in the report.

Personal Details File

Enter the file path and file name that you want the system to use to save the Personal Detail file.

Results File

Enter the file path and file name that you want the system to use to save the Results file.

Credits File

Enter the file path and file name that you want the system to use to save the Credits file.