Setting Up AIR Administrator Security

It is useful to read this section in the context of these other sections in the document:

  • Setting Up Program Formats (earlier in document).

  • Setting Up Academic Item Registry Entries, Item Details, and Item Security (later in document).

  • Building Programs by Format (later in document).

A Program Format definition provides a framework for building academic requirements in the Academic Item Registry. Program Format provides a template for building programs in a prescribed way, using the Build Program by Format component. This component is the main tool for defining programs of study using academic items that are defined in the Academic Item Registry.

The majority of users will use the Academic Item Registry component primarily to build the content that is compiled into a program of study using the Build Program by Format component. For this reason, the use of Program Format node academic items is restricted in the Academic Item Registry component, so that most users can assign only non-Program Format Tree node items as children of other items. This prevents deviation from authorized program structures.

Exceptions to program formats can be made only by users who are authorized as Academic Item Registry Administrators.

Warning! We recommend that any exceptions be given careful consideration and testing as an exception to an established hierarchy may not be supported in the various processes and user interfaces that use the program format definition for validation and formatting purposes.

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Item Registry Admin


Set Up SACR > Secure Student Administration > User ID > Academic Item Registry Admin

Set up AIR administrator security.

Access the Academic Item Registry Admin page (Set Up SACR > Secure Student Administration > User ID > Academic Item Registry Admin).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Academic Item Registry Admin page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Academic Item Registry Admin page

AIR Administrator security is based on User ID.

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Select the institution to grant administrator privileges for this user ID.

AIR Administrator privileges apply to the Academic Item Registry component only. When User ID: PS adds child items to an Academic Item in the Academic Item Registry component the prompt shows all authorized child items, including those items identified as Program Format tree nodes.

See Setting Up Program Formats

See Setting Up Academic Item Registry Entries, Item Details, and Item Security

See Building Programs by Format