Understanding Enrollment and Validation Appointments

Enrollment appointments enable you to manage and prioritize class enrollment processing for your students. Student Records offers you the flexibility to assign enrollment appointments in mass through a process that you can run multiple times within the same term or to assign enrollment appointments on a student-by-student basis.

Validation appointments function similarly to enrollment appointments. If your institution has licensed Campus Self Service, your students can use the self-service enrollment and academic planning functionality to store the classes in which they plan to enroll in a staging area, before they are allowed to enroll. They can then validate their selection against a subset of Enrollment Engine edits. So in essence, students can plan their schedules before they can enroll by choosing several combinations of classes and checking to see if the enrollments will be successful. When students validate their schedules, the system calls the Enrollment Engine. Therefore, it might be necessary to assign students appointments during which they can validate their schedules to prevent a prohibitively large number of students from accessing the system at the same time. The process for assigning validation appointments is the same as for assigning enrollment appointments.

To create enrollment or validation appointments:

  1. If you want to assign validation appointments, you must select the Allow Validation check box and at least one edit option on the Enrollment page when you set up Student Records Self Service (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Self Service, Student Records, Enrollment).

  2. (Optional) Define on the Appointment Limits Table page all of the possible appointment limit IDs and their corresponding part-time and full-time maximum unit limits for each session of a term at your academic institution.

    When using appointment limits you must also indicate the Appointment Control Unit Limit on the Academic Career Table.

    See Defining Academic Careers

  3. Define student appointment blocks on the Student Appointment Blocks page.

  4. Define appointment blocks for enrollment appointments on the Enrollment Appointment page in the Appointment Table component.

    An appointment block is a block of appointment numbers.

  5. Define appointment blocks for validation appointments on the Validation Appointment page in the Appointment Table component.

  6. Assign validation or enrollment appointments to students in batch by merging an appointment block, a student appointment block, and appointment limits on the Assign Appointments page, or assign a single student an enrollment or validation appointment on the Student Enrollment Appointment page.

  7. Review and update the enrollment or validation appointments for individuals as necessary through the Student Enrollment Appointment page.

You can run the Assign Students Appointment process as many times as needed within the same term and session, either adding new appointments or deleting existing appointments. Each time you run the process, it produces a hardcopy report for you. When the Create Communications check box is selected, the process also populates the communication table, providing you with the option to generate enrollment appointment notification mailers for your students.

Note: Each time you run the process with the check box selected, the system puts a new entry in the communication table. Only use this option when you are sure your appointments are final.