Understanding Compare Processing for Data Futures

To compare the extract records with the corresponding extract records after the initial extract of data for all entities and fields, compare processing is performed.

The entity extract records are keyed on Institution, Return Type, Effective Date, Effective Sequence and then the unique keys for the particular entity record, for example, Module ID for Module. The related extract fields records also include Field (SSR_HE_FIELD) in the key. The comparison is done against the most recent effective-dated/sequenced record for the Institution and Return Type (i.e. DFSTDNT) in extract for the keys values for each entity.

For some parent entities, there is logic to set the Entity Status to Identify in cases where there is no change to the entity itself or its fields, but the entity needs to be included in the XML because a child entity has been added or amended. The logic for each entity is described in the following sections.

In cases where there are more than 2 entity levels, the check on Entity Status for child entities also includes a check on whether the value is Identify for updates to grandchild (level 3) or great-grandchild (level 4) entities. For example, for Student, if there are no changes to the Student entity or its fields, the entity status will be set to Identify if any child entity has entity status of Identify as well as New or Amended. This handles cases where an unchanged child entity (for example, Engagement) has an entity status of Identify because a child of that entity (for example, Student Course Session) has an entity status of New or Amended. Similarly, if Student Course Session has an entity status of Identify because there is a change to a child entity (like Module Instance), then each of the parent entities need to be set to Identify to include the entity in the XML.

For some entities, if a previously reported record exists in extract that isn't included in the extract, depending on the entity structure either one of these scenarios occur:

  • A new extract record is created with an entity status of Amended and a Valid To date populated for inclusion in the XML file (Course Initiative, for example)

  • An extract record is created with an entity status of Delete (Course Role, for example) to allow the entity status of the corresponding extract record to be updated to Delete when the Extract Sync process is run

Note that extract records with Entity Status of Delete aren't included in the XML file.

The logic works through the different groups of related entities from the lowest level in the schema (level 4) upwards. The processing order takes into account the parent/child entity structure.

Child Entities: Course Initiative, Course Reference, Course Role,Curriculum Accreditation


For each Course field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Course ID, and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different from the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record


For each Course entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error in the extract, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, and Course ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status = N (New) or A (Amended), set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Initiative ID. Although Valid From is part of the key, this is not used in the comparison. The check is to determine whether or not the Initiative ID has already been reported. In cases where entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Amended and Valid To populated.


For each Course Initiative field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Course ID, Initiative ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different from Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Course Initiative entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the combination of Course ID, and Initiative ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • Set Entity Status and Field Status to Unchanged, that is, the Initiative ID already exists in extract.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Initiative ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record and Valid To is blank, create a new entity in the extract using the Initiative ID with Entity Status of Amended.

    New field extract records are created for COURSEINITID and COURSEVALIDFROM using the values from extract with Field Status of Unchanged. A field extract record is created for COURSEVALIDTO with Derived Value set to the reporting period start date in YYYY-MM-DD format and Field Status of New. If the derived COURSEVALIDTO date is before the COURSEVALIDFROM date, the value is set to the same value as COURSEVALIDFROM. The derivation step is set to 99 for each field.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the combination of Course Reference ID Type and Course Reference ID. The only fields in the entity are the key fields. Multiple records can be returned for the same Course Reference ID Type with different Course Reference ID values. This means different UCAS course codes for the same course.

The extract records include Course Reference ID Type (SSR_HE_CREFID_TYPE) and Line Number (SSR_HE_LN_NBR) in the key.


For each Course Reference entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Course ID and Course Reference ID Type and Course Reference ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status and Field Status for each field to New.

  • Set Entity Status and Field Status for each field to Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

The combination of Role Type and HESA Identifier is the unique identifier. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Course Role field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Course ID, Role Type, HESA Identifier and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different from the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

    Proportion may be set to Amended if the role has previously been reported but the proportion has changed.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record


For each Course Delivery Role entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Course ID, Role Type and HESA Identifier doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the combination of Role Type and HESA Identifier for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Role Type and HESA Identifier with Entity Status of Delete.

    New field extract records ROLETYPECDR and COURSEROLEHESAID are created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Accreditation ID. Although Valid From is part of the key, this is not used in the comparison.

