Running the OUAC Extract Process

In Ontario, running the MET extract process and generating the MET flat file will satisfy most of your reporting.

However, in Ontario, where the FALL USIS Enrollment reporting submission includes the OUAC elements, the process is more complex.

Follow these steps to generate the OUAC report for Ontario Fall USIS Enrollment reporting:

  1. Run the MET extract process.

  2. Run the OUAC extract process.

  3. Run the OUAC flat file generation process.

When you run the flat file process for OUAC, it generates two files. One file contains just the OUAC elements, and the second file is a combined file that contains the USISE, MET, and OUAC elements.

Page Name

Definition Name



OUAC Extract Process


Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Processes > OUAC Report Process > OUAC Extract Process

Define run parameters for the Create Extract for OUAC process (SRXTROUC) and the Create Flat file for OUAC process (SRCRFOUC).

Access the OUAC Extract Process page (Records and Enrollment > Government Reporting Canada > Processes > OUAC Report Process > OUAC Extract Process).

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Enter the institution for which you are running the process.

Report Period

Select the period for which you are running the process. This field prompts against the report period table.

File Path

To send the extract output to a file directory, enter a valid directory path that maps to a folder with appropriate read/write permission. If you cannot locate such a folder, consult your system administrator.

Note: The file path must have a "\" (slash symbol) at the end of the path (for example, c:\temp\).

Student Selection

To define the group of students that you want to process, select one of the following options:

Process All Students: Select to generate the extract and flat file for all students in the student list table.

Process Selected Students: Select this option in conjunction with using the Select check box on the Student List Table page. The reports extract process adds data for a new student or replaces reporting data for an existing student. The reporting information for the students who do not have the Select check box selected remains unchanged by the process.

Click Run to run this request and select Create Extract for OUAC. Click OK. After the extract process finishes, return to the Process Scheduler Request page and select Create Flat file for OUAC. Click OK.