Student Records Business Processes

We discuss these business processes in the Student Records business process documentation:

  • Repeat Checking: Enables you to manage students' repeat coursework.

  • Course Catalog: Enables you to set up courses.

  • Enrollment Requisites: Enables you to set up requisite groups, equivalencies, and course lists.

  • Schedule of Classes: Enables you to schedule classes, search for facilities, and roll the schedule from term to term.

  • Instructor Workload: Enables you to update, track, and report workload hours for individuals.

  • Program Activation and Management: Enables you to activate students into academic programs and maintain their academic program, plan, and subplan data.

  • Batch Term Activation: Enables you to activate groups of students into terms.

  • Quick Activation: Enables you to activate students into academic programs, bypassing the Activate Applications matriculation process (ABPCPPRC) in PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions.

  • Student Career Term Record Management: Enables you to monitor and track student career term related records.

  • Enrollment Appointments: Enables you to create and manage enrollment appointments.

  • Class Enrollment Transactions: Enables you to enroll students into classes through various processes.

  • Enrollment Related Processes: Enables you to enroll perform withdrawals and cancellations, manage wait lists, view summary statistics, and more.

  • Enrollment Verification: Enables you to process enrollment verification reports for students, and if you have licensed PeopleSoft Learner Services, students can request the enrollment verification through self service.

  • Transfer Credit: Enables you to evaluate, process, and post course, test, and other transfer credit using defined rules or manual rules.

  • Attendance Tracking: Enables you to generate attendance rosters and track student attendance.

  • Student Data Tracking: Enables you to link milestones to student records, manage honors and awards, manage academic standing, track student groups, maintain service indicators, and maintain extracurricular activities.

  • Interoperability for Learning Management Systems: Give you the ability to provide a third-party learning management system (such as Blackboard CourseInfo) with personal profile data for learners and instructors, including enrollment data and maintenance, and limited course scheduling data maintenance.

  • Grading: Enables you to generate grade rosters, enter grades and reviews, the midterm deficiency report, and the grade lapse process.

  • Graduation: Gives you the ability to define degrees and honors, run the graduation reporting process, and graduate students.

  • Transcripts: Gives you the ability to set up transcript data, define a transcript request, and produce transcripts.

  • Academic Statistics Consolidation and Reporting: Enables you to prepare the system to consolidate academic statistics for students, to run processes that consolidate academic statistics, to make use of the consolidated statistics after processing them.

  • (CAN) Canadian Government Reporting: Enables users with an installation country of Canada to generate reports for federal and provincial agencies.