Setting Up a HESA Return

This section discusses how to:

  • Set up a HESA return.

  • Set up HESA fields.

  • Set up HESA types.

  • Set up HESA action reasons.

  • Configure HESA.

  • Generating student identifiers (SIDs or HUSIDs) during registration or enrollment.

  • Define session year records.

Page Name

Definition Name



Reporting Periods


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Reporting Periods

View or create a reporting period. Reporting periods from 2000 onwards are delivered with your system.



Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns

View or create a return type. The STUDENT, OFFSHORE, DLHE, GRADOUT, Unistats/KIS, Data Futures, and ITT return types are delivered with your system.



Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Entities

View or create an entity for a return type. The entities for Student, Offshore, DLHE, GRADOUT, Unistats/KIS, Data Futures, and ITT returns are delivered with your system.

When you do a search, selecting the Active check box returns only active entities in the results.



Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Fields

View or create return fields. For Student, Offshore, DLHE, GRADOUT, Unistats/KIS, Data Futures, and ITT returns, the HESA fields are delivered with your system.

HESA Returns


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Returns

Create a return for a reporting period. To create a return, you can copy return setup data (such as the return fields) from another return you previously created.

HESA Fields


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Fields

Add, edit, or view HESA fields in a return. If required, specify default and constant values for the HESA return fields.

HESA Types


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Types

For the Student return, map HESA fields to the Campus Solutions name, address and external ID types. The system uses this mapping to derive HESA return field values. Also, define the program statuses that the system uses to determine which Instances records to include in the return.

HESA Action Reasons


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Action Reasons

For the Student return, map HESA field codes to the Campus Solutions Program Action and Action Reason values. The system uses this mapping to derive HESA return field values.

HESA Configuration


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Configuration > HESA Configuration

Configure the system for Create Extract and Create HUSID processing. Control validation for DLHE survey.

Create Student Identifiers


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Create Student Identifiers

Create SID or HUSID for students during the registration or enrollment period.

Session Years


Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Session Years

Define new session year records for an academic institution.

Access the HESA Returns page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Returns).

When adding a new return, you have to enter an academic institution and a return name. You must enter a unique return name for an academic institution.

Note: To test the Create Extract Application Engine (SSR_HE_DATA) process, you can define multiple returns for the same institution, return type, and reporting period.

Note: For the Data Futures return, the field derivation logic uses the Rules Engine. Rules are delivered for each field, and to activate the rules for the return you must run the Build Rules process for HESA DF Field Derivation Rules and HESA Derivation Steps Rule Categories. Make sure you have the appropriate security access to both categories. To run the process, go to Set Up SACR > System Administration > Rules Engine > Setup > Build Rules.

When you access the HESA Returns page in add mode, the Copy Return Setup Data From group box appears.

To create a return using the Copy Return Setup Data From group box:

  1. Select a previously defined return name from which you want to copy the setup data.

  2. Select a reporting period for which you want to create the return.

  3. Click Copy.

The other tabs in the page appear when you copy a return or click the Skip Copy button. If you want to manually create a return, if you are creating a return for the first time, or if no appropriate records are available to copy from, click the Skip Copy button.

The Create Fields button is available only when you click the Skip Copy button.

After selecting a return type, you can click the Create Fields button to have the system automatically create all the entities and the associated fields for the return. The system displays the created fields on the HESA Fields page.

Field or Control


Return Type

Select any one of the following: STUDENT, OFFSHORE, DLHE, GRADOUT, ITT or KIS (Unistats).

You can also select a return type that you have defined in the Returns page.

Note: The system displays the HESA Types tab only for the Student and ITT returns.

The system displays the HESA Action Reasons tab only for the Student, ITT and DLHE returns.

Reporting Period

Select the reporting period for which you want to create the return.


Select a country code that the system uses to determine which fields to include in the return. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Values are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. This field is not applicable for the Aggregate Offshore return.


Enter a value that you want the system to return in the Institution.INSTAPP field of the return. This field is not applicable for the Aggregate Offshore, DLHE, GRADOUT, Unistats/KIS and ITT, and Data Futures returns.

