Understanding ARTS File Naming Conventions

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions creates all acknowledgement and results files and names them in accordance with a specific file naming convention, which is also used by all TACs.

The naming convention for ARTS files is XAAAAAAA.YYY, where each of the alphanumeric characters is defined as:




The Admissions Centre code:

  • Q: Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.

  • S: South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre.

  • T: Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (Western Australia).

  • U: Universities Admissions Centre (New South Wales).

  • V: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre.


A unique seven digit alphanumeric code identifying either the applicant or the transaction.


The file extension that identifies the type of the file:

  • REQ: Request file.

  • ACK: Request Acknowledgment file.

  • RLT: Result file.

  • ACS: Result Acknowledgment file.

  • CPD: Request file after processing.

Note: The file name must be in upper case and contain no special (nonalphanumeric) characters.

File Naming Examples

For example, a request file generated by South Australia TAC for applicant 12BC567 would be named S12BC567.REQ.

The request acknowledgment file generated by Campus Solutions corresponding to the request file would be named S12BC567.ACK.

The result file generated by Campus Solutions corresponding to the request file would be named S12BC567.RLT.

The acknowledgment file generated by South Australia TAC for applicant 12BC567 corresponding to the request file would be named S12BC567.ACS.