Tracking Student Higher Education Information

Institutions of higher education must supply information about enrollments and academic progress to Base Register Education (Basis Register Onderwijs or BRON). Use the Academic Prog Higher Education page and the Administer Student Higher Education page to register student data that are related to a program and academic year and are required by governmental regulations. You enter the data during the admissions process and during the students' enrollment for a program. Some information is populated automatically during the admissions process and by the matriculation process. Some data—such as form of study and funding applies—are part of the data exchange for BRON.

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Prog Higher Education


Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Student Records Higher Edu NLD > Academic Prog Higher Education

Enter academic program for higher education information for a student.

Administer Student Higher Education


Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Student Higher Education NLD > Administer Student Higher Education

Enter higher education information for a student.

Higher Education Inquiry


Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Higher Education Inquiry NLD > Higher Education Inquiry

View higher education information for a student.

Access the Academic Prog Higher Education page (Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Student Records Higher Edu NLD > Academic Prog Higher Education).

Field or Control


Effective Sequence

Enter the sequence number for this effective-dated row.

Progr Action Higher Education (program action higher education)

The program action for higher education appears by default from the Application table during the matriculation process. A change to the program action higher education adds a new row with a new effective date or effective sequence.

Form of Study Higher Education

Enter the student's form of study. Options are Auditor, Coop/Dual, Extraneous, Participant, and Student.

Acad Level Higher Education (academic level higher education)

Enter the student's academic level.

Funding Applies

Select this check box if funding rules apply to this student. This is part of the data set for BRON.

Program Units Apply

Select this check box if program unit rules apply to this student. This is part of the data set for BRON.

Academic Year

Enter the academic year for which this information applies.

Form of Payment

Select the form of the payment, such as cash, check, or loan. This field becomes available when the Progr Action Higher Education field is PAYM.

Authorized for Payment

If students have authorized a third-party, such as a parent or guardian, to make their tuition payment for them, enter that person's name here.

Access the Administer Student Higher Education page (Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Student Higher Education NLD > Administer Student Higher Education),

Student Details

Field or Control


First Year Higher Education

Enter the year a student was enrolled for the first time for higher education in The Netherlands regardless of the institution.

First Year Financial Aid

Enter the first year the student began receiving financial aid.


Enter the regulation that applies to this student. Your options are T (Tempo Scholarship) or P (Performance Scholarship).

GBA Status (Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie status)

Enter the student's current GBA status.

GBA Year of Birth

Enter the student's year of birth according to GBA.

GBA Month of Birth

Enter the student's month of birth according to GBA.

Student BRINcode

Field or Control



Enter a BRINcode for the student.

First Year of BRINcode

Enter the first year that this BRINcode applied to the student.

First Year Funded

Enter the first year that the student received funding.

Progress Academic Year

Update this section every year to reflect the student's progress. Add a row for each academic career.

Field or Control


Academic Year

Enter the current academic year.

Individual Norm Units

Enter the units a student has earned for a certain program in a specified academic year.

Total Number of Units

Enter the student's total number of registered units for this academic year.

Study Progress

Select this check box if these units are currently in progress.

Add/Update Person

Click this link to access this student's personal data.

See Adding an Individual to Your Database

Access the Higher Education Inquiry page (Records and Enrollment > Higher Education NLD > Higher Education Inquiry NLD > Higher Education Inquiry).

Field or Control


Academic Year

Enter an academic year to populate data for that year.