Enable Sub-Plan Reporting

Select if you want to enter the reporting data in the Sub-Plan HESA and the Sub-Plan Offering/Year HESA pages. Selecting this check box enables the system to use the entered subplan level data to generate the HESA return.

This is not enabled for Graduate Outcomes (GRADOUT) return.

Include FE (Include further education)

Select to have the system derive fields relevant to further education (FE) students. This check box is not applicable for the Aggregate Offshore, DLHE, and GRADOUT returns.


Clear this check box if you want to prevent old test returns from being displayed in the search results.

For more information about the HUSID, INSTAPP, and UKPRN fields, refer to the HESA Student Record specification available from the HESA website. Specification for the HUSID digit structure can also be found on the HESA website.

Program Statuses

Select program statuses that the system can use for creating Instance entities.

See Student Record Return: Instance Entity

See ITT Return: Student Entity

Survey Details

The system enables the Survey Details region when you select the DLHE return type. Use this region to define the details of the two surveys (April and January) for each DLHE reporting period.

Field or Control



For DLHE, select the survey translate values: 1 for the April survey or 2 for the January survey.

For Graduate Outcomes, select the survey translate values:

  • A for December.

  • B for March.

  • C for June.

  • D for September.

Note: Because the CENSUS value is returned at the Provider rather than the Graduate level, it is expected that separate returns are defined for each of the survey populations. This allows the extracted data to be retained and not overwritten when the extract is run for a subsequent survey. The setup also allows a single return to be defined for multiple surveys where an institution does not want to retain the extract data.

Qualifying Start Date

  • For DLHE, select the start date to be used when identifying students who qualify for the survey. If the Survey value is April, the value defaults to the reporting period start date. If the Survey value is January, the value defaults to 01-JAN-YYYY where the year value is the year value of the reporting period end date.

  • For Graduate Outcomes, students who belong to cohort:

    • A, the value defaults to 01-AUG-YYYY, where the year value is the record year.

    • B, the value defaults to 01-NOV-YYYY, where the year value is the record year.

    • C, the value defaults to 01-FEB-YYYY, where the year value is the record year plus 1.

    • D, the value defaults to 01-MAY-YYYY, where the year value is the record year plus 1.

Qualifying End Date

  • For DLHE, select the end date to be used when identifying students who qualify for the survey. If the Survey value is April, the value defaults to 31-Dec-YYYY, where the YYYY value is the year of the reporting period start date. If the Survey value is January, the value defaults to the reporting period end date.

  • For Graduate Outcomes, students who belong to cohort:

    • A, the value defaults to 31-OCT-YYYY, where the year value is the record year.

    • B, the value defaults to 31-JAN-YYYY, where the year value is the record year plus 1.

    • C, the value defaults to 30-APR-YYYY, where the year value is the record year plus 1.

    • D, the value defaults to 31-JUL-YYYY, where the year value is the record year plus 1.

Census Date

Select the census date for the survey. This system also displays the date to the student on the Survey questionnaire

For Graduate Outcomes, this field is optional.

Survey Start Date

Select the date when the survey is available for completion by the student.

For Graduate Outcomes, this field is optional. But if you define a start date, then you must also define an end date.

Survey End Date

Select the date when the survey is no longer available for completion by the student.

For Graduate Outcomes, this field is optional.

Survey Statuses

The system enables the Survey Statuses region when you select the DLHE and GRADOUT return type. Use this region to define which surveys, based on the survey status, should be included by the Create Extract process.

Note: Unless other survey status values are set in Survey Management that should be included in the extract, you should define only New for a GRADOUT return.

Field or Control


Survey Status

Select the translate values of the statuses to be included in the HESA extract.

Account Types

The system enables the Account Types region when you select the Student return type. Use this region to specify the account types that your institution uses for tuition and waiver charges. The system uses the values that you enter in this region to derive Instance.GROSSFEE and Instance.NETFEE.

Research Options

This region appears only when the Return Type is STUDENT.

