Tracking Extracurricular Activities

This section discusses how to record and track an individual's extracurricular activities.

Page Name

Definition Name



Extracurricular Activities


Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Extracurricular Activity > Extracurricular Activities

Record and track an individual's extracurricular activities. This page is shared with PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions and Campus Community.

Access the Extracurricular Activities page (Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Extracurricular Activity > Extracurricular Activities).

Field or Control



Select an extracurricular activity.

Start Date

The default for the start date is your system date.

End Date

Enter the date that the activity ended.

Academic Institution and Academic Career

The system populates the academic institution and academic career of the student, unless the student has more than one academic career or institution on their record. In that case, you can select the appropriate academic institution and academic career.


Select the academic term in which the activity took place.

Activity Type

The system populates the activity type if it was defined on the Extracurricular Activity Table page. You can change this value.

Office Held

Select the office that the person held (if applicable). Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Captain, EIC, President, Treasurer, and Vice Pres (vice president).

Time Unit 1 and Time Unit 2

Enter the amount of time the student spent participating in this activity. Time units can represent hours per week, hours per month, and so on. Select the time unit qualifier in the field next to this one. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Additional Info (additional information)

Enter any comments or notes about the student's participation in this extracurricular activity.