Student Record Return: Qualifications Awarded Entity

The Create Extract process creates Qualifications Awarded entities for each Instance entity where the student has completed the course and the academic institution has awarded a qualification to the student. The process uses the HESA Instance record for field derivation. If a field value does not exist in the HESA Instance record, the process uses the student degree records for derivation.

The process creates the Qualifications Awarded entities only if the Include Student Entities check box is selected on the Create Extract Data page. The selection logic for Qualifications Awarded that considers student degree records considers the completion term and confer dates when determining if the qualification should be included in the extract. That is, degrees should have status of Awarded with either a Confer Date that falls within the reporting period dates or a completion term that overlaps the reporting period (which means, the term end date is on or after the reporting period start date and the term begin date is on or before the reporting period end date).

The process selects Qualifications Awarded records for Instance records where:

  • Instance.REDUCEDI = 00,01 or 04 (not Reduced FE or Incoming Visiting/Exchange), and

  • Instance.ENDDATE is not null or Instance.INTERCALATE = 01

Return: Student Record

Entity: Qualifications Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Classification (Qualifications Awarded group box)

Degree Honors (Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees > Degree Honors)

Honors Code

Classification (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Classification)

Honors Code

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = Northern Ireland or Scotland and QualificationsAwarded.QUAL = M22, M26, M28, H00, H11, H12, H16, H18, H22, H23, H24, H50, I00, I11, I12, or I16

  • Country = England

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from the HESA Instance - Qualifications Awarded record, derive as the Classification value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees record, use the mapping on the Classification page to derive as the HESA Honors Code. On the Classification page the HESA Honors Code must be mapped to a HESA classification and a Honors Type where the Honors Type must be Degree Honors.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Qualifications Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Outcome of ITT Instance (Qualifications Awarded group box)

HESA Instance

OUTCOME (Instance HESA Data group box)

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = England or Wales

  • Related Course.TTCID = 1 or Q

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from the HESA Instance - Qualifications Awarded record, derive as the Outcome of ITT Instance value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees record, derive as the OUTCOME value.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Qualifications Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Qualification Awarded (Qualifications Awarded group box)

Degree (Records and Enrollment > Graduation > Student Degrees > Degree)


Qualification (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Qualification)


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Qualifications Awarded entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from the HESA Instance - Qualifications Awarded record, derive as the Qualification Awarded value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees record, use the mapping on the Qualification page to derive as the mapped HESA Degree code.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Qualifications Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance

Sector (Qualifications Awarded group box)

HESA Instance

TQGSEC (Instance HESA Data group box)

Program HESA Data

TQGSEC (Program HESA Instance Data group box)

Plan HESA Data

TQGSEC (Plan HESA Instance Data group box)

Sub-Plan HESA

TQGSEC (Sub-Plan HESA Instance Data group box)

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland or Northern Ireland

  • Related Course.TTCID = 1 or 2

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from the HESA Instance - Qualifications Awarded record, derive as the Sector value.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees record, derive as the TQGSEC value. If two awards are reported, use this value for both entities.

  3. If the related Instance.COURSEID is based on a sub-plan, derive value from Sub-Plan HESA.

  4. Derive value from Plan HESA Data.

  5. Derive value from Program HESA Data.

  6. Use default.

  7. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Qualifications Awarded

Pages Used:


Page Element

HESA Instance (Qualifications Awarded group box)

Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3

HESA Instance (Instance HESA Data group box)


Program HESA Data (Program HESA Instance Data group box)


Plan HESA Data (Plan HESA Instance Data group box)


Sub-Plan HESA (Sub-Plan HESA Instance Data group box)


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • QualificationsAwarded.TQGSEC = 2

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. If the entity is derived from the HESA Instance - Qualifications Awarded record, derive as the Subject 1, Subject 2, and Subject 3 values.

  2. If the entity is derived from Student Degrees record, derive as the TQGSUB, TQGSUB2, and TQGSUB3 values. Use these values for both entities if two awards are reported.

  3. If the related Instance.COURSEID is based on a sub-plan and TQGSUB is defined, derive all values from Sub-Plan HESA.

  4. If TQGSUB is defined, derive all values from Plan HESA Data.

  5. If TQGSUB is defined, derive all values from Program HESA Data.

  6. Derive single TQGSUB field as NULL ERROR.

Note: The system can derive up to three values. Each of the values is included as a separate TQGSUB field in the XML file.