Field or Control


Primary Advisor Only

By default, this check box is not selected.

Use this check box to determine which student advisor records are used to create REF Data entities.

Primary Supervisor Only

By default, this check box is not selected.

Use this check box to determine which supervisor records are used to create REF Data entities.

Advisor Roles

Select the advisor role.

Supervisor Roles

Optional. Use this field to define one or more roles to determine which supervisor records are used to create REF Data entities.

If you do not define a role, supervisor records with any role value will be considered.

Supervisor Statuses

Use the Status field to define one ore more status values to determine which supervisor records are used to create REF Data entities.

See Student Record Return: REF Data Entity.

Research Attributes

Use this grid to map research fields to Common Attributes. This grid is hidden for Data Futures returns.

Field or Control



Select a Research field (ORCID, RCSTDID, RCSTDNT) to map to a single Common Attribute.

Common Attribute

Select a Common Attribute for mapping. Common Attributes are limited to the attributes defined for the Research Consumption record (SSR_RS_CONSMPTN).

Common Attributes

Use this grid to map a field to a combination of record and Common Attributes for the Data Futures return. This grid is hidden for other HESA Return types.

Field or Control



Select a field to map to a record and attribute.

  • ENGEXPECTEDENDDATE — a date attribute for end of assessment (as distinct from end of teaching or end of term) can be defined for Engagement.

    For ITT returns, this is the only field available.

  • MODINSTENDDATE – a date attribute that overrides the end date of the class section.

  • ORCID — an ID attribute for research consumption for Student.ORCID for the Student return.

  • QUALAWARDDATE – a date attribute that records the graduation ceremony date. This is used in cases where the award is made in the reporting period but the Confer Date is in a later period.

  • RCSTDID — an ID attribute for research consumption for Instance.RCSTDID for the Student return and Engagement.RCSTDID for the Data Futures return.

  • RCSTNDT — a research council attribute for research consumption for Instance.RCSTDNT for the Student return.

  • RCSTNDTE — a research council attribute for research consumption for Engagement.RCSTDNTE for the Data Futures return.

Record Name

Select the Record (table) that includes the Common Attribute field to which you wish to map.

Common Attribute

Select a Common Attribute for mapping. Available Common Attributes are limited to the Record Name (table) selected.

Access the HESA Fields page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Fields).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HESA Fields page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) Fields page

Use a field constant when your institution wants to return the same value for an entity. For example, if you want the system to derive the Credit transfer scheme as No Scheme for all modules in the Student return 2008/09, set the Module.CRDTSCM constant value to 9.

Use the field default to reduce the amount of data entry by defining a default value to be used when no value is derived for a mandatory field. For example, if a default value of 999 is defined for the Module.CRDTPTS field, and no data is found for a module, then 999 is used.

Note that you must enter the value NULL if you want to define a null constant or default.

Note: The Constant Value field or the Default Value field can accept a maximum of 30 characters. Therefore, the system does not use these two fields in the derivation of the Unistats/KIS fields that exceed 30 characters (for example, the URL fields).

Note: For Unistats/KIS: The LEVELK field has K appended to distinguish it from the LEVEL field in the Aggregate Offshore return. The TITLEK field has K appended to distinguish it from the TITLE field in the ITT return. JACSA, JACSB and JACSC fields have A, B and C appended to allow three values to be returned and to distinguish the fields from the JACS field in the DLHE return.

Access the HESA Types page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Types).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HESA Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) Types page

Name Types

The system uses the Name Types mapping to derive Student.SNAME16 for ITT, Data Futures, and Student returns.

This region does not appear for Graduate Outcomes return. Name details are derived from Primary name records as per Student return.

Address Types

The system uses the Address Types mapping to derive the following fields:

  • EntryProfile.POSTCODE

  • Student.TTPCODE

  • EntryProfile.PERMADDCOUNTRY for the Data Futures return

For Graduate Outcomes, only the COUNTRY field is available. Users can define one or more address types that are considered when deriving the COUNTRY field and the Postal Address entity. If users do not define a type, all active address are considered during derivation.