In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Amended and Valid To populated.


For each Curriculum Accreditation field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Course ID, Accreditation ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different from the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Curriculum Accreditation entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Course ID, and Accreditation ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Initiative ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record and Valid To is blank, create a new entity using the Accreditation ID with entity status of Amended.

    New field extract records are created for CURACCID and CURACCVALIDFROM using the values from extract with Field Status of Unchanged. A field extract record is created for CURACCVALIDTO with Derived Value set to the reporting period start date in YYYY-MM-DD format and Field Status of New. If the derived CURACCVALIDTO date is before the CURACCVALIDFROM date, the value is set to the same value as CURACCVALIDFROM.

Child Entities: Module Cost Centre, Module Delivery Role, Module Subject

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Module ID that is derived as either Course ID + Course Offering Number for courses, or Academic Plan + Year for dummy modules.


For each Module field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Module entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution and Module ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Cost Centre code. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Module Cost Centre field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID, Cost Centre and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

    Proportion may be set to Amended if the cost extract has previously been reported but the proportion has changed.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, set Field Status to Amended.


For each Module Cost Centre entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID and Cost Centre doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Cost Centre for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Cost Centre with Entity Status of Delete.

    A new field extract record for the COSTCN is created with Field Status of Delete and Derivation Step of 99.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by HESA identifier. In cases where entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Module Delivery Role field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID, HESA ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record


For each Module Delivery Role entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID and HESA ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Role ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Role ID with Entity Status of Delete.

    A new field extract record for MDRHESAID is created with Field Status of Delete and Derivation Step of 99.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the HECOS subject code. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Module Subject field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID, Subject and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different from the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended. Proportion may be set to Amended if the subject has previously been reported but the proportion has changed.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Module Subject entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Module ID and Subject doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the subject for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Subject with Entity Status of Delete. Create a new field extract record for MODSBJ with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: Awarding Body Role, Qualification Subject

Each entity is uniquely identified by Qualification ID that is derived from the HESA Qualification record.


For each Qualification field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Qualification ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Qualification entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution and Qualification ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the single Awarding Body ID field. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Awarding Body Role field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Qualification ID, Awarding Body ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Awarding Body Role entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Qualification ID and Awarding Body ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Awarding Body ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Awarding Body ID with Entity Status of Delete. Create a new field extract record for AWARDINGBODYID with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the HECOS subject code. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Qualification Subject field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Qualification ID, Subject and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended. Proportion may be set to Amended if the subject has previously been reported but the proportion has changed.

  • If the field is QUALITT and the Reported Value in the extract is not null and any of the other fields for the entity (i.e. QUALPROPORTION) have been set to a Field Status of Amended, set Field Status to Amended. This condition is included to ensure values for QUALITT are always included in the XML when the Proportion has changed.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Qualification Subject entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Qualification ID and Subject doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the subject for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using Subject with Entity Status of Delete. Create a new field extract record QUALSUBJECT with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entity: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Session Year ID.


For each Session Year field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Session Year ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Session Year entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution and Session Year ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status to Unchanged.

Child Entity: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Venue ID.


For each Venue field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, Venue ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Venue entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution and Venue ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status to Unchanged.

Child Entities: Funding and Monitoring,Funding Body,Module Instance,Off Venue Activity,Reference Period Student Load,Session Status,Student Financial Support,Study Location,Supervisor Allocation

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Student Course Session Identifier.


For each Student Course Session field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, and FIELD doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Student Course Session entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION, SID, NUMHUS, and SC Session ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None


For each Funding and Monitoring field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Funding and Monitoring entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, and SC Session ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the single Funding Body field. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Funding Body field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Funding Body and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Funding Body entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Funding Body doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Funding Body for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record for the Student Course Session, create a new entity using the Funding Body with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for FUNDINGBODY is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Module Instance Identifier for the Student Course Session that is derived as Student Course Session ID + Module ID.


For each Module Instance field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Module Instance ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Module Instance entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Module Instance ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Off Venue Activity ID that is derived as Student Course Session ID + Sequence Number defaulting to 1 for the first entity and incremented for subsequent entities.


