Setting Up Result Types

Due to the flexible nature of AIR based program requirements, you must define the level at which you track unit and credit totals for example, and also, the type of data that you want to track at those levels. The Result Types feature provides you with the means to build these student data profiles, to define the type of data to be tracked (for example, Total Enrolled Credits, Total Completed Credits) and the format of that data.

This section discusses how to define result types.

Note: The Result Type design is still being finalized and some components of this feature are planned for the future.

Page Name

Definition Name



Result Type


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Grading > Result Type.

Define result types.

Access the Result Type page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Grading > Result Type).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Result Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Result Type page

Result Types are defined by Institution.

Field or Control


System Data

For future use.

Result Value Field Type

Determines which fields are available for entry on the page, and, when the Result Type is applied to an APT attempt, which fields are available for entry in APT.

See Using Item Attributes to Extend AIR Data Elements

Values are:

  • Free-form Text: A 50 character description field. This is the default value.

  • List of Valid Values: The Valid values for this Result Type grid becomes available.

  • Numeric: The Integer Positions and Decimal Positions fields become available.

  • Result Scale: Enables the Result Scale field in the Associated Academic Institutions grid. Use the Result Scale table (SSR_RES_MAP_TBL) to define the rules for a set of scores or results for use in Activity Management and for use with a Result Type in APT. The result scale can specify a valid range/format, and map scores/marks to a grade.

    See Setting Up an Activity Management Framework

  • Table Validation: The Record (Table) Name field becomes available.

  • Translate Table Validation: The Field Name field becomes available.

Valid values for this Result Type

Available when the Result Value Field Type is List of Values.

Result Value: The values that you define here appear in the Result prompt in an APT attempt.

See Managing APT Items

Integer Positions

Available when the Result Value Field Type is Numeric.

Controls the number of digits before the decimal for Numeric attribute types.

Decimal Positions

Available when the Result Value Field Type is Numeric.

Controls the number of decimal places available for Numeric attribute types.

Record (Table) Name

Available when the Result Value Field Type is Table Validation.

Prompts against a view listing all tables where there is:

  • A single key or

  • Records with two keys where the second key is Effective Date (EFFDT) or

  • Records with two keys where the first key is either INSTITUTION or SETID or

  • Records with three keys where the first key is either INSTITUTION or SETID and the third is EFFDT.

Field Name

Available when the Result Value Field Type is Translate Table Validation.

Prompts against the PSXLATTABLE.

Updated by Activity Management, Display in Self Service and Print in Transcript fields are planned for future use.

Associated Academic Institutions

Use the Associated Academic Institutions grid to enable a result type for one or more institutions and to assign a result scale if the Result Value Field Type is Result Scale. When an Institution and Result Scale combination is defined, the specified result scale is used to validate entries for this result type.

Field or Control



Select an institution.

Result Scale

If the Result Value Field Type value is Result Scale, the Result Scale field is available and lists all active result scales for this institution.


You must select a default result scale if more than one result scale is entered for the same institution. The default is used when a result (for this result type) is manually entered on the Academic Progress Tracker component.

Item Type Usage

Field or Control


Academic Item Type

Select the academic item types to which this result type can be attached in AIR.

Calculation Rule ID

Select a Calculation Rule ID to be used for the select item type. The prompt returns rules that meet the following criteria:

  • The rule must be associated with a rule type for which the APT Usage is Result Calculation. Note that rules are associated with a rule type based on their rule group.

    See Setting Up Rules for Program Enrollment

  • The rule type must also be attached (again, via the rule group) with the delivered Rule Category APT Functions.

    In My Oracle Support (ID 1400723.1), see:

    • Using the Rules Engine for Program Enrollment Student Self-Service: System/Example Data

    • Using the Rules and Engine for Program Enrollment Calculation and Evaluation: System/Example Data

Auto-create in AIR

When you select this check box, an AIR Result Type row is created each time that a user adds a new academic item of this type in AIR.

Content Type Usage

Field or Control


Content Definition

Currently Coursework is the only delivered Content Definition.

Academic Content Type

Select the academic content type to which this result type can be attached in Activity Management.

Auto-Create in AM

This check box is planned for future use.

See Setting Up Academic Item Registry Entries, Item Details, and Item Security

See Setting Up an Activity Management Framework