Note: The Address Types region is not applicable for the ITT return.

External ID Types

The system uses the External ID Types mapping to derive the following fields for the Student return:

  • Instance.DHREGREF

  • Student.HUSID

  • Instance.RCSTDID

  • Student.SCN

  • Instance.TREFNO

  • Student.UCASPERID

  • Student.ULN

The system uses the External ID Types mapping to derive the following fields for the ITT return:

  • Student.HUSID

  • Student ISANUM

  • Student.NIN

  • Student.SKILLTEST

  • Student.TREFNO

  • Student.ULN

The system uses the External ID Types mapping to derive the following fields for the Data Futures return:

  • Engagement.RCSTDID

  • Engagement.TRN

  • Student.SCN

  • Student.UCASPERID

  • Student.ULN

For information about defining external systems and entering external system IDs for a person or an organization, see:

Email Types

Use this region to define one or more email types for the Graduate Outcomes return EMAIL field and for the ITT return NQTEMAIL field.

If you do not define a type, all emails are considered during derivation.

The system uses Email Types to derive the following fields for Graduate Outcomes return:




Person ID Type

Use this region to define one or more ID types for the Data Futures return. The system uses the Person ID Type to derive PersonIdentifier.IDTYPECODE.

Phone Types

Use this region to define one or more phone types for the Graduate Outcomes return INTTEL, UKMOB, and UKTEL fields. If you do not define a type, all phone numbers are considered during derivation. The system uses Phone Types to derive the following fields for Graduate Outcomes return:










Access the HESA Action Reasons page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Returns Setup > HESA Action Reasons).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) Action Reasons page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) Action Reasons page

Use this page to define the combinations of program action and action reason that the system uses to indicate PHD submission for research students, reason for ending studies, mode change, suspension of active studies, and award-only mapping.

For each region, if you edit the Program Action values the corresponding Action Reason fields are cleared to prevent an invalid combination from being saved.

Note: The Phd Submission Mapping and Suspension of Active Studies Mapping regions are not applicable for the ITT return.

Phd Submission Mapping

The system uses this mapping to derive the Instance.PHDSUB and StudentCourseSession.PHDSUB fields.

Reason for Ending Mapping

Select the Reason for Ending tab to enter the HESA codes. Map the program action and action reason values to the (HESA) Session Reason, Leaver Reason, and Instance Reason codes.

The system uses this mapping to derive Data Futures return Leaver.RSNREGEND field and StudentCourseSession.RSNSCSEND.

Change of Mode Mapping

Map the program action and action reason values to the HESA Mode of Study and HESA Mode Direction codes. Click the Mode of Study tab to enter the HESA mode of study and direction codes.

The system uses this mapping to derive the Student return's Instance.MODE field and ITT return's Student.MODE field.

Suspension of Active Studies Mapping

Map the program action and action reason values to the HESA Suspension of Studies codes. Click the Suspension of Studies tab to enter the HESA Suspension of Studies codes.

The system uses this mapping to derive the Instance.NOTACT field.

Award Only Mapping

The mapping in this grid is used in cases where the student’s program or plan is changed in order to make an intermediate award. When this happens, you must define the combinations of program action and reason that are used to make the change and complete the program. For example, Program Change/AWDP followed by Completion of Program/SUCC and those rows in Student Program/Plan are not considered when determining the COURSEID for the instance. This ensures continuity with what has been previously reported to HESA for that instance. The new program or plan is considered for the derivation of Qualifications Awarded. If you do not set a mapping as active, the program action and reason mapping continues to be considered.

This grid appears only for Student and ITT returns.

Field or Control


Action Reason

(Optional) If you do not define a value, all action reasons (including blanks) are considered for the Program Action.


By default, this check box is selected. You can deselect this check box to indicate that the mapping row is considered.

Access the HESA Configuration page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Configuration > HESA Configuration).

Institution Details

Field or Control



Enter a value that you want the system to return in the Institution.UKPRN field of the return.

