Running the Repeat Rule Checking Process in Batch

This section discusses how to run the Repeat Rule Checking process (SRPCERPT) in batch.

Page Name

Definition Name



Repeat Checking


Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Repeat Checking > Repeat Checking

Run the Repeat Rule Checking COBOL/SQL process (SRPCERPT) in batch, or set up the process scheduler to run the process automatically.

Access the Repeat Checking page (Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > End of Term Processing > Repeat Checking > Repeat Checking).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Repeat Checking page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Repeat Checking page

Field or Control



Select the academic institution for which you want to run the process.


Select the academic career within the academic institution, or the academic career for a particular student, for which you want to run the process. If you do not select an academic program and ID, the process checks for repeats for every student in this academic career (you can also narrow the search by term).


Select the academic program for which you want to run the process. If you do not select an ID, the process checks for repeats for every student in this primary academic program (you can also narrow the search by term).


Select the term for which you want to run the process. The system uses the start date of the term as the effective date and uses repeat rules that are valid for the term.


If you want to check for repeats for particular students, select an ID. If you do not specify an ID, the process runs on all students in the academic career, primary academic program, and term that you selected.


From the following choices, select the mode for the repeat process. The system uses the aspect of the student's record that you select.

All/Entire Record: The Repeat Rule Checking process starts at the beginning of the student's record and progresses forward to the current term, considering all courses within the student's record. This mode is ideal for processing over many terms that have never been processed for repeat checking, for example, after converting student data. You should not specify values for the Term field when you run the Repeat Rule Checking process in the All/Entire Record mode.

Entire Term: The Repeat Rule Checking process checks for repeats against only the student enrollment records within the term that you specify in the Term field. The process starts with the specified term and progresses back in time looking only for matches of classes that were taken within the specified term. The Term field is required when you are running the process in this mode. This is the standard mode to use when running repeat checking in batch at the end of each term.

Note: Keep in mind that when you run the process in the All/Entire Record mode, any previous set repeat codes are subject to be changed.


From the following choices, select which aspects of the student's enrollment records (STDNT_ENRL) the process should check.

All Courses: The process analyzes all student enrollment records within the mode and scope that you select.

Only Repeat Candidates: The process analyzes only those courses in the selected process term for which the repeat candidate flag on the STDNT_ENRL table is set to Y. Courses in prior terms can contain either a Y or N value.


From the following choices, select the scope of the process.

All Work for Term: The process considers all of the course work on the student's enrollment records, including course transfer credit.

Student Enrollments Only: The process considers only courses for which the student enrolled through the internal academic institution. Credit received by transfer is not considered.

Transfer/Test Credit: The process considers only course transfer credit.

If you select All Work for Term or Transfer/Test Credit, the Repeat Checking process assigns repeat codes to transfer credit, whether or not the Process on Transfer Credit check box on the Academic Institution 5 page is selected.