For each Off Venue Activity field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS,SC Session ID, Activity ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Off Venue Activity entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Activity ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by a combination of Year and Reference Period for the Student Course Session.


For each Full Time Equivalence field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Year, Reference Period and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Full Time Equivalence entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Year and Reference Period doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the combination of SC Session ID and Status Valid From date. If the derived value for STATUSVALIDFROM is after the SCSSTARTDATE (that is, the second or subsequent entity), the Entity Status and Field Status for each non-null field is set to New. Otherwise, the following processing is done:

If there are no existing Session Status entities in extract for the Student Course Session (matched on INSTITUTION, SID, NUMHUS, and SC Session ID), then:

  • If the Derived Value for STATUSCHANGEDTO is 01 (Active), the Entity Status and Field Status for each non-null field is set to Unchanged.

    An entity does not need to be reported for Active students that have not previously been reported as dormant/writing up.

  • If the Derived Value for STATUSCHANGEDTO is any other value, the Entity Status and Field Status for each non-null field is set to New.

  • If the Derived Value for STATUSVALIDFROM is the same or later than the SCSSTARTDATE, the derived values are not changed.

If there is at least one existing Session Status entity in extract for the Student Course Session, then:

  • If the Derived Value for STATUSCHANGEDTO is the same as the reported value in extract for the existing entity with the latest STATUSVALIDFROM date (i.e. the most recently reported previous entity), the Entity Status and Field Status for each non-null field is set to Unchanged.

  • If the Derived Value for STATUSCHANGEDTO is different to the reported value in extract for the existing entity with the latest STATUSVALIDFROM date (i.e. the most recently reported previous entity), then:

    • If the Derived Value for STATUSVALIDFROM in the extract is later than the latest reported STATUSVALIDFROM date in extract, in the extract the Entity Status and Field Status for each non-null field is set to New.

      No changes are made to the derived STATUSVALIDFROM date.

    • If the Derived Value for STATUSVALIDFROM in the extract is on or before the most recently reported STATUSVALIDFROM date in extract, the new entity is updated as an amendment to the previously reported entity. The Entity Status and the Field Status for STATUSCHANGEDTO are set to Amended. The Derived Value and Reported Value for STATUSVALIDFROM in the extract are updated to the latest Reported Value for STATUSVALIDFROM from extract along with the key SSR_HE_VALID_FROM. The derivation step is set to 99 and Field Status is set to Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Financial Support Type. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Student Financial Support field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, Financial Support Type and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Student Initiatives entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, and Financial Support Type doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the FINSUPID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the FINSUPID with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for FINSUPID is created with Field Status of Delete. SID, NUMHUS and NUMREG are not included for a delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Study Location Identifier that is derived using the SCSSESSIONID of the parent Student Course Session entity and a sequence number that defaults to 1 for the first extract record and is then incremented for subsequent records in the extract. As the ID includes a sequence number delete processing is not included.


For each Study Location field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Study Location ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Study Location entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Study Location ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the Supervisor Allocation Identifier that is derived as SCSESSIONID of the parent Student Course Session + Sequence Number defaulting to 1 for the first entity and incrementing for subsequent entities. As the ID includes a sequence number delete processing is not included.


For each Supervisor Allocation field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID, Supervisor Allocation ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Supervisor Allocation entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, SC Session ID and Supervisor Allocation ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: Collaborative Provision,Entry Qualification Award,Entry Profile,Leaver,Qualification Awarded,Student Accreditation Aim,Student Initiatives,Student Course Session

Each entity is uniquely identified by Student Identifier (SID) and Engagement Number (NUMHUS).


For each Engagement field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Engagement entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and NUMHUS doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified using the key values of the parent entity (SID, NUMHUS) since only one entity can be reported for each Engagement entity.