Show Further Education page

Select to enable the Further Education page on the HESA Instance Details component (SSR_HE_INSTANCE).

If this check box is deselected, you cannot access the Further Education page.

Note: The fields on the Further Education page are relevant only to institutions in England and Wales.

Show Financial Support region

Select to enable the Financial Support region in HESA Instance Details component. Institutions in England can select this check box and institutions in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales can deselect this check box.

Show ITT Placement region

Select to enable the ITT Placement records in the HESA Instance Details component.

Student Identifier Generation

Use this region to configure HUSID before running the Create HUSID process or the Create Extract process.

Note: For students without HUSIDs, the system creates HUSIDs when you run the Create Extract process for the Student return. However, if you want to create these IDs at the point of registration or enrollment for new students and before running the Create Extract process, run the Create HUSID process.

For information about defining external systems and entering external system IDs for a person or an organization, see:

Field or Control


HESA Institution Identifier

(Optional) Set the institution identifier. This value is used to generate part of the HUSID.

Sequence Number

Enter the starting number for the system-assigned six-digit number included in the 13-digit HUSID number. For each student without an existing HUSID, the Create HUSID process or the Create Extract process assigns a unique 13-digit HUSID value in the return.

HUSID External System

(Optional) Select the ID type that the Create HUSID or Create Extract process uses for HUSID value.

SID External System

(Optional) Select the ID you want to use to generate SID records for the Data Futures return.

Grading Basis Inclusion and Repeat Code Exclusion

These regions enable you to specify which Grading Basis values to include and which Repeat Codes to exclude in the Create Extract, Calculate Full-Time Equivalence, and Calculate Year of Student processes.

In the Grading Basis Inclusion region, when you select a Grading Basis and select a check box for the Extract, FTE, or the Year of Student process, the selected Grading Basis is considered by the selected process. In the Repeat Code Exclusion region, when you select a Repeat Code and select a check box for the Extract, FTE or Year of Student process, the selected process excludes class enrollments for the selected Repeat Code.

See Setting Up Your System for Grading

See Understanding Repeat Checking Functionality

Drop Reason Exclusion

Use this region to define one or more reasons for dropping an enrollment. The Create Extract process for the Data Futures return, Calculate Full-Time Equivalence (FTE), and Calculate Year of Student processes utilizes the reasons you select to determine which records are excluded.

DLHE Survey

Field or Control


Allow incomplete submission

Select to allow incomplete submission of the Enter Survey self-service page data.

If this check box is:

  • Not selected and the student clicks the Submit button on Section F of the Enter Survey self-service page, then:

    • if there are any questions in the Incomplete Questions section then a message (In order to submit your survey all questions must be complete. Please update any incomplete questions and then select Submit) appears and the system saves the survey record but does not submit it. The student can then navigate back to other sections and enter the answers.

    • If all the questions are answered, the system submits the survey.

  • Selected and the student clicks the Submit button, then:

    • if Q1 appears in the Incomplete Questions section, then a message (In order to submit your survey Section A must be complete. Please update any incomplete questions and then select Submit) appears and the system saves the survey record but does not submit it. The student can then navigate back to Section A to enter the answers.

    • if Q1 is answered, the system submits the survey.

This check box is applicable only for students accessing the Enter Survey self-service page. If you are accessing the Enter Survey self-service page by clicking the Enter Survey button on the Survey Management page, then this check box does not impact you.

Hide Qualified Teacher Status

If you select this check box, the system does not display the following on both student and administrator versions of the survey:

  • Your Education Summary region in Section A.

  • Help text and the Newly Qualified Teacher Status check box in Section C (however, admin users can still update the Newly Qualified Teacher Status check box on the Survey Details page).

Hide Save and Return

If you select this check box, the system does not display the Save and Return button and the Cancel button on each section of the student version of the survey (but the system will display the Save button on the administrator version of the survey).

Require mandatory questions

If you select the Allow incomplete submission check box, this check box becomes available.