For each Collaborative Provision field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Collaborative Provision entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and NUMHUS doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no fields or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: Entry Qualification Subject

Each entity is uniquely identified by Entry Qualification Awarded Identifier that is derived as SID and a Sequence Number that defaults to 1 and is incremented for each new entity. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Entry Qualification Award field extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, Entry Qualification ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Entry Qualification Award entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and Entry Qualification ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None

The entity only has a single Subject Identifier. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Entry Qualification Subject field extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, Entry Qualification ID, Subject ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

    Note: As there is currently only one key field for the entity this step will not be followed

  • Set the Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Entry Qualification Subject entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, Entry Qualification ID and Subject ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Subject for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Subject with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for the SUBJECTID is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified using the key values of the Engagement (SID, NUMHUS) since only one entity can be reported for each Engagement entity.


For each Entry Profile field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Entry Profile entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and NUMHUS doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified using the key values of the Engagement entity (SID, NUMHUS) since only one entity can be reported for each Engagement entity.


For each Leaver field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record


For each Leaver entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, and NUMHUS doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set the Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

Child Entities: Qualification Award Accreditation

Each entity is uniquely identified by Qualification Awarded Identifier that is derived as the same value as QUALID (unique identifier for qualification).


For each Qualification Awarded field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, Qualification Award ID, Accreditation ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Qualification Awarded entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, and Qualification Award ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Child Entities: None

The entity only has a single Accreditation Identifier. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Qualification Award Accreditation field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, Qualification Award ID, Accreditation ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Qualification Award Accreditation entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, Qualification Award ID and Accreditation ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set the Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status to Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Accreditation ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Accreditation ID with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for QUALAWARDACCID is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the single Accreditation Identifier. Up to 3 entities can be returned for each Student Course Session. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Student Accreditation Aim field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, Accreditation ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Student Accreditation Aim entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, NUMHUS, and Accreditation ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Accreditation ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Accreditation ID with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for STUACCID is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by the single Student Initiative. In cases where multiple entities were previously reported and one or more no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Student Initiatives field extract record for the return with a Derived Value, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION, SID, NUMHUS, Initiative ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Student Initiatives entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION, SID, NUMHUS, and Initiative ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, either there are no child fields extract or all the fields have Field Status of Unchanged.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Initiative ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Initiative ID with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for STUINITID is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: Engagement,Disability,Language Proficiency

Each entity is uniquely identified by Student Identifier (SID).


For each Student field extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION, SID and FIELD doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Student entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the combination of INSTITUTION and SID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • If there are one or more child Entity extract records with Entity Status of New, Amended, Identify, or Delete, set Entity Status to Identify.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

Each entity is uniquely identified by the single Disability field. In cases where entities were previously reported and no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Disability field extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, Disability, and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Disability entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and Disability doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Disability does not appear in the extract, create a new entity using the Disability value with Entity Status of Delete. A new field extract record for DISABILITY is created with Field Status of Delete.

Child Entities: None

Each entity is uniquely identified by Language Identifier that is derived as the language code from Person HESA Data. In cases where entities were previously reported and no longer apply, extract entities are created with Entity Status of Delete.


For each Language Proficiency field extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If the Derived Value of the field is NULL ERROR, set Field Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID, Language ID and Field doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Field Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Field Status to New.

  • If the Reported Value in the extract is different to the Reported Value in the most recent submitted data record, set Field Status to Amended.

  • Set Field Status to Unchanged, that is, Reported Value in the extract is the same as in the most recent submitted data record.


For each Language Proficiency entity extract record for the return, the record is compared with the corresponding submitted data (MST) record:

  • If at least one field has Field Status of Error, set Entity Status to Error.

  • If the combination of Institution, SID and Language ID doesn't exist in the submitted data record, set Entity Status to New.

  • If the combination exists in the extract record and the Entity Status in the most recent submitted data record is Delete, set Entity Status to New.

  • If there are one or more child Field extract records with Field Status of New or Amended, set Entity Status to Amended.

  • Set Entity Status to Unchanged, that is, there are no child entities or fields with status New or Amended that need to be reported.

  • For any existing entities in extract where the Language ID for the entity doesn't appear in the submitted data record, create a new entity using the Language ID with Entity Status of Delete. New field extract records for LANGPROFICIENCYID and PROFICIENCYTYPE is created with Field Status of Delete.