If the Allow incomplete submission is selected and the Require mandatory questions is not selected, then the students can submit the survey as long as Section A is complete (regardless of whether or not the Incomplete Questions list in section F contains optional or required fields).

If both the Allow incomplete submission and Require mandatory questions check boxes are selected, then the students will not be able to submit if there are any required questions listed in the Incomplete Questions list; students will be able to submit if only optional questions or no questions are included in the Incomplete Questions list.

This check box is applicable only for students accessing the Enter Survey self-service page. If you are accessing the Enter Survey self-service page by clicking the Enter Survey button on the Survey Management page, then this check box does not impact you.

Access the Create Student Identifiers page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Create HUSID).

Use this page if you want to create Student identifiers (SIDs) or HUSIDs when registering or enrolling new students and before running the Create Extract process.

To create a HUSID, the process selects a student's earliest MATR Student Program record . If the MATR record is not available, then it selects the student's earliest ACTV record. If a record is found, the process uses the record's effective date for the entry year element. Then, the Create HUSID process uses the following logic to generate the HUSID value for a student who does not have a HUSID:

  • The first two digits of HUSID represent the year the student entered the Institution (for example, 08 for 2008). The entry year is determined as the final two digits of the year element of the effective date of the selected Student Program record.

  • The next four digits represent the institution identifier.

    • The process calculates the institution identifier as Institution Code plus 1000 (for example, 0184 is calculated as 1184)

    • Note that the process picks the Institution Code value from the HESA Configuration page.

  • The next six digits represent the system assigned sequence number.

    • Note that the starting number is defined in the HESA Configuration page. The process assigns this number for the first student for whom calculation is done.

    • The system automatically increases the starting number by one when it assigns a new sequence number.

  • The final digit is a check digit based on the existing ten digits. See the HESA website for details on check digit calculation.

Field or Control


ID Type


  • HUSID external system, if you are creating a HUSID.

  • SID external system, if you are creating a student identifier (SID) for Data Futures return.

    If you select an SID external system, the Create from HUSID and Create New check boxes appear.

Create from HUSID

Select this check box to create SID records for students who don’t have SIDs by using their existing HUSID records. Students must also have an active Student Program record for the institution.

By default, this check box is deselected.

Create New

Select this check box to create new SID records. By default, this check box is selected.

To create an SID, the system uses a similar logic when creating a HUSID. However, the system formats the SID according to the UKPRN and SID external system values from the HESA configuration instead of the institution identifier and HUSID external system. For SIDs, the:

  • first two digits are the last two digits of the year of entry into the institution

  • next eight digits are the institution’s UKPRN

  • next six digits represent the six-digit reference number internally allocated by the institution

  • last digit is a check digit, which provides a way to detect errors in transcription. This is calculated using the first 16 digits of the SID.

Note: If you select this check box and the Create from HUSID check box, the system first creates SIDs from existing HUSIDs before creating new SIDs.

Start Date

Specify a date if you want the process to only examine Student Program records that are active or matriculated on or after the specified date. For example, if you enter January 5, 2009, the process creates HUSIDS or SIDs for students who have records that have a program action of MATR or ACTV with an effective date of January 5, 2009 or later.

Access the Session Years page (Records and Enrollment > HESA Reporting > HESA Returns Setup > Session Years).

Use this page to define session year records for an academic institution. Academic Career, Term, and Session are optional. If required, these fields allow you to define non-standard years that aren't aligned with a term.

Field or Control


Own Identifier

Optional. You can enter a maximum of 50 uppercase alphanumeric characters.

Academic Career

Optional. Select an active academic career for the selected academic institution.


Optional. This is enabled only when you select an academic career.


Optional. This is enabled only when you select a term.

Start Date

If you select a term, this value defaults to the Term Begin Date, but you can update it if necessary.

End Date

When you select a start date, this value defaults to Start Date plus 1 year, minus 1 day. For example, if your start date is 25 September 2021, the end date defaults to 24 September 2022. You can update this if necessary.


By default, this is selected for new records. You can deselect this for obsolete records that don't need to be included in the Data Futures extract.